Why Have a Gospel Meeting?

Our Gospel Meeting with Ron Griffin of Paducah, KY begins in just two weeks. Announcements have been placed in the bulletin news and notes sections over the last month concerning out meeting. It should not have snuck up on you.

Knowing that it is just around the corner it is time we remind ourselves why we are having this meeting. It is NOT because we have always had meetings. Neither is it merely an opportunity to hear someone preach other than the local preacher.

Let this bulletin serve as a guide as to why we have meetings. Perhaps one of the reasons listed below can help you better prepare for it.

To Hear the Word Preached

The main reason most of us will attend the meeting that begins June 3rd will be because we have an opportunity to hear the word of God preached.

Paul once wrote to Timothy, “Give attendance to reading (I Tim. 4:13).” Giving attendance is not merely showing up to wherever the word of God is preached. To give attendance does NOT mean bring your body, but rather bring your mind. Strong’s Dictionary defines it is “to take heed to.” Therefore, whenever the word of God is read (or preached) we ought to take heed, listen, be there so that we may learn what the will of the Lord is. We need to take care that we do not shut off our minds because we have heard a sermon like this before.

In New Testament times this daily meeting that we will do in our Gospel Meeting is how the NT Christians normally met. Look at Acts 2:42,46, “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers …And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart.”

That is not to say that we are doing wrong by not meeting everyday, but, it should be pointed out that they were hungry enough for the word of God that when it was being offered, they made an effort to be there to hear it. Let us be here for the Gospel Meeting so that we too can hear the words by which we must be saved (Acts 11:14).

To Answer the Lord’s Invitation

Of course, as we do each time we gather together, the Lord’s invitation is offered. I think that this purpose has often lost its importance in the last twenty years, BUT it nonetheless is still a reason we hold Gospel Meetings.

I know we all would love to see three or four people come forward each night of a meeting. However, the success of a gospel meeting should not be judged by such numbers.

If one person came forward, it would be a success. We should not look at Acts 2 as the only example of someone obeying the gospel. The story of Paul’s conversion should teach us much. Ananias saved one person that day. Nothing is ever said of those whom Paul traveled with to Damascus. Did Ananias get upset because only one obeyed? Furthermore, Paul’s one conversion resulted in the baptism of thousands.

I think it is easy to get discouraged because we do not even see one person come forward. What we do need to remember though is that not every time a person obeys the gospel will it be visible. Perhaps someone with a secret sin is encouraged to repent in the privacy of their own home. Would that make the Gospel Meeting any less of a success?

To Spread the Gospel

I know it is easy to look at the world that is around us today and see how immoral it is today compared to twenty, thirty and even fifty years ago. Turn on the television and one can see that homosexuality, promiscuity, and violence sells. In a world that prefers those forms of entertainment it is not surprising to see spiritual mindedness become more and more rare among the those of the world. But, it is for this reason they need us to take the Gospel to them. It is those who do not care about spiritual things that need God’s saving grace the most.

We need to encourage our friends, families, neighbors and co-workers to attend the meeting. Although we cannot hog tie them and make them come, we can invite them to come. Too many churches today do not have a evangelistic focus and let golden opportunities pass them by. Inviting someone to a meeting is easy. Honestly, what is the worse that could happen? They say no. This is easier to contend with than standing before God on the last day and explaining to him why you never mentioned Christ to anyone. If you want visitors to come, you have to invite them.

To Honor God

Finally, any time we gather together to worship, we need to remember that our primary focus is to honor God. “I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glorified (Lev. 10:3).” In order to glorify and sanctify God we need to make him the focal point of each worship service.

We are not to entertain men. Our Gospel Meeting is not meant to be a “great show.” It is meant to glorify God. Although we all would love to see every pew filled, we must understand that filling pews is not nearly as important as honoring God!

We are not to honor men. It does not matter how great a speaker Brother Ron Griffin is. He is not the reason we gather together. Any lesson he gives is to glorify God. When the churches in Judea heard that Paul was preaching the word, they glorified God in Paul (Gal. 1:23-24). They did not glorify Paul in his change. They did not glorify Paul because he preached a fine sermon. The result of every sermon preached should be that we glorify God!