Discipline: Business and Finance

Date Accepted: 4/11/07


General Course Title: Introduction to Business
General Course Description: Examines the basic concepts of business and the application of economic principles to the operation of business. Explores economic systems, global markets, ethics, entrepreneurship, management, human resources, marketing, accounting, finance, securities markets, money supply, the impact of information technology on business, and personal financial planning.
College Prerequisite(s): None / HS/ROCP Prerequisite(s): None
Advisories/Recommendations: Business English or Intro. to College Writing
Course Content
A. Introduction to Business: History and trends, global opportunities and ethics
B. Economics: Supply and Demand, Inflation, Micro vs Macro
C. Entrepreneurship: small business, components of a business plan
D. Government and Business: Laws, taxes
E. Technology and Business: E-Commerce, Computer Applications, Value-chain linkages
F. International Business/Global Markets: Impact of trade, import/export
G. Financial Management: Financial planning and budgeting, consumer credit
H. Marketing: Market research, Consumer and business marketing
I. Human Resources: Recruiting, Retention, Interpersonal Skills, and Customer Service
Competencies and Skill Requirements (Use additional pages as necessary)
At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
·  Demonstrate how business plays a role in providing the goods, services, jobs and benefits that society requires, including the consideration of ethics, social responsibility, and diversity.
·  Differentiate the relationship between business and the social, physical, and political environment, including the role of government in business and the economy.
·  Analyze the forms of a business organization and explain their advantages and disadvantages.
·  Evaluate the interconnections between business and economics, such as money and banks, markets and prices, in the context of an ever-changing global economy and advances in technology.
·  Distinguish the primary internal functions of a business such as marketing, production and operations, human resources, accounting, finance, budgeting, and management and construct a business plan.
·  Read, analyze, and discuss articles and periodicals dealing with business and economic topics.
·  Apply analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills through case study and group and individual projects.
·  Prepare a personal financial plan
·  Demonstrate how to market and promote a product or service
·  Demonstrate the ability to utilize computer skills to enhance effective business communications and presentations.
·  Understanding of the components of a business plan
Measurement Methods (include any industry certification or licensure):
·  Case studies analysis
·  Written evaluations of information obtained from the Internet
·  Essays on assigned topics
·  Chapter analyses
·  Assigned readings from the text and business periodicals
·  Assigned writings
·  Field observations
·  Cooperative group work
·  Stock market game/analysis
·  Internet-based research, spreadsheet analysis, e-mail communications, preparation of PowerPoint presentations, etc.
·  In-class debates, seminars, and discussions
·  Analysis of a variety of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds
Sample Textbooks or Other Support Materials (including Software):
Business, Griffin, Ricky and Ebert, Ronald, Prentice-Hall
Business Math, Thomson
Business Principles and Management, Thomson Learning
Introduction to Business, Glencoe
Introduction to Business, Dlabay, Burrow, Eggland, Thomsom/Southwestern, 6th edition
Marketing Essentials, Farese, Kimbroll, Woloszyk, Glencoe/McGraw Hill
Succeeding in the World of Work, Glencoe/McGraw Hill
Surviving on the Job, Glencoe
Understanding Business, Nickels, William, et al, Irwin/McGraw Hill, 7th edition
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Final 4/11/07