Meeting of the Parish Council

held in the Village Hall,Todds Lane, Burton upon Stather

on Monday 14 March 2016

PRESENT: Parish Councillors:

Cllr JRK Mitchell in the Chair

Cllr C AllisonCllr PF Bell Cllr AM Croft Cllr DJ Faulks Cllr W Johnston Cllr M Peace Cllr NF Thornes Cllr ES Whittaker (Quorum: 5)

North Lincolnshire Councillors:Ward Cllr R Ogg

Parish Clerk: Mrs M Potter

Members of the public: 5

APOLOGIES:Parish Councillors:2

North Lincolnshire Councillor:-

Mr Curtis enquired about the £500,000 grant that had been won and asked if some of the money could be used to build a historical document store to house the archives of the parish. He also explained the need for a burial office. He was informed that there had recently been a meeting to consider the costings for a sports facility that would also contain an office space and storage area. The playing fields association would be leading this project. The questioner thanked the Chairman for his informative piece in the local newsletter.

Messrs Jonathon and Jason Frary addressed the meeting to inform the council of various running events that would be taking place later this year. Last year they had held a successful Duathlon at Normanby Hall and this year there will be four events that would come through the village. They are currently informing, the police, councils and other relevant authorities of the plans for these events which will be taking place in May and July. Cyclists would be coming through the village and the routes will have signage, Mr Fray said they were working with the Safety Advisory Committee. There would be no road closures and cyclists would not be cycling together in large groups.

There is also a 10k run planned for Sunday 19th June 2016 that will involve some road closures. The race will start at 8.30 and it is expected that the last runner will finish at 10.30am so there should only be an hour or so of disruption early on Sunday morning. They finished by saying that the support from villages along the route last year had been enthusiastic and much appreciated by the athletes. Cllr Ogg said he had been amazed by the amount of support at the last event and there had been good publicity for the village after the event. It was suggested that Simon Spark, a village resident and a Look North report may be able to help with this.

The Chairman thanked Messrs Frary for their presentation.

Messrs Frary left the meeting.

Cllr Ogg reported that the picnic area and its surroundings had been tidied up and that the Normanby Park railway would be opening at Easter. He said that the 50 mph signs on the Burton/Winterton road had been vandalised again and there were plans for the council to remove them and paint 50mph signs on the road.

He also reported that Judy Harrison had received an email from Mike Blake about work on the footpath on the hill and had said that this would be in the 16/17 budget. It was noted that this footpath was not passable in the summer months.

The Chairman thanked Cllr Ogg, for his reports and opened the meeting.

  1. Co-option Applications

Mrs Harber gave a presentation in support of her application. She informed councillors that she grew up in the village and after spending some time away returned so her son could go to the local school. She felt that the village had a strong sense of community and she wanted to help the village to move forward and support all age groups.

Mrs Pringle gave her presentation in support of her application. She explained how she had been a retired primary school teacher and an ex-police office and had good communication skills. She was a lay minister at the church and wanted to serve the community in a wider role. She particularly wanted to help improve communication in the village and ensure that everyone got a chance to share their views and the elderly got information in an appropriate format.

Mrs Harber and Mrs Pringle left the meeting while governors discussed the applications. After a discussion,

RESOLVED: Councillors agreed to invite Mrs Harber and Mrs Pringle to be co-opted councillors.

209. Declaration Forms

Mrs Harber and Mrs Pringle completed the declaration forms

209. Apologies for absence

Mr Thomas and Mr Johnston had submitted apologies

209. Declaration of Interest – Code of Conduct adopted by this Council

(a) To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

(b) To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.

Personal interest as a member of the Burton Upon Stather Burial Ground Committee:

Cllr C Allison, Cllr PF Bell, Cllr DJ Faulks, Cllr J Mitchell

Personal interest as a member of Burton Playing Field Association: 0

Personal interest as a member and trustee of the Village Hall Committee: Cllr AM Croft,

Cllr DJ Faulks, Cllr W Johnston and Mrs J Harrison

Personal interest as a member of the Thealby Play Area: Cllr C Allison, Cllr M Peace,

Cllr Croft, Mrs J Harrison

Personal and Prejudicial Interest in Item 200: Cllr AM Croft

  1. Minutes of the last full Council meetings held on Monday 11 January 2016 and the Planning Committee meeting held on Monday 25 January 2016

The Minutes were agreed and signed as a true record.

  1. Parish Clerk

Cllr Mitchell reported that the interviews for this post would be held on be Monday 21st March 2016. It was agreed that Cllrs Croft, Allison, Bell and Mitchell would be on the interview panel.

