Procurement of Point to Multi-point radio equipments with Wi-MAX capabilities.

RFP No: STPI/PUNE/PUR/08-09/01 dated May 26,2008.



RFP No. & Date / STPI/PUNE/PUR/08-09/01 May 27, 2008
Due date & time of submission of bids / June 30, 2008 at 15:00 hours
Due date & time of opening of bids / June 30, 2008 at 16:00 hours

1.  Intend of Request For Proposal :

Software Technology Parks Of India (STPI), would like to have a Point to Multi-point wireless solution for extending our Internet services to our leased line customers at our centers in Maharashtra (Pune ,Mumbai, Nagpur, Nasik, Kolhapur, Aurangabad) and have a rate contract for procurement of radio equipments, as per requirement, during the financial year 2008-09.

2.  Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) invites sealed Tenders under two-bid system (Techno-commercial bid and Financial bids) from reputed vendors for the supply & installation of Point to Multi-Point radio equipments with Wi-MAX capabilities in licence free frequency bands(5Ghz. Spectrum), conforming to the specifications as mentioned in the Tender document

3.  Sealed Tenders under two-bid system (Techno-Commercial bid and Financial bids) are invited from reputed vendors fulfilling the following eligibility requirements.

(i)  The bidder should be a company registered in India under Registrar of Companies and

supplying the tendered item(s).

(ii)  The bidder should be a manufacturer or authorized dealer of original equipment manufacturer. A documentary evidence for the same shall be submitted along with the bid.

Earnest money deposit (EMD) for an amount of Rs. 15000/- in the form of Demand draft from a scheduled bank in India has to be submitted along with the bid. Intending bidders may obtain the Tender Document from the Purchase Department, Software Technology Parks of India, Plot No-P-1,Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park,Hinjewadi,Pune-411057, on payment of (Rupees 500/-) non-refundable, from May 27, 2008 upto June 30, 2008 between 10:00 a.m to 17:00 p.m on working days. The payment will be accepted in the form of demand draft, drawn on any scheduled/Nationalized bank, in favour of STPI, payable at Pune.

Tender document can also be downloaded from the website in which case the bidder shall submit a DD of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) in favour ‘Software Technology Parks Of India-Pune, towards the cost of tender document in a separate envelope along with the bid, failing which the bid will not be accepted.


Joint Director

Software Technology Parks of India

Plot No-P-1,Rajiv Gandhi Infotech park





1.1 Software Technology Parks India (STPI) is a non-profit society set-up in 1991 by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Govt. of India to promote and facilitate software exports from India.

The role of Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) is promoting and facilitating the software exports from India. STPI has been continually pioneering value added services to the IT industry.

1.2 Software Technology Parks of India invites bids for supply of as described in Section V (Technical Specifications).


2.1  ‘The Purchaser’ means the Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) Pune

2.2  ‘The Bidder’ means the company who participates in this tender and submits its bid.

2.3  ‘The Supplier’ means the company supplying ‘the Service’ under the contract.

2.4  ‘The Service’ means supply & installation of Point to Point and Point to Multi-Point radio equipments to be provided to the Purchaser by the Supplier as per the specifications mentioned at Section-V

2.5  ‘The Purchase Order’ means the order placed by the Purchaser on the Supplier duly signed by the Purchaser and includes all attachments and appendices hereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein. The purchase order shall be deemed to be the contract.

2.6  ‘Contract’ means the agreement between STPI and the successful bidder called Supplier for the provisioning of the Service including supply of all documents to which reference may be made in order to ascertain the rights and obligations of the parties and shall include the Instructions to bidders, General Terms and Conditions of the Contract, Addenda, Supplementary Agreement(s) (if any) as part of the Contract.

2.7  ‘The Contract Price’ means the price payable to the supplier under the purchase order for the complete fulfillment and proper performance of its contractual obligations to the satisfaction of STPI.

2.8  ‘Contract Date’ means the date on which the Contract comes into effect.

