CHECS – Inter-Hospital Communications Functional Exercise Inject Responses – March 15 2011

March 15, 2011

CHECS – An Inter-Hospital Communications Functional Exercise

Inject Responses – Un-Edited

Prepared by: Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC

6224 Wake Robin Lane

Tallahassee Florida 32309


CHECS - Southeast - # 002 - AF

Laura Wilson - Southeast Colorado Hospital District
Part 1 / Identify and describe the hospital’s initial concerns and actions upon hearing that a tornado has struck Springfield.
Concern / Action # 1:
Part 2 / Adequate clinical staff: Call in staff except night shift. Section areas of hospital for patient severity types. Triage set up. Eleven critical will max out nursing care.
Use list of personnel and select most experienced. Assess who is not impacted by tornado damage. Lengthy incident may require nursing home staff to take shifts.
Notify flight to mobilize.
Part 3 / Concern / Action # 2:
Part 4 / Location of accommodating patients: Use clinic with exam rooms for lesssevere patients. Notify EMSystem to obtain SE hospitals' bed count for considered transfers to nearest hospitals.
Part 5 / Concern / Action # 3:
Part 6 / Supplies & Transportation: Assess supplies. Generators will maintain power at facility. Assess what is not available - phone lines, internet access, cell, etc. Extra staff would be difficult to obtain if cell and phone lines are down.
Part 7 / Concern / Action # 4:
Part 8 / Resources would be severely limited in a short period of time. Emergency supplies activated. Contact other hospitals in area for available resources.
Part 9 / Concern / Action # 5:
Part 10

CHECS - Southeast - # 002 - SF

Bob Chambers - Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center
Part 1 / Identify and describe the hospital’s initial concerns and actions if a tornado was to strike your community.
Concern / Action # 1:
Part 2 / Number of Patients, VS amount of room to treat patients.
Part 3 / Concern / Action # 2:
Part 4 / Staffing levels. Need to notify staff and how many are available to respond.
Part 5 / Concern / Action # 3:
Part 6 / Supplies the need to gather and have supplies brought to the facility
Part 7 / Concern / Action # 4:
Part 8 / Are the roads blocked or damaged and can personnel get to the facility
Part 9 / Concern / Action # 5:
Part 10 / Flight for Life and transport teams able to get into the facility and affected area.
Charles Martin - Prowers Medical Center
Part 1 / Identify and describe the hospital’s initial concerns and actions if a tornado was to strike your community.
Concern / Action # 1:
Part 2 / The number of patients that are involved.
If over our capacity we will notify nearby hospitals or transfer to other facilities.
Part 3 / Concern / Action # 2:
Part 4 / Are the utilities affected?
We will contact the city utilities department. If the electricity is out,our generator will start automatically.
Part 5 / Concern / Action # 3:
Part 6 / Do we have enough medical supplies to care for all the injuried patients?
Confirm with our Pharmacy and Materials Management Dept regarding our supplies and request additional supplies from nearby faciliites if necessary.
Part 7 / Concern / Action # 4:
Part 8 / We would activate our disaster plan and call tree to ensure we have appropriate staffing for this disaster.
Part 9 / Concern / Action # 5:
Part 10 / Care of the current inpatients within our facility. They will need to be moved to internal hallways of our facility.
Warren Yule - Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital
Part 1 / Identify and describe the hospital’s initial concerns and actions if a tornado was to strike your community.
Concern / Action # 1:
Part 2 / Location of patients and employees - need to move to safety
Part 3 / Concern / Action # 2:
Part 4 / Damage to building affecting power, gas, water any hazard concerns - maintenance to evaluate and make adjustments as needed.
Part 5 / Concern / Action # 3:
Part 6 / Working with community to attend to all residents that are affected can we handle them here or do we need to set a trioge area.
Part 7 / Concern / Action # 4:
Part 8 / Supplies and support - obtaining more supplies and personnel as we need them and are able to.
Part 9 / Concern / Action # 5:
Part 10 / Communicate with sheriff and fire department to evaluation the extent of damage and the need that is going to placed on the hospital and decide what help we need to ask for. Look at all safety issues and secure the hospital.

CHECS - Southeast - # 003 - AF

Laura Wilson - Southeast Colorado Hospital District
Part 1 / What is the hospital’s current bed availability?
Part 2 / 17 hosp, 4 nursing home prior to disaster

CHECS - Southeast - # 004 - ALL

Charles Martin - Prowers Medical Center
Part 1 / According to the hospital’s Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) would internal notification be made to hospital administration and / or staff for a severe weather event?
Part 2 / Yes
Part 3 / If the above answer is yes. – Explain how internal hospital notification would be accomplished.
Part 4 / The Communication Center will call the Administrator during the day or the nurse-in-charge at night. If the nurse-in-charge has time, they are to contact the Administrator or in his absence the Administrator-in charge. Once the Administrator is notified, he makes the decision to activate our disaster call tree.
Part 5 / Identify, by titles, the administrators and department heads that would be included in the hospital’s internal notification.
Part 6 / Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Clinical Officer, Chief Financial Officer
Warren Yule - Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital
Part 1 / According to the hospital’s Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) would internal notification be made to hospital administration and / or staff for a severe weather event?
Part 2 / Yes
Part 3 / If the above answer is yes. – Explain how internal hospital notification would be accomplished.
Part 4 / Each department head would be notified and they notify their department - if necessary we would activate the reverse call system the the sheriff department.
Part 5 / Identify, by titles, the administrators and department heads that would be included in the hospital’s internal notification.
Bob Chambers - Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center
Part 1 / According to the hospital’s Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) would internal notification be made to hospital administration and / or staff for a severe weather event?
Part 2 / Yes
Part 3 / If the above answer is yes. – Explain how internal hospital notification would be accomplished.
Part 4 / Intially all communications would be either by landline or cell phone services. After they start arriving at the facility. Critical staff would be issued handheld radios for communication. With cell phones as a backup.
Part 5 / Identify, by titles, the administrators and department heads that would be included in the hospital’s internal notification.
Part 6 / CEO, or Administrator on Call,Facility Management Director, Safety / Security Director, Director of Nursing, Emergency Prepardness Officer
Laura Wilson - Southeast Colorado Hospital District
Part 1 / According to the hospital’s Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) would internal notification be made to hospital administration and / or staff for a severe weather event?
Part 2 / Yes
Part 3 / If the above answer is yes. – Explain how internal hospital notification would be accomplished.
Part 4 / Overhead page
Part 5 / Identify, by titles, the administrators and department heads that would be included in the hospital’s internal notification.
Part 6 / CEO, CFO, CNO, LTCCDON, Clinic Manager, Chief Engineer, Home Health Director, Materials Manager, and all other department heads.

