Name: ______Period: ______


  1. Open Excel (or spreadsheet software).
  2. Type the title “Skittles” in cell A1. Merge and center across A1:G1. **HINT: Look on the Home tab**
  3. Type the colors of candy (red, orange, etc.) in cells B2:F2.
  4. Type the word “Total” in cell G2.
  5. Begin entering names of students in the class starting in cell A3.
  6. Without opening the bag of Skitttles, count the number of each color that you have and record it in the appropriate color by your name.
  7. Go to the teacher computer and put your candy numbers in the class spreadsheet.
  8. While waiting for others to add their data, record the numbers for the other students. By the time everyone is finished, you should all cells for each person filled in. **Reminder: Tab to go to the right, Enter to go down, Shift + Enter to go up, Shift + Tab to go left**
  9. Change the color of candy (A2:F2) to the color that is mentioned (make the title Red, red fill OR red font color)
  10. Fill the row under the last name with black so it divides the data from the math you will do
  11. In the next empty (and white) cell in column A, type Average (hit Enter), Minimum (hit Enter), Maximum (hit enter).
  12. Use the formula (AutoSum) to add the total Skittles for each student and put the answer in column G.
  13. Use the formula (AVERAGE) to average the number of Skittles for each color and put the answer in the appropriate row.
  14. Use the formula (MIN) to find the minimum the number of Skittles for each color and put the answer in the appropriate row.
  15. Use the formula (MAX) to find the maximum the number of Skittles for each color and put the answer in the appropriate row.
  16. Select the answers calculated in steps #12-15. Use the AutoFill handle to fill the formulas into each color.
  17. Use the formula (AutoSum) to add the total Skittles for each student and put the answer in the appropriate row.
  18. Right-click on the Sheet 1 name and choose to Rename the sheet “Class Skittles”.
  19. Right-click on the sheet Class Skittles and change the tab color to a color of your choosing.
  20. If necessary, resize the columns to see all the data.
  21. Spell check and correct any errors.

Pie Chart

  1. Select the data for your number of Skittles (do not select your name). HOLD CTRL and click the names of the colors in B2:F2. Release CTRL.
  2. Insert a pie chart (any EXCEPT pie of pie or bar of pie are acceptable). Chart should appear with 5 slices.
  3. Click on the Chart Tools Design tab. In the Location group, choose to Move Chart. Move the chart to a New Sheet (first option) named “My Skittles”.
  4. Fix the colors of each slice to represent the correct color of candy
  5. Click one slice of pie (selects the entire chart). Click again on the same slice of pie (selects that one wedge).
  6. Right-click on that slice of pie to get the shortcut menu. Fill at the top of the pop-up menu. **If you do not have this option, click off the slice of pie and start the previous step again).
  7. Use the color option (paint bucket) to choose the color the slice of pie should be
  8. Repeat steps above until all colors of the pie are correct
  9. Click at the top of your chart where it says Chart Title. Use “My Skittles” as the chart title.
  10. Click the big plus sign to the right of your chart. Choose to add Data Labels.
  11. Right-click on the sheet My Skittles and change the tab color to a color of your choosing.

Bar Chart

  1. To make a comparison of who has the most/least of a certain color, select a color for the entire class. You may choose red, orange, yellow, green, or purple. Hold the CTRL key and select the names of the students in the class. DO NOT SELECT THE COLUMN LABELS.
  2. Insert a bar chart. **Be sure to select a BAR, not cone, cylinder, column, etc.** The bar goes left to right, not up and down.
  3. Click on the Chart Tools Design tab. In the Location group, choose to Move Chart. Move the chart to a New Sheet named “Red Skittles” as the sheet name. Use whatever color you chose for the sheet name.
  4. Change the colors of each bar to be different (should NOT represent the color of the candy). Each person should be a different color. You do this in the same manner that you completed Step #3 for the Pie Chart above.
  5. Click at the top of your chart where it says Chart Title. Use “Red Skittles” as the chart title. Use whatever color you chose for the title.This is the same as Step #4 above.
  6. Click the big plus sign to the right of your chart. Choose to add Data Labels. This is the same as Step #5 above.
  7. Right-click on the sheet Red Skittles and change the tab color to a color representing the Skittles color you chose.