Trees (Small 5- 8m, Medium 8-13m, Tall >13 m).

Acacia dealbataSmall-Large. Bright yellow flowers, July-Nov.

Silver wattle

Acacia implexaSmall-Medium. Pale cream-yellow flowers, Lightwood December-March.

Acacia mearnsiiMedium. Cream flowers, Oct.-December.

Black wattle

Acacia melanoxylonSmall-Large. Pale cream flowers, Sep.-Nov.


Allocasuarina littoralisMedium. Flower spikes rusty brown.

Black she-oak

Allocasuarina verticillataMedium. Flower spikes yellow/brown.

Drooping she-oak

Banksia marginataSmall-Medium. Yellow flowers, Oct.-March.

Silver banksia

Eucalyptus camaldulensisTall. Smooth grey-white bark. Cream flowers.

River Red Gum

Eucalyptus ovataTall. Bark rough, shed in ribbons. Flowers Swamp Gum March-November.

Eucalyptus paucifloraMedium-Tall. Bark smooth white, grey.

Snow Gum

Eucalyptus pryorianaMedium-Tall. Rough bark shed upper branches.

Rough-barked Manna GumFlowers all year.

Eucalyptus radiataTall. Fine rough bark, upper branches. Flowers Narrow-leafed Peppermint October- January.

Exocarpus cupressiformisSmall. Green flowers. July-November.

Cherry Ballart

Large Shrubs (3-5 m)

Acacia oxycedrusBright yellow flowers, July-October.

Spike Wattle

Acacia paradoxaCovered in thorns. Flowers golden-yellow,

Hedge WattleAugust-November.

Bursaria spinosaSmall dark green leaves. Cream flowers, Nov-Sweet Bursaria Feb.

Helichrysum dendroideumWhite flowers, November-February.

Tree Everlasting

Helichrysum scorpoidesYellow flower heads.

Button everlasting

Kunzea ericoidesWhite flowers, November-February.


Leptospermum continentaleWhite flowers, October-March.

Prickly Tea-tree

Melaleuca ericifoliaBark papery. Creamy flowers, late Spring.

Swamp Paper Bark

Melaleuca squarrosaBark papery. Flowers creamy-yellow, Oct.-Feb.

Scented Paper Bark

Medium Shrubs(1-3 m)

Allocasuarina paludosaBrown nuts/fruit.

Scrub She-oak

Cassinia arcuataWhite flowers, bud often pink. Nov.-Feb.

Drooping Cassinia

Cassinia longifoliaWhitish flowers, December-March.

Shiny Cassinia

Goodenia ovataFlowers bright yellow, Spring-Summer.

Hop Goodenia

Olearia ramulosaWhite flowers, September-May.

Twiggy Daisy Bush

Leptospermum myrsinoidesWhite or pink flowers, Sep.-Nov.

Heath Tea-tree

Platylobium formosumYellow-red flowers, Sep.-Nov.

Handsome Flat Pea

Ricinocarpus pinifoliusAbundant white flowers, Sept.-Nov.

Wedding Bush

Solanum laciniatumMauve-blue flowers. Fruit green-yellow.

Kangaroo Apple

Small Shrubs/Herbs/Creepers (1m and less).

Acaena anserinifoliaBrown mat creeper.


Amyema pendulumRed/yellow flowers.

Drooping Mistletoe

Aotus ericoidesYellow/red flowers, 0.6 m.

Common Aotus

Atriplex semibaccataPurple/grey flowers, 0.5 m-1.5 m.

Berry Saltbush

Bossiaea cinereaYellow/red/brown flowers, 1.0 m.

Showy Bossiaea

Bossiaea prostrataYellow/brown flowers, trailing.

Creeping Bossiaea

Burchardia umbellataFlowers white or with rosy tints, < 0.7 m high.


Caesia parvifloraPale lavender blue flowers.

Pale Grass Lilly

Cassytha labellaWhite flowers, climber.

Slender Dodder

Chamaescilla corymbosaBright blue flowers, 0.10 m.

Blue Stars

Chenopodium glaucumMauve/purple flowers, 0.1 m.

Glaucous Goosefoot

Clematis microphyilaClimber, cream flowers.

