Name: / 803.03 Campus Correctional Education Sites
Effective: / 11/04/03


JeffersonDavisCommunity College provides correctional education at the following sites as authorized by State Board of Education Policy 718.01:

G. K. Fountain Correctional Center

Holman Correctional Center

J.O. Davis Correctional Center

Atmore Community Based Facility (Work Release/Pre-Release)

Access to these instructional sites is controlled by the Alabama Department of Corrections. All persons, including faculty hired to teach in the programs offered at these locations, must be prepared to submit to DOC security procedures when entering and leaving these facilities. These procedures include, but may not be limited to, announced, unannounced, and random security checks of persons and items that are brought into and out of the facilities.

In addition, classrooms, labs, offices, and any other instructional sites located within the area controlled by the Department of Corrections are subject to announced, unannounced, random, or otherwise designated security checks.

The detailed tool/equipment inventory for each program area must be kept up-to-date. Items that are removed from the area must be deleted from the inventory on the day that they are removed. New items must be added to the inventory on the day that they are brought into the facility. Per college policy no equipment or tools are to be removed from the facility without authorization. From time-to-time an instructor might wish to bring a non-inventoried item(s) to the instructional site for a demonstration. These items must be presented for inspection to the officer at the gate when entering the facility. A list of these items must be given to the officer at that time. The list should indicate the amount of time (1/2 day, week, etc.) that the items will be in the facility. The officer will compare the list to the items when the individual removes them from the facility.

Gifts, no matter how small, to inmates are prohibited, unless specifically authorized by the warden. Tips from customers directly to inmates or to college faculty are not allowed, not even to purchase items of general use for all students in the program (e.g. coffee). If a person insists on making a donation to the college, that donation should be routed to the business office to be handled in the same manner as any other college donation.