CHECS - Southeast - # 005 - AF

Laura Wilson - Southeast Colorado Hospital District
Part 1 / Would the hospital’s Hospital Command Center (HCC) be activated upon notification of a tornado striking Springfield?
Part 2 / Yes
Part 3 / Explain the decision process for activating the HCC.
Part 4 / Severity of incident, information communicated from on-scene rescue, incoming patients, and need for external resources.
Part 5 / Identify the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) positions that would be staffed.
Part 6 / Incident Commander, PIO, Liason, Safety/Security, Ops Chief, LTCC Ops Chief, Planning/Logistics Chief, Finance Chief

CHECS - Southeast - # 005 - SF

Warren Yule - Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital
Part 1 / Would the hospital’s Hospital Command Center (HCC) be activated upon notification of a tornado striking Springfield?
Part 2 / No
Part 3 / Would the hospital’s HCC be activated upon notification of a tornado striking your community?
Part 4 / Yes
Part 5 / Explain the decision process for activating the HCC.
Part 6 / The Administrator will normally assume responisibility for coordinating emergency action. In case of his absence the following personnel will be in charge in the order listed.
DON, Charge Nurse, Chief of Staff, Maitenance personnel on call
Part 7 / Identify the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) positions that would be staffed.
Part 8 / Incident Commander, Public inf. officer, Safety Officer, Operations, Planning, Logistics, Finance
Bob Chambers - Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center
Part 1 / Would the hospital’s Hospital Command Center (HCC) be activated upon notification of a tornado striking Springfield?
Part 2 / No
Part 3 / Would the hospital’s HCC be activated upon notification of a tornado striking your community?
Part 4
Part 5 / Explain the decision process for activating the HCC.
Part 6 / The Administrator in conjunction with the Emergency Prepardness coordinator will research and gather the requried information about the extent of damage and potential number of casualties that are involved to initiate the proper response.
Part 7 / Identify the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) positions that would be staffed.
Part 8 / Incident Commander, with four section chiefs Operations, Logistics, Planning, and Finance Chiefs will be assigned in addition to the Security and Emergency Manager for the Facility. They would then determine the proper response from there.
Charles Martin - Prowers Medical Center
Part 1 / Would the hospital’s Hospital Command Center (HCC) be activated upon notification of a tornado striking Springfield?
Part 2 / Yes
Part 3 / Would the hospital’s HCC be activated upon notification of a tornado striking your community?
Part 4 / Yes
Part 5 / Explain the decision process for activating the HCC.
Part 6 / Once receiving the phone call about the disasterl, the Administrator would make the call to activate the disaster call tree.
Part 7 / Identify the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) positions that would be staffed.
Part 8 / CEO, COO, CCO, CFO

CHECS - Southeast - # 006 - ALL

Bob Chambers - Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center
Part 1 / Briefly describe the various notifications that would be made to external partners.
Part 2 / La Junta Police and FireDepartement, Otero County Sheriff's Office, Colorado State Patrol, Southeastern Colorado Ambulance Service, Crowley County Dispatch, Rocky Ford Dispatch, Bent County Dispatch these dispatch centers cover both Police, Fire and Sheriff for each of the jurisdictions. Also Notify the local hospitals via a message through EM Systems.
Part 3 / List the point of contact and their phone numbers for three external partners that would be notified based on the hospital’s EOP.
External Partner – Point of Contact / Phone Numbers # 1:
Part 4 / Otero County Emergency Manager Chris Johnson 719-384-5941
Part 5 / External Partner – Point of Contact / Phone Numbers # 2:
Part 6 / La Junta City Emergency Manager Aaron Eveatt 719-384-2323
Part 7 / External Partner – Point of Contact / Phone Numbers # 3:
Part 8 / Crowley County Emergency Manager Larry Reeves 719-267-5555
Part 9 / Identify any additional external partners that are not currently identified in the hospital’s EOP that should be contacted.
Part 10 / State of Colorado Emergency Operations point of contacts.
Warren Yule - Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital
Part 1 / Briefly describe the various notifications that would be made to external partners.
Part 2 / We would notify the following: Town of Eads, Fire department, Ambulance, Sheriff, Health Dept. We would notify them of our condition and immediate needs
Part 3 / List the point of contact and their phone numbers for three external partners that would be notified based on the hospital’s EOP.
External Partner – Point of Contact / Phone Numbers # 1:
Part 4 / Dister Manager 688-4154
Part 5 / External Partner – Point of Contact / Phone Numbers # 2:
Part 6 / Town 438-5590
Part 7 / External Partner – Point of Contact / Phone Numbers # 3:
Part 8 / County
Part 9 / Identify any additional external partners that are not currently identified in the hospital’s EOP that should be contacted.