Present: Cllrs Raisey (Chairman), Cruickshanks, Corker, Willshere, Taylor and Crissell.

In attendance: County Cllr Otton, District Cllr Matthissen, Mr Eade, Mr Gerry, Mr Youle and Mrs Raisey.

The Chairman advised members that John Kendall, who was a Cllr until July, died yesterday and there was a minutes silence before the meeting started.

1. Apologies for absence. There were none.

2. To confirm and approve the minutes of the meeting12 September 2016.

The minutes were approved and signed.

3. To receive members Declarations of Interest on agenda items. There were none.

4. AdjournmentThe meeting adjourned at 7.35 p.m.

5. Report from County Cllr Otton.

SCC met on 19 September to review the waste facility in Stowmarket. The council is actively looking for a better site with better road access. SCC is not obliged to provide a service for plasterboard and rubble so had to introduce a charge. The decision to close on Wednesdays was so that sites can be open longer on Sundays and Bank Holidays. The Government has delayed the time so devolution will now be debated on 23 November. Great Finborough mobile Post Office has been taken over by Stowupland Post Office and will be available Monday and Tuesday 1430-1530 hours. The Boundary Commission has issued proposals for changes to parliamentary boundaries. SCC has signed the covenant which declared support for armed forces and their families.

6. Report from District Cllr Matthissen

There were more than 10,000 responses to the devolution consultation, 53% supported the principle of devolution, 52% support having a combined mayor and 58% support councils coming together as a combined authority. Top priorities are job creation, assistance for young people either earning or learning and road maintenance. Council voted to move headquarters to Endeavour House, Ipswich although there are some misgivings regarding access for the public, the economic and social impact of losing existing office in Needham Marketand local residents in part time jobs. The initial review of District Wards is to decide how many councillors are needed and that Wards are of similar size. The Government has decided that it wishes to reduce the number of MPs from 650 to 600 and the Boundary Commission has published proposals that Onehouse Ward should be part of South Suffolk not Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket as it is now.

Cllr Matthissen advised that work has started to redevelop Red Willows but conditions have not yet been signed off.

Cllr Taylor asked what the distance should between the Paupers Graves site and any buildings on Chilton Leys development. Cllr Corker asked Cllr Matthissen to discuss the late collection of Brown Bins with officers as the current delays are unacceptable.

The meeting reconvened at 7.57 p.m.

7. Planning Matters

a)To discuss and make recommendation to MSDC on any applications received prior to this meeting.


There were none.

b)To receive MSDC decisions on previously considered applications.

There were none.


To approve payment of the following invoices:

a)16/031 £419.68Mrs P Fuller salary& expenses September2016

b)16/032 £325.41 Gipping Press October OHSMag

c)16/033£20.00 HMRC Tax July-September

d)16/034 £141.65 Suffolk County Council pension payment October to be sent off 5 November

items a) –d) + f) were approved and cheques issued.

e)To receive monthly financial report from the Clerk.

The balance of the Community Account at the end of September is £21,618.27 which includes the second half precept payment. Less this month’s cheques totalling £906.74and adjustments of £522.00 for adverts and £234.30 for insurance, the corrected figure is £21,467.83. The Treasurers Account stands at 18,252.84.

f)16/035 £255.64 Business Services at CAS Ltd insurance renewal premium

9.Highways Matters

a)To consider the response from Andrew Pearce, SCC regarding the footway between 22 Forest Road and Chilton Leys and take any necessary action.

The principle of a contribution towards the design/construction of the footway had been agreed with a landowner trying to develop a small site. Mr Pearce thought that a widening scheme had been agreed but issues over highways width caused doubt over the feasibility of the scheme. This was then taken over by another officer who was discussing an alternative scheme around signs/lines and this officer has been asked for an update. To date no response has been received.

10.To discuss the purchase of a ride-on mower for use around the parish and take any necessary action.

The Clerk has not been able to discuss with our insurer. Action: the Clerk

11. To discuss development of land around the parish and take any necessary action.

Cllr Raisey has advised Taylor Wimpey of our concerns raised at the last meeting. TW has advised that MSDC will not allow the MUGA to be moved to Chilton Fields and it is also MSDC who wants the bus access on Chilton Leys corner. OPC will send a letter to MSDC objecting to these issues. Action: the Clerk/Cllr Raisey.

12. To discussOnehouse website and OHSMag and take any necessary action.

Nothing to report.

13. To receive an update on the Paupers Graves site and take any necessaryaction.

A working party will take place 14 October to lay chippings on paths.

14. To receive correspondence/communications and to deal with any matters.

MP Jo Churchill hosting an Older Persons’ Information Fair 11 November at the John Peel Centre. The following items have been circulated to Cllrs:SALC SALC Survey, LAIS1393 Precept Consultation, Local Council Awards Scheme briefing, SALC AGM invitation 14 November, serious assault in Aldeburgh information request, How Local Councils can be effective online course, newsletter of the year and website of the year 2016. Suffolk Police PCC & CC public meeting 22 September, PCSO recruitment, rural premises targeted. SCC Employers newsletter September, Community Emergency


Planning newsletter September. MSDC Town & Parish Council newsletter September, Halloween Trick or Treat posters, CIL Neighbourhood payments October 2016,BT red phone box removal consultation. Rural Services Network News Digest 19, 26 September, 3 & 10 October, spotlight on older people, rural economy spotlight, free seminar – rural economies, rural vulnerability service – fuel poverty September, Rural Opportunities bulletin. Royal British Legion Stowmarket invitation for Chairman to attend Remembrance Service at Chilton Meadows 11 November. Community Action Suffolk invitation to CAS Annual Award event, news 21 September & 5 October, “Hidden Needs” report. Suffolk Community Foundation Centenary Fund closing soon, grants update October. Public Sector Executive news 22, 27 September 10 October. Parish Council Websites funding available for new website. LCPAS Health & Safety course for Parish and Town Councils.

15. To receive reports

a)Report from the Clerk

Water leaks – Stow Lodge and Lower Road near The Hamlet reported and job numbers issued.

Footway near Community Centre – sunken path where gas connected to Community Centre reported.

Footpath – bridge near garages reported needs non slip section, chicken wire and shale on lower step replaced. The Clerk will report to SCC.

Casual Vacancy – electors have not requested an election therefore can be filled by co-option.

Meetings for Clerks with Police – the Clerk will attend the meeting at Stowmarket Police Station 1 November.

Chilton Leys Archaeological Survey report – not yet complete but we will be sent a copy in due course.

Flower boxes – further boxes have broken and need wood removing.

b)Report from Community Speedwatch Scheme

Two sessions have been carried out covering both sites, no vehicles recorded over the speed limit.

16.Questions to the Chairman

No Cold Calling Zone; Cllr Crissell will find out details for the November meeting.

Cllr Willshire has reported trees around their site to the Waterboard as they need cutting back. Age UK may not be able to distribute warmer homes grants this year but CAB may take this on.

17.Items for next agenda

Casual Vacancy co-option, OHSMag & website, ride on mower, Paupers Graves, development, Community Speedwatch, No Cold Calling Zone.

18. To confirm date, time andplace of thenextParish.Council meeting as Monday 14 November at 7.30 p.m. in Trinity Hall. Noted.

The meeting closed at 8.34 p.m.

