Open Board of Directors Meeting

Gold Bar Nature Trails

February 26, 2011

Meeting opened at 10:08am.

Present: Scott Campbell, Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt, Steven Thaete.

Excused: Tiffany Mack, Peggy Fitzwater, and Mike Hill.

MSA to approve January minutes. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

Presidents Report:

Scott thanked Hank and Marylyn Waibel and Jack and Sandy Welborn for cleaning the new exercise room. Continueing thanks for Scott McLeod, Jack Welborn, Keith Summers, and Hank Waibel for work on Bingo room. Thanks to Scott McLeod, Wayne Kubli, Steven Thaete and Ray Becker for hard work on the Pump House.

Vice-Presidents: Referred to the Administration/Bylaw Report

Treasurers Report: GBNT has a $14,320 net income as of January 31, 2011. Marylyn reported that a meeting was held with Merrill Lynch to see if we can get a better return on our investments. Planning on breaking CD amounts into smaller amounts ($50,000) in case needed in the future. Our annual audit is going on right now. Orma Giles, 987, asked about money taken from Merrill Lynch. Does it need to be paid back? Scott explained that we do not. GBNT used money to pay over- expenditures in 2010.

Park Managers Report:

Working on remodeling of Vine/Maple bathroom. Pump House was worked on. Tax Assessors were in the park for 5 days. Members will be receiving letters soon. Every member will be assessed for any item on their campsite over a $3000.00 value. Members have 60 days from receiving letter to appeal. Employees are cleaning up from the recent snow. Jack Welborn, 1151, thanked Steven and the boys for cleanup efforts. Curtis Smith, 787, thanked the BOD for the park improvements in the past year.

Committee Reports:


Tad presented information on his work with the Annual Campsite Inspections Policy 39. Tad thanked Dee Brunt for her input and assistance. Tad presented copies of Policy and attachments and read Policy to those in attendance. Dee Brunt, 1045, asked if present rule needs to be changed in Building Code Rules. Curtis Smith, 787, plates are being taken by office, does that need to continue? Colleen Pokrandt, 869, asked about being able to see things behind RV’s.

MSA, Ted Jackson, to adopt Policy 39 with corrections. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

Tad brought up question to update Policy 5. The proposed change is in regards to food and beverage in the Library/TV/Bingo area. Scott Campbell stated that a provision is being made for the Bingo callers. Louise Smith, 787, stated that the Bingo Committee is providing spill-proof cups to callers. Jack Welborn stated that cameras upstairs can be used to check issues. Ted asked the check be made to assure Rule and Policy are consistent.

MSA, Tad Blanenbaker, to alter Policy 5 to no longer allow food and beverage in the Library/TV/Bingo room with exception of Bingo caller. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

MSA to update bylaw Committee as follows:

Jerry Bentley - Chairperson

Colleen Wright - Vice Chairperson

Dee Brunt - Secretary

Keith Summers

Kelly Winstel - new committee member

Sandy Welborn- new committee member

The following members have requested to be removed from the committee

Chris Stites

Lori Boucher

Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

Tad brought before the BOD information to review proposed changes to Rules and Regulations.

MSA, Tad Blankenbaker, to approve changes to Rules and Regulations with changes. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

Tad brought before the BOD to add a Rule regarding the Archery Range. MSA to adopt Rules and Regulations, Section III, Para, K. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

Tad, from a workshop request, brought before the BOD the barred list in the park. BOD, on consensus, will allow the present policy (26) to stand as written.

Long Range Planning:

Ted met with the committee and is researching needs. Asked for member interest in joining.


Louise Smith stated that 9 new members were approved in February.


1 violation, circumventing 270 rule.


