Hello Jr. High Folks.
This year we are mixing it up a bit with the musical. We are doing an edited version of The Music Man—The Music Man Jr. We’ve chosen an edited version because that will allow more time for teaching musical theater skills and also allow us to shift out of so many weekend rehearsals. There will still be a few mandatory rehearsals where we need everyone there. In my metaphor, we need all the vegetables so we can taste the soup and begin to season it to find its most delicious flavor. We cannot tell how it tastes if we are missing vegetables!
Note that even on rehearsals for which attendance is not mandatory, all absence must be cleared ahead of time for planning purposes. Missing mandatory rehearsals means having to shift out of key roles such as cast and certain tech roles. Please see the schedule with the mandatory rehearsals identified below.
Short story: The Music Man is a charmer who makes money playing on people’s fears. He gets everyone dreaming, thereby distracting them. The town librarian and music teacher who is something of a dreamer herself helps him and the townspeople see that the dreaming didn’t hurt anyone, actually helped them and was a win/win.
Tech - Despite the edited version of the play, the technical elements of set, props, lights, sound and stage management will all be required. Tech crew is a great opportunity to learn not only stage craft but skills useful in every day life—carpentry and electricity.
If you are auditioning, please go to Kate’s teacher page and print out 3 copies of the audition form. Put your name on all three pages. On only one copy, provide any conflicts you know of or anticipate as well as your singing, dancing and acting experience and training. A parent must sign along with the student to indicate that the family understands the commitment.
If you are signing up for tech crew, please send an email letting us know any conflicts you have so we can plan accordingly. Email Jeanette Matte, the Theater Manager and Technical Director for the musicals.
Fri April 15 rehearsal 3:15-5:30
Fri April 22 rehearsal 3:15-5:30
Fri April 29 rehearsal 3:15-5:30
Fri May 13 rehearsal 3:15-5:30
Sat May14 tech 10am-2pm, rehearsal for lead roles only 2pm-6pm
Sun May 15 tech 10am-2pm, rehearsal for lead roles only 2pm-6pm
Tues May 17 rehearsal & tech 8:20-3:10
Wed May 18 rehearsal 8:20-3:10
Thurs May 19 rehearsal 8:20-3:10
Fri May 20 rehearsal 8:15-5:30, stumble-thru/designer run at 3:30, attendance mandatory
Sat May 21 tech crew only 10am-2pm
Sun May 22 light focus
Mon May 23 rehearsal 8:20-3:10, cue-to-cue followed by tech run
Tues May 24 rehearsal 8:20-3:10
Wed May 25 rehearsal 8:20-3:10
Thurs May 26 rehearsal 8:15-3:15, Preview or elementary run during the day TBA, attendance mandatory
Fri May 27 rehearsal 8:20-3:10
Tues May 31 rehearsal 8:20-3:10 performance 7pm, attendance all day mandatory
Wed June 1 no attendance during school day, performance 7pm, attendance mandatory
Thurs June 2 no attendance during school day, performance 7pm, attendance mandatory
It’s going to be lots of fun and a great learning experience!
Dee, Kate, Scott and Jeanette