2.9  ‘Certificate of Acceptance’ means the certificate issued by STPI to the Supplier upon completion of the acceptance tests of the Service

2.10  ‘Progress Report’ means the reports prepared by the Supplier containing details of the progress and implementation of the project as required by STPI.

2.11  ‘Site’ means the place(s) other than the Supplier’s premises, to which the services are to be delivered

2.12  ‘Works’ means the jobs undertaken by the Supplier in order to complete the tasks falling within the scope of the Contract.

2.13  ‘Commissioning’ means successful completion of acceptance testing procedures as may be prescribed by STPI subsequent to the delivery of the Service.


3.1  The bidder should be a manufacturer or authorized dealer of original equipment manufacturer .

3.2 The bidder should be a company registered in India under Registrar of Companies and

supplying the tendered item(s).


The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the bid. The purchaser, will in no case, be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.


5.1 The services required, bidding procedures and contract terms are prescribed in this Bid Document. The Bid Document includes the following:

Sl / TITLE / Section No.
1 / Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) / Section –I
2 / Instructions to bidders / Section –II
3 / General Conditions of Contract / Section – III
4 / Special Conditions of Contract / Section – IV
5 / Technical Specifications / Section – V
6 / Bid Form & Price Schedules(Part I & Part II) / Section –VI
7 / Letter of authorization for attending bid opening. / Section – VII
8 / Price bid evaluation Criteria / Annexure I

5.2 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the Bid Document. Failure to furnish all information required as per the Bid Document or submission of bids which are not substantially responsive to the Bid Document in every respect may result in rejection of the bid. In respect of interpretation/clarification of each and every clause of this tender and in respect of any matter relating to this tender, the decision of STPI will be final.


6.1 A prospective bidder, requiring any clarification on the Bid Documents, shall notify the Purchaser in writing at the Purchaser’s mailing address or by FAX indicated in the invitation of Bid. The Purchaser shall respond in writing to any request for the clarification of the Bid Documents, which it receives not later than 05 (five) days prior to the date of opening of the Tender. Copies of the query (without identifying the source) and clarifications by the Purchaser shall be sent to all the prospective bidders who have received the bid documents and the same shall be published in the web site

6.2 Any clarification issued by STPI in response to query raised by prospective bidders shall form an integral part of bid documents and it may amount to an amendment of relevant clauses of the bid documents.

6.3 The bidders are required to keep a watch on the STPI Website w.r.t. any amendment to the tender document or to clarification to the queries raised by the bidders till 05(five) days prior to the opening of the tender. STPI reserves the right to reject the bids if the bids are submitted without taking into account these amendments/clarifications. Further bidder will be fully responsible for downloading of the tender document and amendments for their completeness.


7.1  At any time, prior to the date of submission of bids, the Purchaser may for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify/ alter any terms & conditions of the bid documents by amendments as long as they are uniformly applied to all.

7.2  The amendments shall be notified in writing to all prospective bidders who purchase the bid documents and these amendments will be binding on them.

7.3  In order to give prospective bidders reasonable time to take the amendments into account while preparing their bids or for any other reason, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend the last date / time for the submission of bids.


8.1 Language of Bid:

The Bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the bidder and the purchaser shall be in English language.

8.2 Documents comprising the bid:

The Techno-Commercial bid prepared by the bidder shall comprise the following components:

(a)  Documentary evidence to establish the eligibility in accordance with Clause-3 and Clause-11 indicating that the bidder is eligible to bid and is qualified to perform the contract if his bid is accepted.

(b)  A clause-by-clause compliance of the services offered as per Clause-12.3 C.

(c)  A copy of price schedule (Section VI Part-II) with all relevant tables duly filled indicating the quantity of each item with price column blanked out must be enclosed with Techno-Commercial bid.


The bidder shall complete the Bid form and the appropriate Price Schedule strictly as per the format furnished in the Bid Documents, indicating the Services to be supplied along with a brief description of the services, quantity and prices as per Section–VI.