Small-leaved Clematis

Comesperma calymegaBlue flowers, 0.3 m.

Blue-spike Milk-wort

Comesperma volubileTwiner with blue flowers.

Love Creeper

Convolvulus erubescensPint prostrate

Pink Bindweed

Correa reflexaYellow/green or red/yellow flowers.

Common Correa

Crassula helmsiiGreen flowers

Swamp Crassula

Crassula sieberanaGreen, reddish flowers.

Sieber Crassula

Dianella revolutaBright blue flowers, yellow anthers < 1 m.

Black-anther Flax-lily

Dichondra repensGreen mat creeper.

Kidney Weed

Dichopogon strictusMauve flowers, dark anthers 0.3 m-0.4 m.

Chocolate Lily

Dillwynia cinerascensGolden/brown flowers, 0.6 m.


Dillwynia glaberrimaYellow/crimson flowers, 0.1 m.

Smooth Parrot-pea

Dillwynia sericeaRed or yellow flowers, 0.7 m-1.0 m.

Showy Parrot-pea

Drosera macranthaSmall rosetted plant. 0.1-0.2 m


Drosera peltataPink flowers, 0.1 m-0.2 m.

Pale Sundew

Drosera peltata var. auriculataWhite/pink flowers, 0.15 m-0.3 m.

Tall Sundew

Drosera whittakeri0.02 m-0.03 m, white flowers.

Scented Sundew

Einadia nutansGreen/orange flowers.

Nodding Saltbush

Epacris impressaWhite/pink flowers, 0.6 m-1.0 m.

Common Heath

Erodium crinitumBlue flowers, 0.3 m.

Blue Herons Bill

Eryngium vesiculasumCreeping. Pale blue flowers.


Geranium retrorsumClimber with blue/purple flowers, 0.3 m.

Grassland Cranes Bill

Geranium solanderiBlue/purple flowers, spreading, 0.3 m.

Austral Cranes Bill

Glycine volubileTwiner with blue flowers.

Love creeper

Gompholobium huegeliiYellow flowers, 0.3 m.

Common Wedge Pea

Gonocarpus tetragynusRed/green flowers, 0.15 m-0.3 m.

Common Raspwort

Gonocarpus mivanthusSpreading, reddish flowers.

Creeping Raspwort

Goodenia geniculataSmall yellow flowers.

Bent Goodenia

Gratiola peruvianaPale pink creeper.


Haloragis heterophyllaHerb. Hairy stems, red anthers.

Varied Raspwort

Hibbertia procumbens0.1 m-0.4 m., yellow flowers.

Spreading Guinea Flower

Hibbertia sericea0.1 m-0.4 m., yellow flowers.

Silky Guinea Flower

Hydrocotyle hirtaPale yellow herb.

Hairy Pennywort

Hydrocotyle laxifbraGreenish herb.

Stinking Pennywort

Hypericum japonicumOrange flowers.

Maned St. Johns Wort

Hypericum gramineumSpreading plant with orange flowers.

Small St. Johns Wort

Kennedia prostrataRed, yellow flowers, throat creeper.

Running Postman

Lagenifera stipitataLavender flowers, 0.05 m.

Common Lagenifera

Leptorhynchos tenuifoliusYellow flowers, 0.15 m-0.3 m.

Wiry Buttons

Leucopogon virgatusWhite flowers, 1.0 m-2.0 m.

Common Beard Heath

Lobelia alataBluish flowers, spreading.

Angled Lobelia

Montia australasicaWhite flowers, creeping.

White Purslane

Monotoca scopanaCreamy flowers, 0.6 m.

Prickly Broom Heath

Muellerina eucalyptoidesRed/yellow flowers.

Creeping Mistletoe

Opercularia variaWhite, yellowish flowers, < 0.3 m.

Variable Stinkweed

Patersonia occidentalisDeep violet/bluish flowers, 0.1 m-0.2 m.

Long Purple Flag

Pimelea humilisWhite flowers, 0.15 m-0.2 m.

Common Rice Flower

Plantago variaBrownish flowers, 0.05 m-0.15 m.

Variable Plantain

Platylobium obtusangulumYellow and red flowers, 0.3 m.

