Resource Allocation Proposal
Originator: / Tatiana Somers, April Vrtisand Shartelle Fears
Program or Department Name: / Counseling Department
Area Dean: / JoAnna Quejada / Campus: / SJC
Area Vice President: / Dr. Bill Vincent
Account Code:
Total Amount Requested: / $21,250
One Time Funding ____ / On Going Funding_x__ / Safety _____ / Personnel____
What are you requesting? Why is the request being made? Where was the need identified?
Online advising at MSJC does not currently provide a secure format to provide comprehensive counseling to students. The Counseling Department is requesting purchase of a secure, comprehensive online counseling program to provide greater student access. Online counseling needs and development are essential in order to stay current with technology as it relates to student services, success and access. This need is included in the MSJC Strategic Plan goals and the Counseling Department’s Program Review.
Counseling: Expand Online Counseling in a Secure Environment; (1.1) (5.1)
Counseling, Informational Technology (accreditation agenda item)
Improve our current online counseling component so that it is more secure environment for student information.
June, 2012
Section I / Explain how your request is supported by your Program Review (2011) or Annual Program Assessment (2012-13, 2013-14):
This request is identified under Counseling Program Review, Page 9, 10, 13 and 14, under Objectives:
Accreditation concerns: 5 The effectiveness of online services and its method of delivery must be evaluated. Progress: The counseling department has evaluated its methods of online delivery and we have made some progress. We have more Counselors assigned to online advising and are working towards expanding our online counseling in a secure environment. We also redesigned the district’s Online Orientation to offer questions after each section before proceeding to the final quiz. The Online Orientation is updated annually. Additionally, we have assigned a counselor to consistently update and expand information on the Counseling Department website.
i. Technology needs: secure online advisor software to expand access to student needs
K. Improvement areas: 11. Online Services need to be developed to provide confidential, comprehensive counseling to include Educational Planning.
j. Strengths: 7. Online Services: Website Update, Online Advising Expanded, and English and Spanish online Orientation
This request supports the Program Learning Outcome below:
Technology Awareness
Students will demonstrate the ability to comprehend and utilize technology by navigating through educational resources
Section I / Describe how your request is supported by your Unit Plan (provide link to 2013-14 Unit Plan)
The deans unit plan indicates the following:
  • Only 37% of counseling is allocated to general counseling; 63% is allocated to special programs and professional activities
  • Non-exempt, new students are mandated to receive orientation, assessment & counseling/SEPs
  • A projected average of 2,785 new students will be served in the academic year; majority will require matriculation services
  • All non-exempt students with a declared course of study must have a comprehensive SEP
Given the lack of general counseling services, new regulatory mandates that require new students receive counseling at the point of entry and all students must have comprehensive (2 terms or more) education plans, the online counseling functionality will provide wider student access and flexibility of counseling services to studentsthat is impractical with face-to-face methods.
Section I / Explain how your request is supported by your CLO/PL0/AUO/SLO:
Online Counseling will support the Program and Student Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcome
Technology Awareness
Students will demonstrate the ability to comprehend and utilize technology by navigating through educational resources.
Student Learning Outcomes
1) Expand First Year Experience Program
Informed Educational Goals and Educational Planning
Academic Counseling Services [Student Success/Institutional Pride & Organizational Culture]
2) Increase Awareness of Career and Vocational Services
Career [Student Success/Institutional Pride & Organizational Culture]
3) Expand Veterans’ Resources
Personal [Student Success/Institutional Pride & organizational Culture/Community Partnerships & Services]
Section II / Describe how your request is aligned with one or more of the following Institutional Priorities: (link to strategic plan)Student Success
- Improve course completion rates: Helping students choose (especially within their first year of enrollment) and complete well-defined and structured programs (educational plans) will increase the number of students earning college credentials of value and providing California with a well-educated workforce. (1)
- Accelerate “time-to-completion” rate for those students pursuing a transfer track: The completion rate of students who entered a program of study in the first year (49%) was nearly twice as high as for students who entered at any later point. (1) If students have a comprehensive educational plan and support systems, than they are more likely to transfer in a timely manner.
