One to the World Service Learning Project 2017-2018

Dr. Keith – Mrs. Creason

  • In this class we learn about civic duties, responsibilities, and being an active member of your community. By taking civic actions, you practice what citizens do when they try to solve real-world policy issues. These opportunities will provide insightful experiences that will help you grow, gain valuable life and interpersonal skills, and provide service through thoughtful action. You will learn about collaboration, leadership, and other skills that will help you in your life and career.
  • You will choose and research an issue, challenge, or other topic that citizens in our community face. This can be a local, national, or global issue.
  • Between 2nd and 3rd Quarter you will perform an ACTION or SERVICE related to your topic.
  • You will document and submit evidence of your action. Create a presentation.
  • The grade for this project will be counted as a 4th Quarter Summative Project grade.

Suggestions for Researching:

  • Research a topic that is of interest and meaningful to you.

(Talk to your teachers and family, speak with a community official, check volunteer groups online, research news)

  • What community or group will you benefit? It can be your neighborhood, your county, state, country, or global community.

Service OR Action:

You will come up with a plan to address that challenge. How will the community benefit from your efforts?

Choose and work with a nonprofit organization that works on behalf of this issue. You will perform SERVICE or an ACTION and make a real contribution as a citizen.

Some Examples of SERVICE or ACTION:

  • Face-to-Face (One Time or Ongoing in person)
  • Online Activism (Petitions, Letter Writing, Other)
  • Fundraiser & Donations
  • Advocacy
  • Awareness Campaign (Taking a Stand and Spreading the Word)
  • School-Based Service (Examples are: Tech Team, Green Team, Peer Tutoring, Touching Heart Club, LEO Club, School Beautification)

You can work as an individual or with other peers from my Civics class. If you work as a group, each group member must submit a copy of the presentation through his or her own Civics block. Include all group members’ names in your presentation


You will create a multimedia presentation of the service you performed.Your presentation must include evidence of all the categories below AND a final reflection section. Your reflection will include what you learned and how you improved your citizenship skills, the impact of your project on the community and how you will continue to be an ACTIVE citizen.

The following are the minimum questions you can include in your Reflection Section:

  • In what ways has this project contributed to your personal development (responsibility, respectfulness, empathy, citizenship, collaborative skills, leadership etc)?
  • Why did you choose this activity?
  • What were your expectations prior to starting?
  • Describe the experiences with the people you met – both with members of the organization and the members of the community served.
  • How has this experience changed your views about performing service or taking action in your community?
  • Describe some skills you learned through this experience that could be used in your everyday life/workforce.

Student Name:______Block: ______

Service Learning Rubric 2017-2018

Category / 1 point / 3 points / 5 points
Can I explain the social issue, condition, or situation that I worked on? / Minimal Understanding / Partial Understanding / Completely Explain It
Did I perform service OR an action in my community? Describe. / Performed Minimal Service / Performed Some Service / Performed Significant Service
Did I choose and work with a nonprofit organization that works on behalf of this issue? / N/A / N/A / Worked with an organization that supports the issue
Was the service OR action meaningful? Did it have a significant impact on the community? / Minimal Impact / Some Impact / Significant Impact
Did the I play a significant role in creating and performing the service learning project? / Had Minimal Involvement / Had Some Involvement / Played a Significant Role
Was I a positive,
contributing member of
my group (or individual)? / Minimal Contribution / Some Contribution / Strong Contributor
Did I produce a multimedia presentation of the service or action (slides, Campus Press Blog, etc.)? / Low Level of Supporting Visuals / Moderate Level of Supporting Visuals / High Level of Supporting Visuals
Did I share my effortswith others or community members (speak about, show presentation, posted signs/flyers, etc)? / Only shared my experience with one person / Shared my experience with a few people / Shared my experience with many people
Did I complete a Reflection Section? / Reflection was minimal / Completed a partial reflection / Completed a thorough reflection
Total (add columns)

TOTAL POINTS= ______/45 Points

One to the World Service Learning Project 2017-2018

Ms. Rodriguez


Submit via Google Classroom (preferred) or Flash Drive

Service Project Proposal (Describe the project in detail. It must include a written summary of the project, groups and or organizations you have contacted or will be working with, group member names (if working in a group) and specific roles and responsibilities of EACH person= DUE DATE: Submit by Dec. 15th

Progress Check (a brief written summary of where you are in the process)= DUE DATE: By February 10th

FINAL DUE DATE: By April 9th (Can be submitted earlier)