Policies, Regulations and Rules / Authority
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Annual Reviews of Faculty Members
PRR Subject
Employment - EPA
Contact Info
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs (919-513-7741)
Rationale:To combine three related regulations for easier and more logical access to users and to reduce number of regulations.
Review Process:
12/1/10 Chancellor requests PRR review
3-17-11 Provost approves revision to incorporate REG 05.20.2 Annual Faculty Activity Reports and REG 05.20.16 Plans for Professional Development, both then to be repealed.
4-28-11Council of Deans (Heads) review
4-12-11 Faculty Senate review
5-3-11 General Counsel final review
5-5-11Provost Approval
______EOM (information)
______University Council (notification)
______Board of Trustees (notification)
History: First Issued: April 1998; Last Revised: March 28, 2005 Additional History Information
Additional References:
NCSU POL05.20.1 - Academic Tenure PolicyAppointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure
NCSU REG REG05.20.34 Non-Tenure Track Faculty Ranks and Appointments
NCSU REG05.20.2 - Annual Faculty Activity Reports [incorporated here]
NCSU REG05.20.27 - Statements of Mutual Expectations [will be moved to POL 05.20.1
NCSU REG05.20.13 - Joint and Associate Faculty Appointments
NCSU REG 05.20.16 - Plans for Professional Development [incorporated here]
NCSU REG 05.20.10 Evaluation of Teaching
1. Individual reviews of all faculty--, tenured, tenure- track, non-tenure track-- are to be conducted annually. It is the responsibility of each department head or designee to review the performance of each faculty member and to keep the appropriate dean apprised of the status of the reviews.
2. Procedures
2.1. The faculty member provides to the department head or designee the written sstatement of mmutual eexpectations,annual activity report (section 3 below) and the written plan for professional development plan for professional development (section 4 below), departmental teacher/course evaluations, results of any peer review of teaching, and other pertinent information.
2.2. The review of untenured- track faculty, i.e., not yet tenured, shall include direct consultation, including a private meeting , between the department head and the faculty member being reviewed.
2.3. The department head may consult with the tenured faculty of the department and may seek such other advice as he or she the department head deems appropriate in the conduct of the review.
2.4. The department head will provide a written summary of the review; and the faculty member may provide a written response. The written summary and any response will become part of the personnel file.
2.5. In the review of jointly-appointed faculty, the head of the department of primary appointment will consult with the head(s) of the department(s) in which the faculty member is jointly appointed.(See NCSU POL05.20.1 - Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure.) [create link when added to POL 05,20.1]
The department of primary appointment will be decided at the time of the joint appointment in determining voting rights. See " Joint and Associate Faculty Appointments ."
An annual activity report (or substitute—see REG05.20.34, section 7.4) is a required part of the annual review. Annual activity reports are also intended to assist faculty in providing information about accomplishments which iscan be used needed by the university forin describing accomplishments university wide.
3.1. All faculty members shall submit to their respective department heads an annual activity report concerning their professional activities and achievements during the previous year. This report shall be included in each faculty member's personnel file. at the department level and, if requested by the college dean, at the college level.
3.2. For this purpose each college or other academic administrative unit having faculty shall develop an appropriate annual activity report format, and guidelines for the departments within the college or other academic unit. Formats, guidelines, and submission dates shall be developed within the department and subject to the approval of the department head and dean.
4.1. Each faculty member should develop, in consultation with the department head, a plan for professional development that includes the professional goals and aspirations of the individual faculty member and the relationship of these goals to plans for continuing development of the department and college of appointment and, where appropriate, to the goals of the university as a whole. For new faculty, this plan should be developed during the first year of the appointment. After implementation, pProgress in meeting professional goals should be included in annual activity reportsannual activity reports and considered during evaluations of faculty performance. The plan should be reviewed and, updated, and changed periodically in light of new developments in the life of the faculty member, the profession, and the department and college in which the faculty member serves.
4.2. The plan for professional development for each individual faculty member should include a brief description of the following:
4.2.1. Goals--an outline of the self-improvementprofessional development and leadership-development goals of the faculty member. seeks to attain .
4.2.2. Relevancy--the relevancy of these self-improvement and leadership-development goals to the mission and plans for enhancement of the performance of the department(s), college(s), or other unit(s) in which the faculty member serves.
4.2.3. Mechanisms--the mechanisms of self-improvementprofessional and leadership -development the faculty member expects to pursue.
4.2.4. Timetable--approximate dates by which progress toward the self-improvement and leadership-development goals can be expected.
4.2.5. Resources--description of the financial, space, equipment, office, clerical, technical, or other resources (such as mentors, teaching evaluation teams) to facilitate each of the agreed-upon realms of faculty responsibility identified in the sStatement of mMutual eExpectations and to accomplish the careerprofessional development goals of the faculty member, and describeincluding plans for seekingto acquire the requiredse resources.
4.2.6. Changes-- description of significant changes in the disciplinary focus, degree of specialization or diversification, and the mechanisms of cooperation and collaboration with others within the department(s) and college(s) in which the faculty member is appointed and expects to interact in the future -- both within NC State University and elsewhere in this country and abroad.
4.3.The annual activity report and plan for professional development become part of the faculty member’s personnel file..