OpenCollegeNetwork Level 3
ForestSchool Leader Qualification
Portfolio of Evidence
Name ………………………………
Home address ……………………………………………………………………………
Phone numbers ………………………….
Work address …………………………………………………………..
Work Phone number …………………………………………………..
Preferred e mail address …………………………………………….
Date course started…………………………
Days 1 – 5 of the course were based
Date portfolio sent to tutor ……………………..
I …………………………………………. declare that all the work contained in this portfolio is original and is all my own work.
Signed ……………………………….. Date………………….
I have worked with …………………….(Name) on the following parts of the portfolio:- Unit ………….. Assessment Criteria…….
We met for discussion on the following dates ………………………. but have each produced our own work.
Signed…………………………………….. Date……………..
Signed…………………………………….. Date……………..
Signed…………………………………….. Date……………..
(Please insert a copy of your 1st Aid Certificate, evidence of your CRB check and a witness statement/signed letter on headed paper from your head teacher or line manager that you have obtained permission to use photographs and/or personal information about the learners. Please remember not to identify by name any of the learners.)
Student Name:Unit Title: Learning and Development at ForestSchool
National Code: GA1/3/MR/019Credit CQFW: 6 Level: 3
KeyLearning Outcomes in Bold
AC = Assessment Criteria / Page Reference /
Assessment Method/Activity Key
OB = Observation PJ = ProjectW = Written/Ques S = Simulation
PD = Product/Prac APL = Prior exp
SA = Self Ass: SUR = Surveys
Pres = Presentation TC = Time Con
1. Understand relevant theories of learning and development and their application to ForestSchool.
LD 1.1 Summarise two recognised learning theories and explain their relevance to ForestSchool
LD 1.2 Apply one theory to the delivery of own
ForestSchool programme.
2 Understand how ForestSchool can support holistic development and learning.
LD 2.1 Outline the concept of holistic development and how it can be promoted through a ForestSchool programme.
LD 2.2 Explain ways in which ForestSchool programmes impact on self-esteem and emotional intelligence.
LD 2.3 Explain how ForestSchool promotes appropriate risk-taking and how this impacts on holistic learning and development.
LD 2.4 Explain the relevance of Article 31 of the U.N. Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRN) in relation to play.
LD 2.5 Evaluate how play supports holistic learning and development, with reference to observations at ForestSchool.
3 Understand the impact of behaviour on learning and development at ForestSchool
LD 3.1 Summarise factors affecting the behaviour of learners and explain how these could impact on learning and development
LD 3.2 Evaluate interventions at ForestSchool aimed at encouraging appropriate behaviour and promoting learning and development.
4.Be able to reflect on own Forest School training.
LD 4.1 Explain the role of the ForestSchool leader in promoting emotional intelligence, increased self-esteem and learning at ForestSchool.
LD 4.2 Summarise own personal development and learning during ForestSchool training and state how this may inform own future practice.
Signed student ...... date......
Signed tutor ...... date ......
Tutors Comments:-
Student Name:
Unit Title: Establishment and delivery of a Forest School Programme
National Code: GA1/3/MR/017 Credit CQFW: 6 Level: 3
KeyLearning Outcomes in Bold
AC = Assessment Criteria / Page Reference /
Assessment Method/Activity Key
OB = Observation PJ = ProjectW = Written/Ques S = Simulation
PD = Product/Prac APL = Prior exp
SA = Self Ass: SUR = Surveys
Pres = Presentation TC = Time Con
1 Understand the development of ForestSchool locally and in the UK.
ED 1.1 1.1.Summarise the history of ForestSchool
- locally
- in the UK
ED 1.2 Evaluate relevant ForestSchool practice and research.
2 Be able to plan a programme of ForestSchool sessions.
ED 2.1 Prepare policies and procedures in line with statutory requirements and good practice specific to own client group and ForestSchool site.
ED 2.2 Assess the ecological impact of running ForestSchool at a chosen site.
ED 2.3 Develop a three year sustainable management plan for own ForestSchool area based on an ecological impact assessment.