MSA, Wayne Kubli, to appoint committee members:

Louise Smith, Dave Fitzwater, Colleen Pokrandt, Mike Camerer, Beth Campbell. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Wabiel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

MSA, Wayne Kubli, to price lot 959 at $5000.00 with up to $200.00 in gravel at Park Managers discretion. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Wabiel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

Lot 1155 on Hoot Owl has always been held for park use. Dee Brunt explained that it was a flooding issue. Dee Brunt asked if offering lots for this purpose has happened before. Who is responsible for them? Colleen, 669, stated that Don would like to use this lot for use with RV dealers and new RV buyers. Scott informed Colleen that a policy needs to be written. Beth Campbell, 1181, stated that in membership new members are asked how they heard of the park. Almost always, family or friends.

MSA, Wayne Kubli, to authorize Don Clark to use lot 1155, currently being withheld from sale, as a

Sales Tool. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

Dee Brunt, asked about insurance on new Sales vehicle. Wayne said, yes all covered.


Steve stated that Greg Creech found 27 spots in the park that smoking signs are not posted. Steve gave that list to Steven Thaete to address.

Steve stated that a request was made to check into a monitor in the Library/TV room. It will be added to the camera project for consideration.


Ted stated that he has been discussing items with Olympia for that past 3 ½ weeks. Discussed the Reiter Pit ORV budget request. Ted says we will know in about 5 weeks if it passed. Ted will be presenting at the Potluck this evening about tourism and local recreation updates.


$17,366.17 in account. Money still to come out for other projects.

MSA, Steve Pokrandt, $500.00 for Renaissance Faire. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

Steve announced a “Tater Roast” to celebrate Tater’s years of service to the park. The park will provide taters and fixings. Bring side dishes. A fun evening is planned to celebrate Tater’s 25 years with GBNT. There will be a dinner, karaoke and a roast. All in attendance will receive a prize. Orma Giles and Dee Brunt are planning a fun evening.

Easter, April 23rd. We still need volunteers or event will have to be canceled. Barb Hanson will head event.

Memorial Day is being run by Colleen Pokrandt, 669. Marylyn asked how cost of a band ($500.00) will be recouped. Colleen explained other activities throughout the weekend will cover cost of the band.

MSA, Steve Pokrandt, $500.00 and 2 dry campsites for band, Loud Mouth Orange, during Memorial Day Weekend, money coming from Activities. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

Steve announced Iron Goat is connected in the Adult Clubhouse and Hughes system will be disconnected.


MSA, Steve Pokrandt, to make Char Bentley the GBNT Raffle manager for 2011. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

MSA, Steve Pokrandt:

1. $1.00 raffle- a carving to help defray the cost of the Renaissance Faire. Proceeds to Activities.

2. $1.00 raffle- a load of gravel (Steven said we could get for about $130.00) with proceeds going to Bingo.

3. $5.00 raffle- a quarter of membership dues with proceeds going to Bingo. (sell 100, then draw)

Char hopes to be able to do multiple raffles of dues and gravel.

Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

MSA to approve all committee reports. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

New Business:

Ted discussed new Electrical Committee. Hopes to prep areas and break ground in September. Funds to come out of Electrical Upgrade Fund.

MSA, Scott Campbell, to add Jack Welborn, Hand Waibel and John Bomar to Electrical Committee.

Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

Scott brought before the BOD a Gravel Delivery form. Tammy Price, 398, asked about if dump truck needs to be covered when driving on Highway 2. Steven stated that he will check.

MSA, Scott Campbell, starting selling gravel. Price of gravel plus $75.00 per 5 yard load. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

MSA, Scott Campbell, to approve Gravel Delivery Form as written. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

MSA, Tad Blankenbaker, to charge $30.00 per scoop. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Steve Pokrandt. Nay: Wayne Kubli.

MSA, Scott Campbell, to charge $100.00 plus tax on a cord of wood. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

MSA, Scott Campbell, to approve Firewood Form. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

MSA, Scott Campbell, to approve Tree Cutting Request form changes. Aye: Tad Blankenbaker, Marylyn Waibel, Ted Jackson, Wayne Kubli, Steve Pokrandt.

Ted Jackson announced that an on-line petition to support the Reiter Pit Budget Request is available.

Meeting adjourned at 12:55pm.


Char Bentley