-Enhance student access and success through innovative and cost effective delivery of essential advising, counseling and other student/instructional services ranging from entrance advising of new students, to specialized career and transfer counseling, to instruction and learning communities
Fiscally Sound Position:
Goal 5: Become a greener campus at all four learning sites. Objectives/Strategies 5.1 Move closer to a paperless campus through the adoption of more electronic processes (i.e. digital signatures).
Quantified Outcomes 2011-12:
2011-2012: Collectively, campus employees will reduce reams/paper usage by 10% by the end of 2012
2011-12: 15% reduction in costs to reprint or purchase campus events materials.
Systematic Planning and Assessment:
- Emphasize College-wide data-driven assessment and decision-making utilizing internal and external data:
6.3 Institute a sustainable process for program review that includes SLOs, AUOs, and DLOs as appropriate for
all areas.
6.4 Develop an assessment process for all programs, services, and departments with project prioritization.
Online Counseling services will be assessed at the completion of each year.
Section II / Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture:
. Online Counseling will allow the general student population as well as the distance education students to be involved and have regular contact with campus life and promote student engagement through confidential, secure online communication. Since school counselors play an important role in shaping students’ ability to learn, communicate, and share information with others, school counselors would be well served to understand how technology can enhance their work. Students come to college with a variety of challenges. The primary purpose of counseling is to aid students in making decisions related to their future career, academic or educational, and personal or social needs. Online counseling is a viable option for those needing assistance. Online advising also promote student contact for 'virtual campus life'
Bloom, J. & Walz, G. (Eds.). (2000). Cybercounseling and Cyberlearning. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
Kraus, R., Zack, J. & Stricker, G. (Eds.). (2004). Online Counseling. New York: Academic Press.
Tyler, J. & Sabella, R. (2004). Using Technology to Improve Counseling Practice. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
Waterhouse, S. (2005). The Power of eLearning. Boston: Allyn and Bacon
Community Partnerships and Service
Increase the College’s visibility, value, and recognition in our service area. By providing Online Counseling MSJC will be able to serve the community and students as a whole.
Section III / Describe how your request will support one or more of the 12 Institutional Goals in the Strategic Plan (link to Strategic Plan)
Online Counseling will support the Institutional goals in the Strategic Plan.
Academic Counseling Services [Student Success/Institutional Pride & Organizational Culture] (1.1) (1.2) (2.3) (3.1) (3.4) (9.1) (9.3) (9.4) (Transfer, Dual Enrollment, Basic Skills, ESL, Veterans Services, First-Year Experience, Athletics, Honors)
2. Increase Awareness of Career and Vocational Services
Career [Student Success/Institutional Pride & Organizational Culture] (1.1) (3.4) (9.4)(10.6) (11.1) (11.2) (11.3) (Vocational Preparation, Occupational Internships Program, Job Skills Expansion, Market Information, Job Outlook, Veterans Services, First-Year Experience)
3. Expand Veterans’ Resources
Personal [Student Success/Institutional Pride & organizational Culture/Community Partnerships & Services] (3.4) (9.1) (9.3) (11.2)
(Veterans Services, First-Year Experience)
Section III / Explain how your project goals are supported by any of the following plans (2009-16 Educational Master Plan (2 points), Distance Education Plan (1 point), Technology Plan(1 point) and/or the Facilities Master Plan (1 point)):
This proposal is supported in section XII. Educational Plan Priorities C. Expansion and Renovation of Existing Facilities. As described in the 2009-2016 Educational Master Plan all of MSJC facilities will not be able to accommodate the growing communities surrounding the district. By providing online counseling, we will better serve the future communities.
Distance Education Plan (pg. 3) Students will have access to educational opportunities anytime, anywhere. Students will not have to come to the college facility. (pg. 9) Student Services, Counseling/Advising- Action Item- in progress of changing from phone to online service Fall 2011. (pg. 12) Organizational Structure Action Plan- Goal Provided DE students with access to Counseling and Advising Services comparable to FTF Students. Activity: Develop a process that counselors can use to meet with DE students in a secure environment using e-conferencing or other related web based tools.
