Peter Van Wazer
21503 421st Ave
Peterson, MN 55962
507 875 2428 cel 507 951 6809
Innovative, creative, self starting, works well alone or in a group, very good writing and speaking skills.
Operating systems: Linux (many releases since 1992), AIX, AS/400 (iSeries),Windows, DOS
Languages / technologies: Java, Swing, JDBC, SQL, JNLP, XML,C, Unix shell scripts, Perl, sed, awk, regular expressions, SNMP, Sockets (Java & C), HTML, PHP and object PHP, Clipper, DB2/400, Postgres, MySQL, LAMP
Tools: Eclipse, Multi-Edit, FTP, CVS, Subversion, GIT, JUnit
What I do
I design and write Java Swing GUI's (user interfaces) for large or small applications for any or many languages (locale's) tested to run on all versions of Windows and Linux and AIX and Mac, running as Java applets or applications or plugins. I design and write Java JDBC / SQL data access to any database that has a JDBC
driver. Experience with extract, transform, report from large data sets on various databases. I design and write Java / SQL search engines. I design and write XML data structures and parsers. I write sockets communication in Java and c. I design and write small and medium sized web sites with PERL cgi's, Java applets and servlets.
I can design, write, build, test and deliver installable Java applications.
Contracted by Ciber Inc. Rochester, MN 1998 - 2007
Contracted to: Bytware Inc. Reno, NV Feb 2002 - Apr 2007
Write remote graphical user interfaces in Java Swing for all of Bytware's iSeries security applications. These GUI's can run at the same time and perform the same function as existing RPG user interfaces. Communicate with managed systems through JDBC, DB2/400 triggers, stored procedures and AS/400 Toolbox program calls. Including SQL searches through large numbers of records to create security event reports. These applications were also packaged as IBM iSeries Operations Navigator plugins.
Write all of both the graphical user interface in Java and the server side in C for Bytware / McAfee anti-virus for Linux and AIX. These Java interfaces run on Linux, AIX and Win and are internationalized in English, German, French and Japanese. Write the virus definition update process in cross platform shell scripts. Install OS, configure and manage both Red Hat Enterprise Linux and IBM AIX 5.3 on development
machines. Then create and manage build process for applications on Windows, Linux, AIX. Design and write packaging and licensing system for this application. Document application, including user manuals and help files. Teach one on one Linux command line and admin classes to each of the support people working at Bytware.
Contracted to: IBM Inc. Rochester, MN 1998 - 2002
Four years in Network Client Division writing Network Station Manager then Thin Client Manager, a Java application that remotely managed up to 10k IBM Network Stations using SNMP. I designed and wrote the task framework that allowed many programmers to write individual management tasks for Network Stations. The task framework made each task generic from the application view and isolated runtime errors in any task.
Designed and wrote XML data structure to manage information for up to 10k machines. Was the only programmer writing the Command Line Interface (CLI) for Network Station Manager. Invented the scripting language for CLI that allowed reusable scripts to control and schedule 10k network stations. Write Linux shell scripts to run on network stations when called by SNMP to complete management tasks. Participated in creating the Linux OS version used by IBM Network Stations including the SNMP agent. Taught a weekly Java class to 125 IBM employees.
Employed by: IBM Inc. Rochester, MN March 1996 - March 1998
Two years in AS/400 Partners in Development. Helping IBM business partners migrate data from any dbms to AS/400 and then access that data from any PC database application, including Clipper, Foxpro, Delphi, Visual Basic. Originated and wrote the IBM AS/400 Client / Server web site. Wrote Java demo programs for AS/400 data access from PC's that were used in IBM AS/400 education for several years.
Owned: South Fork Software Peterson, MN 1989 - March 1996
South Fork Software is my company and I am the only employee. During this time I wrote farm management software in the Clipper language and sold it through grain elevators to farmers in MN and IA.
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis - MN – US, major - Mechanical Engineering - BSME
Graduated from Edina High school, Edina MN