The Financial bid prepared by the bidder shall comprise of price schedule in accordance with Section VI (Part II).

The bidder shall submit the bid on the letter head .


10.1  The bidder shall give price of the equipments/Services including taxes as applicable from time to time. However detailed break up of all components need to be specified as per the price schedule given in Section VI. Prices of incidental services should also be quoted. Wherever these taxes are not applicable or inclusive,bidder shall indicate the same as “Not Applicable –‘NA’ or Inclusive.

10.2  Prices indicated in the Price Schedule shall be entered in the following manner:

(i) The Basic Unit price of the Equipments/Services, with item wise break up and taxes shall be shown separately.

(ii) The supplier shall quote as per price schedule given in Section VI for all the items given in schedule of requirement.

10.3  The Basic Unit Price quoted by the bidder shall remain fixed during the scheduled delivery period. A bid submitted with a variable price quotation will not be entertained.

10.4  The prices quoted by the bidder shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Purchaser to arrive at the price of Service offered.

10.5 “DISCOUNT’, if any, offered by the bidders shall not be considered unless specifically indicated in the price schedule. Bidders desiring to offer discount shall therefore modify their offers suitably while quoting and shall quote clearly by showing net price after discount.

10.6 The price approved by STPI for procurement will be the basic unit price and taxes as applicable from time to time.


11.1 Pursuant to Clause 3, the bidder shall furnish, as part of the bid, documents establishing the bidder’s eligibility to bid, and its technical and production capability to perform the contract. Any subsequent correspondence in this regard shall be treated as post tender offer/clarification and shall not be entertained.

The documents shall comprise of following: -The bidder shall furnish, as part of the bid documents establishing the bidder’s eligibility, the following documents or which ever is required as per terms and conditions of Bid Documents.

(i)  Certificate of incorporation..

(ii)  Approval from Reserve Bank of India /SIA in case of foreign collaboration.

(iii)  Latest and valid NSIC Certificate duly certified by NSIC (if applicable)

(iv)  Documentary evidence about technical and production capability necessary to perform the contract.

(v)  In order to enable the Purchaser to assess the proven-ness of the Service offered, the bidder shall provide documentary evidence regarding the Service being offered by him.(e.g. Certified copy from approved engineer).

11.2  If any document is not submitted by bidder at the time of submission of bid in support of Bidders Eligibility Criteria, evaluation of bids will be based on available documents in the bid and non submission of documents will be treated as non availability of documents.


12.1 Pursuant to Clause 9, the bidder shall furnish as part of his bid, documents establishing the conformity of Bid Documents to all services, which the bidder proposes to supply under the contract.No ambiguity in compliance should be there in the bids.

12.2 The documentary evidence of the ‘services’ shall be to the purchaser’s satisfaction and the bidder shall state that they will comply with all conditions specified in technical specifications and other conditions of this tender.

12.3 The documentary evidence of the services in conformity to the Bidding document may be in the form of literature, drawings and data. It may comprise of:

a)   A detailed description of the Services with essential technical and performance characteristics and sketches, drawings and circuit diagram, physical and technical parameters for all equipments/services offered wherever applicable.

b)   Detailed project implementation schedule covering all the activities of the work and Bar/Pert Chart wherever applicable.

c)   A clause-by-clause compliance on the purchaser’s Technical Specifications and Commercial Conditions demonstrating substantial responsiveness to the Technical Specifications and Commercial Conditions. In case of deviations, a statement of the deviations and exception to the provision of the Technical Specifications and Commercial Conditions shall be given by the bidder. In case there is no deviation, “NIL” deviation statement shall be given. A bid without clause-by-clause compliance of the Technical Specifications (Section V), General Conditions of Contract (Section III) and Special Conditions of Contract (Section IV) shall not be considered. Further, wherever specifications indicate a specific parameter to be met, bidder shall indicate the actual value of the parameter.