ONU Lesson Plan Template

Date: March 20, 2014 / Grade Level: Kindergarten / Subject: Art / Lesson Duration:
Title of Lesson: Class Quilt
Text used and pages:
VA:Cr2.2.K Identify safe and non-toxic art materials, tools and equipment.
VA:Cn11.1.K Identify a purpose of an artwork.
26.A.1e Visual Arts: Identify media and tools and how to use them in a safe and responsible manner when painting, drawing and constructing.
Central Focus:
The students will learn how to properly use tempera paint while expressing their individuality by using paints to create a full composition on paper squares. Unity will be promoted by combining the individual squares to create a “class quilt.”The students will also learn about functional art in the form of quilts and the traditions behind them.
Lesson Objectives:
TLWBAT create a full composition using tempera paints.
TLWBAT create a work that expresses them and describe the object to their peers.
TLWBAT demonstrate proper use of tempera paints by demonstrating the ability to clean, and apply paint to the brush.
Management/Safety Issues: The students may use the paints in a harmful manner.

Materials/Resources/Equipment required while teaching the lesson

Supplied by the teacher / Supplied by the students
paper, paint, paintbrushes, paper towels, examples of different types of quilts, / NA

Prior academic learning/experiences… why is this lesson appropriate for your students?

The students have previously gained an understanding of elements and principles of design that will aid them in expanding their use of media to tempera paints.

Cultural/ home/ community… what personal background do your students bring to the class that connects them to this lesson?

The students are creating a full composition that will show an object of their choice that represents the student.

Research/ Theory… Use research and/ or theory to support the activities in your lesson plan.

Anna Curtis Chandler- Combining art and history.
Florence Cain- advocated for the necessity of providing proficient art supplies including painting and teaching students how to use paints in a manner that will help them learn future techniques and prevent the destruction of supplies.

Knowledge of Students Complete the chart for the appropriate students in your class: IEP’s, 504’s, Gifted/ Talented, ELL’s, Struggling, Social/Emotional, ect. Describe what is needed during the lesson.

List here / # of students / Students needs / Specific adaption(s) to lesson to help student
Gifted students / 5 / The student needs to be challenged. Their work is advanced beyond their years. / These students will be challenged to create a more difficult object to paint and to add details to their painting.
Struggling students / 2 / The student struggles with getting work done correctly and needs additional instruction and attention. / These students will be allowed to create a more simple object with less detail. They will also be given instruction that fits their individual learning needs.
Behavior Students / 1 / These students typically have very extreme behavior and require special attention and instruction. They challenge the rules and the authority of the teachers. / In some cases these students will be given special jobs to keep them busy and assist them to stay on task such as to help pass out materials. These students are watched closely and helped as frequently as possible.
Academic Language Function
See planning commentary template (content specific) / Additional Language Demand
Syntax or Discourse (pick one)
Describe- Students will be describing their object within their art project as they participate in the class discourse. / Discourse- The students will be engaging in class discourse throughout the lesson. They will describe the object they are painting, and they will also be involved in the class discussion.

Content Specific Vocabulary/ Symbols including targeted support (specific definitions)

Quilt – a blanket that is made from a pattern and many different pieces of cloth.
Full composition- A picture that completely fills the paper.
Tempera paint- the type of paint that we are using.
Prevent- To make sure something doesn’t happen.

Hook/Motivator/Attention GrabberHow will you grab the student’s attention so they are interested?

How many of you all have quilts in your house? Who wants to share what your quilt looks like? Does it make a picture? Have you ever seen a quilt that tells a story? There is a famous artist named Faith Ringgold who makes very beautiful quilts that tell a story! Some times they have lots of pictures and sometimes it’s just on picture that represents something or someone. These pictures in the quilts tell a story. Faith Ringgold used her quilts to tell stories about issues that were important to here like teaching the skin color shouldn’t change how you treat someone because we’re all people the way we look doesn’t change that. Now I want you to listen very carefully while I read to you about Faith Ringgold.

Instructional Procedures/ Learning Task – Provide specific details of lesson content and delivery include questions and/or activities that inspire higher order thinking (not yes/no questions)

Read book and go over pictures and examples.
The reason that we are learning about Faith today is because we are going to create our own class quilt, but we don’t have time to make one from cloth so we’re going to paint squares and add them together to create a class quilt and hang it in the hall for everyone to see.
Quilts are made out of lots of squares of fabric, but you are each only going to get one square. I want you to close your eyes and think really hard about something that you could paint to represent you in our class quilt. Now I want you to turn to one other person and tell them what you are going to paint that represents you.
Very good. I need everyone to look up here at my nose. Thank you. * Talk about full composition.
Before we can paint we have to know how to use the paint and paint brush correctly and safely.
  1. Mr Brush. No paint in hair or face. Don’t chew or throw him on the ground.
  2. Dip and pat
  3. Tap, scrape, squeeze
  4. Demonstrate bad hair days.
  5. Pass out water cups and brushes and paper towels/ Give permission to grab them.
  6. Tap scrape squeeze together
  7. Review instruction again
  8. Pass out paper.
Let students work individually
Once the paintings are done students will be gluing on boarder of tissue paper.
give instructions on how to glue on a boarder once paintings are dry
pass out glue and tissue squares and glue brushes
provide time for students to glue on paper.


Who can tell me what we painted? Who can tell me how I put paint on my brush? What do I do to clean my brush? What is a full composition? You all are so smart!!! I want you turn to someone next to you and explain exactly what you painted and why it represents you and then listen to the person you are talking to tell you what he or she painted and how it represents you. You all did a wonderful job painting objects that represent you! These squares are very interesting and I cannot wait to hang them up in the hall all together!
Informal Assessments Student monitoring – include specifically what you will be looking for / Formal Assessments Classwork, Homework, Projects, test- include how/where feedback will be given
Closure. Questions posed to the class. Individual one on one questions. Observations made during the class periods. / A formal assessment will be given using a rubric that makes sure that the student mastered: Creating a work depicts an object that expresses themselves, using the paints correctly, and creating a full composition. Students will be given feedback by creating a paper that displays two accolades and a keep working.

Next Lesson – briefly describe how this lesson will support the students to proceed with the next lesson

The next lesson will build off of this lesson because the students will have a basic understanding of how to properly use paints so they can now further their understanding of the medium and continue on to other types of paints.

The following should be filled out after the lesson is taught

Reflections/ Future Modifications – if I teach this again… what would I do differently to help teach the central focus?