The SABIS International Charter School

160 Joan Street

Springfield, MA 01129

Board of Trustees

Minutes of SABIS Board of Trustees Meeting – January 28, 2015

In Attendance: Linda Condino, Nick Massa, Ellen McDonald, Giselle Rose-Burroughs, Maria Malmborg, Chris Jasinski, Anne Kandilis (via Skype), Joe Miller

Guests: Karen Reuter, Steve Bissonnette, Kim Hollenbeck, Gina Martin-Ryan,

JoAnn LaFlamme

Not Present: Tracye Whitfield, Joyce Barbieri

I. Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. Yearbook staff: Board members not present should submit a photo by February 25th.

II. Approval of Minutes

Giselle Rose-Burroughs moved to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of November 19, 2014; the Governance committee meetings of December 15, 2014 and January 12, 2015; the Education committee meetings of December 3, 2014 and January 7, 2015; the Governance/Facilities meeting of January 12, 2015; and the Finance committee meeting of January 14, 2015. Seconded by Chris Jasinski and approved by voice vote, all YES: Linda Condino, Nick Massa, Ellen McDonald, Giselle Rose-Burroughs, Maria Malmborg, Chris Jasinski, Anne Kandilis, Joe Miller.

III. Student Life

Gina Martin-Ryan reported.

· The number of students participating in Student Life continues to increase, and students are working together as a group.

· Discipline prefects are in place to ensure students are where they are supposed to be.

· Training and ‘mini camp’ to be offered during February vacation.

· Supported Gray House and received a thank-you letter. Held a drive for Toys for Tots and currently holding one for Friends of the Homeless. Will be doing “Walk for Wishes”.

· Volleyball marathon to be held March 27-28th (overnight event)

· Ambassadors to encourage PARCC participation and t-shirt design contest, door decorating, and setting up mentorship with lower school students. Initiative to encourage individual students to increase their performance by six points.

IV. Community Relations

Giselle Rose-Burroughs reported.

· In 2015 the committee will continue to review strategic plan and community relations.

· Will hold a meeting in February.

· Committee and Friends of SABIS are working together for the gala and alumni events.

· Working to create relationships that will create future scholarship opportunities.

Jo-Ann LaFlamme reported on Friends of SABIS activity:

· The Valley Gives campaign raised $982.08

· At next Community Relations committee meeting, will review gala dates. Karen Reuter will reach out to Michael Epaul (new FOS member) about assisting and perhaps Rick Boothe, an event planner.

V. Director’s Report

Karen Reuter reported.

· Reviewed the Site Visit Report summary. The school meets standards for faithfulness to Charter, organizational viability, and academic program success.

o Faithfulness to Charter: Our attrition rate is 3% (State’s is 8%); our Hispanic and poverty numbers do not match the Springfield population.

o Academic program success: DESE is not so concerned with Level II but is concerned about individual students/closing the gap. Our graduation rate exceeds the State. On “support of diverse learners”, the concern is that SPED is not making gains.

o Organizational viability: meets requirements. Our charter was renewed with two conditions:

(1) By June 1, 2015 contract with an external consultant to review weaknesses as presented or determined by SICS and ask for evaluation. Once completed, the report is submitted to DESE and that condition is met (SPED and ELL are identified);

(2) Accountability Plan and MCAS: “demonstrate consistent and sustained improvement”. The challenge is we are moving from MCAS to PARCC and State has not made it clear how the data will be analyzed to assess our improvements. Also, DESE has not clarified what “consistent and sustained improvements” means and how it is to be measured. Suggest MCPSA can help with the process.

· Shifted from a tri-semester system to a two-semester system.

· Staffing changes reviewed. Kim Hollenbeck is the new Assistant Director. Shirley Vasquez is a new AQC.

· More than 50% of Seniors have received college acceptance letters.

· Participating in the February 7, 2015 Charter School Showcase, where the jazz band will be playing. AQCs will attend, and Parent Connection. Karen Reuter will present organizational chart.

· Model Congress team won best delegation award ($120K in AIC Scholarhips)

· Model UN team has event in March and SICS will attend.

VI. Finance

· Budget overview presented by Steve Bissonnette.

· Frank Canning of MassDevelopment will present information about re-funding the current bond.

· Substantial repair work was done on the HVAC system for a $35K YTD expenditure, about $10K outside of budget. Linda Condino moved to approve the supplemental budget of $10K for HVAC repairs. Seconded by Giselle Rose-Burroughs, and approved by voice vote, all YES: Linda Condino, Nick Massa, Ellen McDonald, Giselle Rose-Burroughs, Maria Malmborg, Chris Jasinski, Anne Kandilis, Joe Miller.

· Anderson Services is providing snow removal services on a storm by storm basis. Joe Miller moved to approve a short term contract for Anderson Services through April 15. Seconded by Linda Condino, and approved by voice vote, all YES: Linda Condino, Nick Massa, Ellen McDonald, Giselle Rose-Burroughs, Maria Malmborg, Chris Jasinski, Anne Kandilis, Joe Miller.

VII. Long Range Committee

The Committee members: Linda Condino (Chair), Chris Jasinski, Anne Kandilis, Ellen McDonald. The committee collected summaries of progress to date from each subcommittee.

VIII. Governance Committee

· The committee advertised for new members in the Reminder and Point of View, no responses. Have one candidate to reivew. Committee reviewed two applicants but did not recommend. Ellen McDonald spoke to MassMutual and TDBank about potential trustees and they will forward names.

· Suggested to hold Retreat in the fall, September, at Emma’s Place.

IX. Education Committee

The committee met with SABIS about MCAS results and that there was a shift in composites. Next meeting will be held on February 9, 2015 about outside consultant.

X. Facilities Committee

Joe Miller reported.

· Solar recommendations reviewed/negotiations fell through. Will entertain going back to BL and our other consultants for another company.

· SICS will contract with BL to do RFP for the roof work.

XI. Chair’s Report

Ellen McDonald reported.

· Anthony Thomas has resigned his Board position. Currently have 10 Board members.

· Everyone should declare a subcommittee.

· George Saad would like to take Board to dinner (Wednesday, February 11).

· Dropbox files were deleted by a user. Joan is trying to restore/files are now read-only.

Anne Kandilis moved to go into Executive Session for the purpose of OML reasons #2 and #6 (discuss management agreement) and to not return to regular session. Seconded by Ellen McDonald. The regular meeting moved into Executive Session and adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Giselle Rose-Burroughs, Secretary

SABIS Board of Trustees

List of handouts

Minutes of previous meetings