ED2.4 Plan six ForestSchool sessions, showing links to own client group’s learning and development objectives and needs.
ED 2.5 Discuss the process of managing risk and how it applies to ForestSchool.
ED 2.6 Produce relevant risk assessments for own ForestSchool sessions.
ED 2.7 Develop a communication strategy to exchange information with:
- those assisting ForestSchool
- other interested parties.
3. Be able to deliver and evaluate a ForestSchool Programme.
ED 3.1 Lead six planned sessions demonstrating flexibility in response to individuals’ needs.
ED 3.2 Observe three individuals and evaluate the impact of ForestSchool on their behaviour and learning.
ED 3.3 Carry out a formative assessment after each ForestSchool session and make recommendations for future sessions.
ED 3.4 Carry out a summative evaluation at the end of the Forest School Programme.
Signed student ...... date......
Signed tutor ...... date ......
Tutors Comments:-
Student Name:
Unit Title: ForestSchool Practical Skills and Woodland Management
National Code: GA1/3/MR/018 Credit CQFW: 6 Level: 3
KeyLearning Outcomes in Bold
AC = Assessment Criteria / Evidence
Reference /
Assessment Method/Activity Key
OB = Observation PJ = Project W = Written/Ques S = Simulation PD = Product/Prac APL = Prior exp SA = Self Ass: SUR = Surveys Pres = Presentation TC = Time Con
1 Understand the management of woodlands as a learning resource.PSWM 1.1 Discuss the ecological structure of British woodland.
PSWM 1.2 Compare and contrast broadleaved and coniferous woodland ecosystems.
PSWM 1.3 Create a flora and fauna identification resource for own site.
PSWM 1.4 Explain the importance of flora and fauna identification.
PSWM 1.5. Summarise the historic use and management of woodlands in own locality.
PSWM 1.6 Explain two methods of sustainable
woodland management.
2 Be able to teach a range of woodland skills appropriate to ForestSchool.
PSWM 2.1 Select and use personal protective equipment (PPE) for working in a range of situations at ForestSchool.
PSWM 2.2 Teach the safe use of different hand tools and explain their use in ForestSchool activities.
PSWM 2.3 Teach the safe checking, cleaning, maintenance and storage of tools.
PSWM 2.4 Teach the tying and use of knots for ForestSchool activities.
PSWM 2.5 Make four items using natural woodland materials and explain how this can be taught to client group.
PSWM 2.6 Erect a temporary shelter, making use of woodland resources, and explain how this can be taught to client group.
3. Be able to teach campfire management appropriate to ForestSchool.
PSWM 3.1 Teach safe siting, lighting and management of a campfire and the surrounding area.
PSWM 3.2 Teach how to use the campfire to cook foods using different cooking methods.
PSWM 3.3 Teach the safe extinguishing of a campfire leaving minimal evidence.
Signed student
...... date......
Signed tutor ...... date ......
Tutors Comments:-
Learning Outcome 1
1. Understand relevant theories of learning and development and their application to ForestSchool.
LD 1.1 Summarise two recognised learning theories and explain their relevance to ForestSchool
Written or recorded description (400 words) Please list any references used.
LD 1.1 Apply one theory to the delivery of own Forest School programme.
Written or recorded discussion (200 words) explaining which theory you applied in your Forest School programme, how you applied it, what was the success and weakness of this theory when using it for Forest School.
Learning Outcome 2
Understand how ForestSchool can support holistic development and learning.
LD 2.1 Outline the concept of holistic development and how it can be promoted through a ForestSchool programme.
Evidence provided could take the form of an annotated diagram showing the links between ForestSchool and holistic development or a written explanation (250 words)
LD 2.2 Explain ways in which ForestSchool programmes impact on self-esteem and emotional intelligence.
Written or recorded discussion (400 words) (Be careful to focus your discussion on each of the areas mentioned above)
LD 2.3 Explain how ForestSchool promotes appropriate risk-taking and how this impacts on holistic learning and development.
Written or recorded discussion (250words) (Be careful to focus your discussion on each of the areas mentioned above)
LD 2.4 Explain the relevance of Article 31 of the U.N. Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRN) in relation to play.
