In Community Health Services (BFI in CHS)
Thursday, February 12, 2015 - 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Date: October 9, 2014
Time: 10:00am – 12:00p.m.
Chair: Grace Machado (Peel)
Recorder: Evelyn te Nyenhuis (York)
Regrets: Lori Lawrence (TBDHU), Karen Neilsen (Chatham-Kent), Catherine Lowes (Niagara), Anne Smith (NorthBay Parry Sound)
Name / Health Unit/CentreJill Mather / Toronto
Jennifer McCuaig & Christin Adam / Renfrew County & District
Nancy McGeachy / Hastings & Prince Edward County
Jennifer Wyscaver (& Jen den Brinder-Ryerson midwifery student) / Elgin-St. Thomas
Tammy Thomson / HKPR
Kim Lichty / Two Rivers Family Health Team – Cambridge
Ann Ciniglio & Evelyn te Nyenhuis / York Region
Sue Gierszewski & Anna West / Halton
Marguerite Falconer & Johanna Calamusa / Huron County
Jennifer Beck / Hamilton
Cindy Johnston & Grace Machado / Peel
Tania O’Connor (and Manar El Malmi-U of O nursing student) / Ottawa
Janice Magill / Oxford
Nicole Steward / Sudbury
Dawn Hanes / Peterborough
Heather Lawson / North Bay Parry Sound
Debbie Godfrey / Durham Region
Sharmin Jaffer, Tammy Crawford, Christina Good, Angela Clancy & Stephanie Ferguson / Waterloo
Laura Dueck / Middlesex London
Marg LaSalle / BFI Ontario
Margarita Weaver / Lambton
Item # / Discussion / Action
1.0 Welcome
- Welcome to new members!
- Grace states that having one (official) member per organization to act as contact person is helpful
- Participants are encouraged to email Evelyn if they are attending, including students/guests
2.0 Review of Minutesfrom October 9, 2014
- 2.0 Discussion to change WBW to August—at last meeting, participants were encouraged to send feedback to Anne Smith. (Anne not on call today). This conversation was started by Halton, who had sent letter to INFACT Canada, but no consensus has been reached. Suggestion that name be changed, as the October event is Canadian, World Breastfeeding Week is in August.
- 2.0Immunization App. BFI Ontario did meet with,—were receptive to suggestions and changes have been. Change to the video is longer process-but will incorporate feedback. Reminder that CHEO and IWK have good videos. Evelyn states that there is a partial image of a soother in the IWK video—asks if this is a concern? Sue (Halton)—suggests that we utilize CHEO video until video has been revised.
- 2.0York/Toronto/Peel solids video.Jill (TPH) reports that the video is in process of packaging hard copy-final stages. Some concerns about language “around 6 months”. Has been approved by York Region, Peel and Toronto for use, will be posted on websites
- 3.1 HBHC guest: Bernadette Candeloro. Letter (written by Ms Candeloro and Marg LaSalle-for BFI Ontario) sent to MOHs just after last teleconference. Bernie receptive to feedback
- 3.3, Peel video: C-section and Breastfeeding, Grace states that handouts to be shared via website only
- 3.4 TPH evaluation of campaign. Jillstates that report has been prepared, is currently being revised and approved
- 3.5 Incident, Breastfeeding in Tim Horton’s Ann (York) had requested proposal prepared in response to incident Tim’s in Hastings
- 3.7 Car seat Vouchers/Partnership with Toys R Us .At last teleconference there was discussion started by Halton regarding the distribution of carseat vouchers from the Health Unit for car seats purchased at Toys R Us for HBHC clients. Evelyn and Ann were to ask Assessors at their Assessment-and were told this potential Code violation, due to the products they sell-messages get ‘mixed up’. Marg suggests:
- it’s preferable if families given a choice of retailers—if only one place, this is like an endorsement
Anna states this Toys R Us willing to give breastfeeding handouts—Marg cautions around this, as their products to not promote breastfeeding—brochure must direct clients to appropriate contacts (HU or 24 hr bf line).