Technology Plan (pg. 22) Third-party applications can dramatically improve the effectiveness and efficiency of College student learning and business processes.
Section III / Describe your goal(s) for this proposal? How will this improve student learning or enhance institutional services?
o Provide a comprehensive pathway for students to accomplish their educational goals
o Develop comprehensive educational plans for all online students
o Expand access to promote continued student success
o Increase student access to counselors
o Assist students with the transition to college
o Introduce students to the college culture
o Expand counseling services offered at the college
o Support the following Strategic Plan Goals: (1.1), (5.1)
Standard II. B. 3.c Planning Agenda identifies: A comprehensive online Counseling program will be developed to serve detailed student inquiries and educational planning through a secure online environment.
Section IV / What are the measureable outcomes for this RAPthat will assess progress toward meeting your goal(s) (5 points)? Explain how your outcomes are tied to your CLO/PLO/AUO/SLO(10 points)
This request is supported by the three following department learning outcome (DLO),
“Make an informed decision regarding their educational planning and student development through a collaborative process of research, dialogue, and implementation.”
“Demonstrate the ability to inquire and comprehend college processes through technology, face-to-face contact, and publications and “Demonstrate the ability to comprehend and utilize technology by navigating through educational resources.”
Participants that use the online software for online advising will demonstrate all of these learning outcomes as evidence through the online survey currently in place. The measurable outcomes will be through the online survey results at the end of the year.
Section V / What are the steps that you will take or need to be taken to implement this proposal? Demonstrate the following:
• (a) Who is in charge of implementing the project (3 points)?
• (b) What are the projected start and end dates (3 points)?
• (c) What other departments will need to assist with the acquisition/ implementation of the project (3 points)?
• (d) When will the outcomes be measured (3 points)?
• (e) How will you measure the desired outcomes (3 points)?
The online counseling software will be purchased.
a)Two designated lead online counselors will be trained, will maintain and evaluate effectiveness of the program. They will be communicating daily with students via online advisor.
b)September, 2014 – September 2015
c)Information Technology may need to do some set-up.
d)Annually, during the Spring semester
e)Electronic Survey – This will evaluate 3 of the Counseling Department Learning Outcomes.
Projected Expense Profile
New Personnel Request--This does not include Full Time Academic Faculty Positions.
For personnel requests please attach the job description, job classification and label "Exhibit I."
Position Title:______ / Estimated Cost
1XXX / Academic Salaries (Certificated)
3XXX / Benefits
Position Title:______ / Estimated Cost
1XXX / Academic Salaries (Certificated)
3XXX / Benefits
Position Title:______
2XXX / Classified/Non Academic Salaries / 10, 11 or 12 Months
3XXX / Benefits / Hours per Week_____
Position Title:______
2XXX / Classified/Non Academic Salaries / 10, 11 or 12 Months
3XXX / Benefits / Hours per Week_____
Sub Total:
Non Personnel Requests:
Object Code / Title / Amount Requested
4XXX / Supplies and Materials
5XXX / Services
Online Advising Software / 10,000
Consultant (if necessary) / 11,250
$75 per hour /150 hours
6XXX / New Equipment or Building/Site Improvements
Sub Total: / 21,250-
Total Budget Proposal: / 21,250
Secondary Effects (if this proposal is approved)
For Personnel Requests:
What additional space, if any, is needed to accommodate this position? If so, where is the proposed location?
None known.
For Equipment and Technology Request
Will additional space be needed to accommodate requested equipment? If so where is the proposed location?
None known.
Will requested equipment require maintenance agreements and or support personnel? If so what are the projected costs?
None known.
Please list future year anticipated needs and estimated financial needs. NOTE: This section refers to any anticipated funding not addressed by this RAP, but required in the future. This will not be automatically funded. A new RAP must be completed in future years.
Fiscal Year / Anticipated Need / Estimated Amount
Dean Approval / Date / Vice President Approval / Date