Common Flat Pea

Poranthera microphyllaWhite flowers, 0.1 m.

Small Poranthera

Portulaca oleraceaYellow flowers.

Common Purslane

Pratia pendunculataBlue/white flowers.

Maned Pratia

Prunella vulgarisDark purple flowers, 0.07 m-0.15 m.


Pultenaea scabraYellow and red flowers, 0.5 m-1.5 m.

Rough Bush Pea

Rubus parvifoliusPurplish/pink flowers, 1.0 m.


Rumex browniiUp to 1 m. Flowers in clusters along stems.

Slender Dock

Senecio biseratusYellow flowers, 0.9 m.

Jagged Fireweed

Senecio glomeratusYellow flowers, 0.5 m.

Annual Fireweed

Senecio hispidulusYellow flowers, 0.2 m-0.8 m.

Rough Fireweed

Senecio quadridentatusYellow/blackish flowers, 0.5 m-1.5 m.

Cotton Fireweed

Senecio minimusYellow flowers, 0.1 m.

Shrubby Fireweed

Stackhousia monogynaWhite/creamy flowers, 0.1 m-0.3 m.

Creamy Stackhousia

Stellaria pungensWhite flowers, trailing.

Prickly Starwort

Stylidium graminifoliumPink to magenta flowers, 0.2 m-0.5 m.

Grass Trigger

Thysanotus patersoniiTwiner on other plants, <0.8 m.

Twining Fringe

Thysanotus tuberosusViolet flowers, 0.3 m.

Common Fringe

Trachymene anisocarpaYellow/white flowers, 0.3 m-2.0 m.

Parsnip Trachymene

Trycoryne elationYellow flowers, 0.3 m.

Yellow Rush-lily

Veronica calycinaBlue flowers, suckering.

Hairy Speedwell

Veronica gracilisLight blue flowers, 0.15 m-0.3 m.

Slender Speedwell

Veronica plebiaBlue flowers, 0.10 m-0.2 m.

Trailing Speedwell

Viola hederaceaWhite/violet flowers, 0.05 m-0.15 m.

Ivy-leaf Violet


Acianthus exsertusPink/greenish flowers, 0.1 m-0.2 m.

Mosquito Orchid

Acianthus reniformisGreen, red, pinkish flowers, 0.1 m-0.15 m.

Gnat Orchid

Corybas dilatatusReddish purple flowers.

Veined Helmet Orchid

Caladenia catenataPink flowers, 0.1 m.

Pink Fingers

Dipodium punctatumWhite or red dotted pink flowers, 0.4 m-1.2 m.

Hyacinth Orchid

Diuris longifoliaBrown/claret/yellow flowers, 0.45 m.

Wallflower Orchid

Diuris maculataYellow flowers with brown dots. 0.20 m-0.25 m.

Leopard Orchid

Diuris punctataPurple flowers, 0.3 m.

Purple Diuris

Diuris sulphureaYellow flowers, 0.4 m.

Tiger Orchid

Eriochilus cucullatusWhite/pink flowers, 0.08 m-0.15 m.

Parsons Bands

Lyperanthus nigricansRed and white flowers, 0.25 m.

Red Beaks

Microtis unifoliaGreen flowers, 0.15 m-0.3 m.

Common Onion Orchid

Prasophyllum despectansBrown to purple flowers, 0.25 m.

Sharp Midge Orchid

Pterostylis concinnaGreen/brown flowers, 0.08 m-0.15 m.

Trim Greenhood

Pterostylis nutansGreen flowers, 0.1 m - 0.2 m.

Nodding Greenhood

Pterostylis pendunculataGreen/maroon flowers, 0.3 m.



Baumea juncea<1 m. Sedge with round, brown flower heads.

Bare Twig Rush

Carex appressaGold/brown flowers, 1.0 m.

Tall Sedge

Carex inversaSlender tufted perennial sedge. 0.6 m.

SedgeYellowish/green flowers.

Danthonia caespitosaGolden/cream flowers, 0.15 m-0.35 m.

Common Wallaby Grass

Danthonia geniculataCreamy brown flowers, 0.15 m-0.3 m.