This could take the form of an annotated diagram to illustrate the relevance of Article 31 in relation to play or written discussion (200 words). See your local play policy or strategy.
(Please list any references used)
LD 2.5 Evaluate how play supports holistic learning and development, with reference to observations at ForestSchool.
Written or recorded discussion (250 words) This AC requires that you arrange at least one Forest School session so that you can take a ‘back seat’ and observe the play that is going on, from that observation you can then discuss how that experience benefited the participants.
Learning Outcome 3
Understand the impact of behaviour on learning and development at Forest School
LD 3.1 Summarise factors affecting the behaviour of learners and explain how these could impact on learning and development
Use a diagram or bulleted points with a brief written explanation (150 words)
LD 3.2 Evaluate interventions at ForestSchool aimed at encouraging appropriate behaviour and promoting learning and development.
Written or recorded discussion (250 words) the discussion needs to include more than one intervention.
Learning Outcome 4
Be able to reflect on own ForestSchool training.
LD 4.1 Explain the role of the ForestSchool leader in promoting emotional intelligence, increased self-esteem and learning at ForestSchool.
Written or recorded discussion (300 words) (Please list any references used)
LD 4.2 Summarise own personal development and learning during ForestSchool training and state how this may inform own future practice.
Written or recorded discussion (400 words) Could take the form of a diary used during the course and whilst running Forest School Sessions
Learning Outcome 1
Understand the development of ForestSchool locally and in the UK.
ED 1.1Summarise the history of ForestSchool
- locally
- in the UK
ED 1.2 Evaluate relevant ForestSchool practice and research.
(Please list any references used)
For both criteria 1.1 and 1.2 write an introductory section at the start of your Forest School program file which gives a brief overview of history and research and the benefits for your learners (400 words) (Please list any references used)
Learning Outcome 2
Be able to plan a programme of ForestSchool sessions
(If using photographs you must not include any information in the annotation that would enable someone to identify the individual)
ED 2.1 Prepare policies and procedures in line with statutory requirements and good practice specific to own client group and ForestSchool site.
Include information that is relevant and up to date about :- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, The Children Act, RIDDOR (Accident reporting), LEA guidelines, insurance, CRB checks etc.
Include information about:- Daily procedures to maintain the H&S of all whilst at ForestSchool, ratios, Procedures for unexpected events eg. Lost child, injury, loose dog, members of public, Personal Protective Equipment necessary for sessions, Emergency bag equipment, guidance for safe tool use and maintenance, guidance for safe use of fires, guidance for hygienic handling of foodstuffs, policies for toilets and disposal of litter whilst on site, how you will report accidents and near misses, examples of consent or medical forms, confidentiality.
E D 2.2
Assess the ecological impact of running ForestSchool at a chosen site.
Carry out an ecological impact assessment (adapt/fill in the grid below) on your site and include relevant information such as how the impact varies due to seasonality, frequency of use, wildlife, use of fires and other relevant considerations such as SSSI, NNR, TPO etc.
Identify the impacts / What is the nature of the impact?(What part of the woodland structure does it affect ?) / What are you already doing to minimise / avoid the impact? / What further action is necessary? / How will this information inform your management plan ?
(What is your long term planning, who will do it? by when?)
Types of ecological impact that are common at ForestSchool:-
People pressure / noise / disturbance / trampling
Fire – on ground or in a container
Removing deadwood – for burning or for making things
Cutting live wood
Using trees and shrubs for support
Bringing organic materials / live & dead on to site
Collection of live organic materials
Minibeast hunting
Bringing non-organic materials onto site
Un-authorised fire lighting
ED 1.3 Develop a three year sustainable management plan for own ForestSchool area based on an ecological impact assessment.
Produce a simple management plan for your site. Using the information from your EIA chart and other means of assessing the impact on the site eg. Fixed point photography before and after your programme delivery. Develop a rationale and an action plan to show how you plan to manage and improve the site during the next three years. Information included should show a description of the site and its ecology, an evaluation of it and management proposals. A table or chart would be a useful way of showing how you plan to implement those proposals and how they will be actioned, by whom and when – example below, be sure to show dates to cover the three year period. Don’t forget that the word ‘sustainable’ in the AC is key and you should be aiming to show how you are going to at least maintain the site as at the start or preferably, plan to improve the site in terms of its biodiversity.
