-One-Pager –

John Steinbeck’s, Of Mice and Men

What is a One-Pager? A One-Pager is a single-page response to your reading (a poem, a novel, a chapter, an essay). It is a way of making your own pattern of your unique understanding of the text. It is a way to be creative and experimental. It is a way to respond imaginatively and honestly. The more creative you allow yourself to be, the more you will get out of the reading assignment. As a review for the novel, contemplate the following and then include visuals or text to represent the following on the front of your paper:

·  Write the title of the novel and the author's name.

·  Using crayons or colored markers or pencils, draw pictures/images that symbolize important aspects of the story. The page should be filled with color. You can draw one illustration to represent the entire novel, or you could illustrate important plot points instead.

·  Pull out two important quotations and write them on the front, citing page numbers. Use quotation marks to note that it is a direct quote from the text. Explain why the quotation is significant. (i.e. "This quotation expresses…”)

·  Choose two characters from the story. Write their names on the front and then at least four adjectives or phrases to characterize each.

·  Choose two literary devices utilized by Steinbeck in the novel. Write the term, its definition and an example of how it is used in the novel.

·  Make two personal statements about what you have read. These are not opinions about the content of the material (i.e. a story was boring), but rather a thought, a meaningful statement, or your impression of what you have read. Show your understanding of the novel.

·  Ask two meaningful questions pertaining to the novel. Answer your questions with complete sentences.

Hint: When working on the front page, the "lines" (in this case imaginary!) are NOT your friends. Write on a slant, or weave your words around the pictures. Upside down, curved or mirror imagery…let your artistic side loose. The more creative you become, the more you think and learn! Have fun with your freedom!

One-Pager Assessment Date ______


Title of Literature studied: ______



Information Points

1.  Visuals and symbols are presented creatively, selectively, and are understandable to the viewer/reader / 10
2.  Two pulled quotations and explanation of quotations which shows deep understanding of the text. / 15
3.  Two characters from the story are listed and characterized well. / 15
4.  Two literary devices, their definitions and examples from the novel and included and explained to show understanding. / 15
5.  Two meaningful personal statements are included that reflect overall impressions and understanding of the novel. / 15
6.  Two higher level questions about the novel are included with thoughtful answers in complete sentences. / 20
7.  Standard conventions (grammar, punctuation, capitalization, usage, and spelling) are followed, including proper heading. / 10

Total: 100 /