Kneed Wallaby Grass

Danthonia pallidaWhite topped flowers with red anther, 0.10m-Silver Top Wallaby Grass 0.3m.

Danthonia racemosaCreamy white flowers, 0.15 m-0.30 m.

Wallaby Grass

Danthonia setaceaBristly white/brown flowers, 0.10 m-0.3 m.

Bristly Wallaby Grass

Distichlis distichophyllaSprawling prickly leaves.

Australian Salt Grass

Gahnia radulaBlackish flowers, 1.0 m-1.8 m.

Thatch Saw-sedge

Gahnia sieberianaBlackish flowers, 3.0 m-1.5 m.

Red Fruit Saw-sedge

Hemanthria unicataPurplish flowers, < 0.4 m.


Juncus hobschoenusPale greenish flowers, <1.0 m.

Joint Leaf Rush

Juncus kraussiiMedium-dark brown flowers, < 1.0 m.


Juncus pallidusBrown flowers.

Pale Rush

Juncus planifoliusDark flowers, 0.2 m4.3 m.

Broad Leaf Rush

Juncus subsecundusPale, light orange flowers, < 2.0 m.

Finger Rush

Lepidosperma concavuumSword-like leaves. Brown flower heads. < 1 m.

Sand-hill Sword-sedge

Lepidosperma longitudinale0.7 m-1.7 m.

Pith Sword-sedge

Lepidosperma laterale1.0 m.

Variable Sword-sedge

Leptocarpus browniiWhite flowers

Coarse Twine Rush

Lomandra filiformisYellow flowers, 0.15 m-0.25 m.

Wattle Matrush

Lomandra longifoliaYellow, brownish flowers.

Spiny Headed Mat-rush

Microlaena stipoidesCreamy flowers, < 1.5 m.

Weeping Grass

Poa poiformisCreamy white flowers, < 0.5 m.

Blue Tussock Grass

Poa sieberanaCreamy flowers, < 0.5 m.

Tussock Grass

Pteridium esculentumGreen flowers 0.5 m-2.0 m.

Austral Bracken

Lindsaea linearisYellow/green flowers, 0.1 m-0.2 m.

Screw Fern

Stipa rudisWhite flowers, < 2.0 m.

Spear Grass

Stipa semibarbataTall (>1 m). Long seeds. Slender grass.

Fibrous Spear Grass

Stipa variabilusPurple base, creamy flowers, < 2.0 m.

Variable Spear Grass

Themeda triandraBrown/reddish flowers, 0.3 m-1.0 m.

Kangaroo Grass

Xanthorrhoea minorCreamy white spikes, 1.0 m-2.0 m.

Small Grass Tree

Aquatic Species

Amphibromus neesiiGolden brown flowers

Common Swamp Wallaby Grass

Azolla filicubidesGreen to deep red flowers. Free floating.

Pacific Azolla

Centrolepis aristata0.03 m-0.1 m.

Pointed Centrolepis

Centrolepis strigosa0.03 m-0.1 m. Hairy and feathery.

Hairy Centrolepis

Eleocharis acutaBrown flowers, < 1.0 m.

Common Spike-rush

Eleocharis sphaceiataGreen flowers with white stamens. 2.0 m.

Tall Spike-rush

Glyceria sp.Pale green flowers. 0.5 m-1.0 m.

Sweet Grass

Goodenia humilisMat, yellow flowers.

Swamp Goodenia

Lemna minorGreen, floating, small.

Common Duckweed

Phragmites australisWhite fluffy flowers. <3.0 m.

Common Reed

Potomogeton tricarinatusFloating. Yellow-green flowers.

Floating Pondweed

Rununculus rivularisYellow flowers, mat-like.

Small River Buttercup

Selliera radicansCreeping, grey purplish flowers.

Swamp Weed

Schoenus apogonUp to 0.3 m., brown/black flowers.

Common Bog Rush

Triglochin proceraGreen leaves. 0.5 m-2.0 m long. Semi-erect.

Water Ribbons

Triglochin striataGreen/brown flowers, 0.3 m-0.15 m.

Streaked Arrow Grass

Typha domingensisCreamy, light brown flowers. < 4.0 m.


Crassula helmsiiGreen flowers.

Swamp Crassula