Management Objectives / Proposals & action plan / Person responsible for action and date action will be completed / Monitoring / review / commentsED 1.4 Plan six Forest School sessions, showing links to own client group’s learning and development objectives and needs.
Make a pro-forma that will serve as a lesson plan, show the links to the learning and development objectives and serve as a means of evaluating the session and the individuals targeted. When evaluating the sessions ask questions like:- How well were the objectives met? Were there free play opportunities? Did the session give opportunities for social & emotional development, self confidence building and positive behaviour? Was the approach of all staff flexible within the framework of the sessions
Suggested format for lesson plans:-
Group / DateAge / Adult:child ratio
Session Aims & Links to curriculum
Session Objectives
Risk Assessment completed for all activities? / Insert your risk assessment or refer to which risk assessments cover your session
Site sweep completed? / Insert your site sweep here, or refer to site sweep form
Time / Session content / Method of delivery / Resources required
Evaluation of session
What worked well?What didn’t work so well?
Unexpected outcomes?
What will I change next time?
Observations with reference to session impact on self esteem, e.i. & behaviour
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
ED 2.5 Discuss the process of managing risk and how it applies to ForestSchool.
Written section in ForestSchool programme file (200 words) This is essentially your five steps to risk assessment plus the discussion
ED 2.6 Produce relevant risk assessments for own ForestSchool sessions.
Insert your site specific, generic and activity risk assessments here along with your daily check sheets and others as appropriate e.g. minibus travel. Examples were given during the course days.
ED 2.7 Develop a communication strategy to exchange information with:
- those assisting ForestSchool
- Other interested parties.
Communication strategy with notes showing how you implement it. Provide evidence of letters / newsletters / information sheets you have sent out to parents /carers, other staff with reference to Forest School ethos, procedures, roles and responsibilities etc. also include minutes from meetings you have organised to inform colleagues, helpers, assistants etc.]
Learning Outcome 3.
Be able to deliver and evaluate a ForestSchool Programme.
ED 3.1 Lead six planned sessions demonstrating flexibility in response to individuals’ needs.
Lead his/her planned sessions demonstrating flexibility and response to individuals’ needs. (minimum of 6 sessions)
Insert your session assessment by your tutor / assessor sheets along with other related documents here.
Session Assessment Guidance – (a copy of this was given to you on the course days)
The assessment observation is an important part of your ForestSchool training. It is an opportunity to gain advice and feedback from an experienced ForestSchool leader focussed on your ForestSchool learners and site.
You will be expected to demonstrate that you have implemented the health and safety measures appropriate for your group and that session. These have been covered during your training.
Even though the session is being assessed, your learners remain the focus for you. Do not feel you have to do anything special for the assessment. During the session, you may want to change what was in your original session plan because of some unexpected occurrence or because your learners are very engaged with something and you want to follow their interest. This will be seen as good practice. Assessment Criteria 3.1 in the Forest School Programme Unit states that you should ‘lead your planned sessions demonstrating flexibility and response to individuals’ needs’.
The assessor may join in with some activities or respond to learner’s questions. You should let the assessor know if this could be disruptive or if they need to be aware of any individual’s particular requirements. You should not include the assessor in your adult numbers to meet required ratios.
You will need to make yourself available for about 20 minutes after the session to discuss the session with the assessor and complete the paperwork.
On the rare occasion that the assessor judges that you have not reached the minimum standards agreed by the Open College Network Forest School Training Network, specific advice will be given on what you need to improve or put in place. A second visit will be arranged and you can request a different assessor if you wish.
The assessor will use the form you were shown / used for simulated assessments with your peers on the course days. They will be giving you feedback on both your teaching and facilitation of the session, the management of health and safety and ecological impact. Although they need to be sure minimum standards have been reached, they do not expect to see the perfect session – this is still very much part of your training.