Open Round Chainmaille Weave
160 jump rings in a metal of you choice. The size can be 18gauge wire rings with an inner diameter of 4.3mmor if you want a chunkier piece you can use 16gauge wire rings with and inner diameter of 5.5mm. The aspect ratio for rings in this weave is 4.3.
Approximately 30 4mm round crystals (crystals with AB coating show up nicely because of their sparkle). Fire Polished crystals work nicely.
A clasp of your choice in a complimentary metal
Two pair of pliers, preferably flat-nose or chain nose without teeth
1. Close two rings. Open the remaining rings and lay them out on a mat in front of you.
2. Take the two closed rings and put them on one open ring. Close that ring and attach a twist tie to it.
3. Add one ring to each of the two rings and one additional ring to join the two together. You now have three rings dangling free off of the first two rings.
4. Turn the piece upside down so that the three rings look like a clover. Connect each to its neighbor with one ring each. The pattern resembles a triangle.
5. Keeping the piece upside down, again, join each one of the rings to each other with three new rings.
6. Again you will turn the piece upside down and spread it open so that it looks like a flower. Tuck a crystal into the middle of this “flower”. Continue to hold the piece upside down so that the crystal remains tucked into the space. (You can space the crystals every other row or space them and inch or so apart. It’s up to you. Sometimes if they are too close together it will make the piece too stiff.)
(This crystal is oversized for photo only)
7. Attach the next three rings.
8. Attach another three rings and repeat from step 5 for the desired length of the piece. (With additional rings you could have a very nice necklace).
9. Attach two rings between two of the three rings.
10. Attach one ring which will join the last two rings.
11. Attach your clasp to the single ring at each end.
Genevieve Smith (Genny)
772-539-7160 (Call me with any questions.)