A G E N D A –Teleconference BUYERS MEETING

Monday September 19, 2016

Time:Start time: 10:00 am

  1. Spotlight on the Teleconference participants - Round table discussion – each person to give a brief bio - what projects you are working on; any new challenges; learning opportunities. What courses have you taken in 2016 and do you feel that these were valuable in your current procurement role.
  1. Q- Adam Walker City of Ottawa– vehicle telematics yet - GPS tracking for vehicles
  1. Q: Victoria Mirlocca – Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury: I am curious if any agency scores Envelope 1 and those making a minimum score move to Envelope 2 where it is lowest cost awarded?

Essentially the scores from Envelope 1 are wiped out and each Proponent is on level playing ground. It becomes an award based on lowest cost. What do other agencies do when it comes to scoring RFPs in a 2 envelope approach?

  1. Off Contract Buying: How do you encourage the user departments to use the corporate contracts that are put in place by Supply Management? Are there consequences for buying off contract?
  1. E-Tendering – What agencies are using the Electronic Bidding system? Can you give an overview of the software you are using and any pros and cons so far?
  1. Buyers Meeting for 2017– The OPBA will be reviewing Buyers and Managers Meetings next year. Discussion around combining the two groups and reducing the number of meetings to 2 per year. I would appreciate feedback. Does this sounds like a good idea moving forward? We would plan to host the meetings in two central locations to allow the maximum number of “in person” participants.
  1. Please send me your suggestions for topics/speakers for 2017 Buyers-Managers Meetings. To: Jackie Osti ()