  1. Burton Playing Field Association

Cllr Whittaker reported that she had attended her first meeting and it had gone well. Funding had been received from WREN for the play area and plans had been drawn up. There had been an incident where the gates had been broken into and a silver vehicle had driven around the field and damaged football pitches. This had been reported to the police and insurance companies and the padlock replaced.

  1. Burton Upon Stather Parish Burial Ground

Cllr Mitchell reported that Mr Startin had advised that there was nothing new to report, no burials, no purchases and no issues.

  1. Burton Upon Stather Parish Allotments

Councillors were advisedthat the Allotments were now full.

  1. Burton Upon Stather Village Hall

Cllr Croft advised that there was a leak which could be the issue with the pointing which was being investigated. Bookings were generally looking good but the line dancing had finished due to illness.

  1. Thealby Play Area

Cllrs were advised that the Memorial sets had been repaired and the multi frames had were checked and some bolts replaced. The only repairs left were to lift and relay the tiles at the bottom of the slide. There had been some concern over the gaps in the hedge which would go when the hedges are in leaf. The committee are looking into this. Cllr Faulks noted that the grass had recently been cut and in had been done when the ground was wet and the result was unsightly.

  1. Police Matters and Safer Neighbourhoods/Neighbourhood Action Teams

Cllr Thornes was not at the meeting and there were no issues reported.

  1. Highway Repairs or Faults

Burton Upon Stather

(a)Footpath, Top of Stather Hill

Cllrs discussed the issue of widening the footpath. They also discussed remaining with the NLC for footpath repairs and maintainance or using a local contractor. They noted that a decision needed to be made quickly and contractors appointed. They noted that the tender needed to go to at least two contractors.

The Chairman closed the meeting.

Cllr Ogg reported he had been asking for this to be done and that three quotes would be needed.

The Chairman re-opened the meeting.

Cllrs continued to discuss possible contractors and Cllr Whittaker agreed to look into this and arrange quotations through NLC procurement. Cllr Allison asked itf the footpath committee should meet and agreed to organise a meeting of this committee.

RESOLVED: Councillor Whittaker to arrange quotes for all the work required on footpaths.

(b)FP168, Old Row

Councillors had raised their concern with North Lincolnshire council relating to the condition of the path and had not yet received quotations.

(c)The Avenue, Burton Upon Stather

Concerns had been received by councillors that mud on the road and footpath is causing issues on The Avenue following turf being taken from the fields and loaded onto lorries used by County Turf. The lorries were also making it difficult for vehicles to pass. The problem had been reported to County Turf, the police and North Lincolnshire Council. This issue had now been much improved.

  1. Parish Communication

Cllr Johnston was not at the meeting so no report was available.

  1. Request from Resident

Mr C Curtis had submitted a letter regarding the storage of historical documents. His concerns had been discussed earlier in the meeting.

  1. Public Rights of Way within the Parish

Councillors discussed the email received from Tim Allen at North Lincolnshire Council. Cllr Whittaker agreed to contact him and Darren Roberts regarding quotations for the footpaths

RESOVLED: Cllr Whittaker to speak to Darren Roberts regarding quotes for the work

  1. The Queen’s 90thBirthday Celebrations

The Chairman confirmed that the beacon on Burton Hills would to be lit to celebrate the Queen’s birthday. He reported that Sir Reginald Sheffield would o supply fireworks for lighting on the same night. There was a short discussion on providing hay or straw bales to encourage people to view the fireworks from the bottom of the hill.

  1. CPRE Best Kept Village Competition 2016

After a short discussion governors agreed to enter the completion this year despite a less than positive experience last year.

RESOLVED: Councillors agreed to enter the Best Kept Village ccompetition. Cllr Whittaker to enter the competition on behalf of the Parish Council

  1. Planning

Planning application submitted by North Lincolnshire Council for comment:

PA/2016/111Advertisement consent to display a sign

Site Location:Land at Normanby Road, Thealby

Applicant:Mr AH Hubbard, Overhall Contractors Ltd

Resolved: There were no objections or comments.

Planning applications granted by North Lincolnshire Council:

PA/2015/1464Planning permission for change of use of post office to dwelling

and associated alterations

Site Location:Post Office, 15 High Street, Burton Upon Stather. DN15 9DG

Applicant:Miss H Baker

PA/2016/0048Notice of intention to fell a monkey puzzle tree within

Burton Upon Stather conservation area

Site Location:19 High Street, Burton Upon Stather

Applicant:Mr C Mason

  1. Finance
  1. RESOLVED: The Parish Councillors agreed the Income and Expenditure.
  2. RESOLVED: The Parish Councillors agreed the Payment of Accounts and Receipt of Payments – see Appendix 1.

Signed as a true record



Meeting of the Parish Council Signed