- 3.8 Electronic Record Keeping, Cathy (Niagara) inquiring if this is being used for BF assessments…no one on call from Niagara
- 3.6 York Region resources, Ann states that text can be shared, but issues with photos—consents need to be obtained each time
- 4.0 Terms of Reference deferred
- Link to IWK video:
- Link to CHEO video:
- Grace to f/u with Cathy
- Discussed at June teleconference
2.1 Approval of Minutes from October 9, 2014
- Correction to minutes June 12th, Heather is from Perth, not North Bay
- Minutes approved by Heather Lawson
- Grace to make changes to June 12th minutes
3.0 New Business
3.1 Opportunity to Chair (Grace)
- Grace states that her term as Chair is past 4 years, encourages membership to consider taking on this role
- Grace happy to mentor someone to this position
- Report prepared annually at BFI Ontario AGM-can inform as to the responsibilities
- This includes participate in Executive
- Contact Grace if interested, or to get more information
3.2 On-line Prenatal Breastfeeding Courses? (Evelyn)
- Evelyn inquiring if anyone aware of good on-line prenatal breastfeeding class/course? Gift of Motherhood has a prenatal breastfeeding on-line course, in addition to prenatal series—but has heard this may not meet BFI or best practice
- Many health units are utilizing Gift of Motherhood for prenatal, in addition to in-person breastfeeding classes
- Debbie states that Durham received Best Start funding for development of on-line BF video (University of Ontario)—should be ready soon-End of February. This had been sent to Best Start membership, seeking reviews and suggestions. Debbie unsure if there is an evaluation process with clients.
- Ann (York) asking about awareness of LLL Best for Babies program. York Region LLL group got Best Start Funding to run in priority areas. To send more information as they find out
- Link to Durham/Best Start Prenatal Breastfeeding video:
- Ann to update at next teleconference
3.3 BFI expo (Jill)
- Jill inquiring when registration for BFI Expo will be open
- York Region: hopefully tomorrow
- Ann (York) states that there is room for more exhibitors
- Reminder to share with coalitions, hoping for increased attendance from hospitals/community partners in addition to public health. Grace recommends a reminder at the BFI Ontario Hospital group meeting on March 4th
- Email will be sent to BFI Ontario membership when registration open
3.4 Breastfeeding Videos, HBHC (Anna)
- Anna (Halton) asking if anyone aware of good breastfeeding videos that depict diverse families, including single parents? This is for HBHC clients
- Jennifer (Hamilton) recommends “Bringing baby to the Breast”—from Quebec, 3 different languages; may be concern that there are no dads in videos
- Ann (York) shares story about recent campaign, there was one photo of a mom alone with baby, complaint that this visual minority being depicted as a “single mom”
- Heather (North Bay) recommends “Biological Nurturing” (Suzanne Colson)—mostly just shows the mom
3.5 OPHA update (Heather Lawson)
- Currently recruiting new members,
- Networking group, focussing on policy and advocacy;(position papers, advocacy letter re: foodbanks/Nestle)
- Informed Decision Making position paper has been revised-to be released soon. This paper will be featured in webinar “informed decision making and guilt” – this summer
- Focus on few position paper and daycares, safe EBM handling
- Ann states York Region has policy for handling of EBM in childcare settings to send out
- Next meeting at BFI Expo (in-person, May 5, 4:30-5:30)….teleconferences are 4 times/year
- Membership includes: webinars, newsletters, voting privileges
- People looking for more information can contact Cathy Lowes (Niagara) or Heather Lawson (NorthBay ParrySound)
- York Region policy: handling EBM in childcare settings
3.6 BFI Ontario Website (Jennifer, Hamilton)
- Jennifer states unable to get to resources section
- Marg states that work is being done, there are a few glitches
3.6 Assessment process (Jennifer)
- Jennifer inquires about the Assessment process:
-Marg states that this is the intention, but may be difficult with availability—consistency is important, to have back-ground information
-Seeking clarification as to when can apply for Pre-Assessment, concerned about lack of communication regarding process.
- Marg states that the Assessor they have been working with will have ‘sense of readiness’ for next step. Marg recommends that there is no “rush” to next step—there are no ‘general timelines’—work with Assessor to determine ‘readiness’. Timelines vary facility to facility
3.8 formula resource (Sue)
- Sue (Halton) states that Best start developing formula resource, looking for families to focus-test, have others had families review? How approach in BFI manner (no suggestions from participants)
- Halton, Durham & Peel participating in the development
4.0 Next Meeting
- Reminder to check most recent agenda, as participant codes often change
Recorder:Cindy (Peel)
Back-up Recorder:Ann (York)