River Dynamics – how does our river work?

Access to the main channel of the Hamble for undertaking measuring tasks is very difficult and dangerous. However, within the river catchment area (the river basin) are several small streams which feed the Hamble. These are more accessible and safer to work on. (Schools must risk assess sites, and have appropriate safety equipment with them).

One such stream can be found in Holly Hill Country Park (entrance GR 501078).

Just below the last of the lakes is a small stream which runs parallel to a footpath path. It provides a good location for investigating stream flow. It is easy then to shape the work into an investigation – see outline below.


From / Mr R. Amble, Environment Agency / To / Whom It May Concern
My reference / RI/tms / cc
Your reference
Direct line / 02380 877777777777
Profs userid / EDIATWIT / Date / 11th January 2013

●  As you are aware we at the Environment Agency look after (manage) the streams and rivers in Hampshire and other regions of England and Wales.

●  Recently, we were shocked to find that our records for the Holly Hill Stream in Holly Hill Country Park - Hampshire were missing. This is a very, very worrying matter and if great concern to us.

●  It is very important that we have up to date information on all of our streams and rivers to help us to manage them more carefully.

●  Having missing records is very concerning, and in respect of this we would like your company (QUICK FLOW Surveyors Ltd.) to re-survey the Holly Hill Stream for us – between GR 497077 and 495075 - please see brief on separate sheet.

●  If you have any concerns regarding this brief please discuss these with staff who are acting on our behalf in the field.

With thanks – R. Amble – The Environment Agency


QUICK FLOW Surveyors Brief

As a team you are required to produce a detailed report on

the Holly Hill Stream in Holly Hill Country Park.

●  You will need to use information collected by your surveying sub team to create the report for us here at the Environment Agency.

·  Your report will include data tables, graphs, maps, annotated sketches and pictures of the site.

·  Sub Team activities (you will be given a 10m stretch of stream to survey).

·  Tasks - Produce a simple labelled map of your 10m section (don’t forget a key please).

- Draw a labelled sketch of your section.

- Measure* - the width of your section.

- the depth of your section.

- the speed of flow of water in your section.

-  Draw a simple profile of the river.

-  Take pictures, record time and location.

-  Note any human interference to the river.

*Remember one reading for each of these will not give us the very accurate and detailed information that we need.

Each sub team will be expected to share findings to allow the

complete of the final report for us.

With thanks

Prior to undertaking this activity schools may wish to investigate river processes and features through making playground rivers, the instructions for which are outlined below

Don’t forget to liaise with the Holly Hill Country Park Rangers if you intend to use this site – see interactive map for web links.