Elements of a Genre / Work lacks understanding of
concepts, materials, and skills. / Work shows someunderstanding
of concepts,materials and skills. / Work reflects understandingof
concepts and materials,as well as
use of skillsdiscussed in class. / Work shows a masteryof skills and
reflects a deepunderstanding of
conceptsand materials.
Clear Topic or Theme / Student passively attemptsto fulfill
assignment withoutmuch thought or
explorationof possibilities. Student
refuses to explore morethan one
idea. / Developing explorationof possible
solutions andinnovative thinking.
Student has more thanone idea but
does not pursue. / Student explores multiplesolutions
and innovativethinking develops and
expands during project. / Consistently displayswillingness to
try multiplesolutions and ask thought
provoking questions, leading to
deeper, more distinctiveresults.
Student fully exploresmultiple ideas
and iterations
Reflection & Understanding / Student shows little awareness of
theirprocess. The work doesnot
demonstrate understandingof
content. / Student demonstrates someself-
awareness. Work showssome
understanding ofcontent, but student
cannotjustify all of their decisions. / Student shows self-awareness.
Work demonstratesunderstanding
of contentand most decisions are
conscious and justified. / Work reflects a deepunderstanding
of thecomplexities of thecontent.
Every decision is purposeful and
Craftsmanship / Work is messy andcraftsmanship
detracts from overall presentation. / Work is somewhat messyand
craftsmanshipdetracts somewhat
fromoverall presentation. / Work is neat andcraftsmanship
Is solid. / Work is impeccable and shows
extreme care and thoughtfulness in
Effort / Work is not completed in a
satisfactory manner.Student shows
minimaleffort. Student does not
use class time effectively. / Work complete but it lacks finishing
touchesor can be improved witha
little effort. Student doesjust enough
to meetrequirements. / Completed work in anabove average
manner, yetmore could have been
done.Student needs to go one
step further to achieve excellence. / Completed work withexcellence
and exceededteacher expectations.
Student exhibited exemplary
commitment to the project.
Independent Writing RUBRIC