Training & Organizational Development

Human Resources Operational Evaluation


Is someone in the human resources department accountable for reviewing and communicating changes that may impact training policies and procedures?

______Yes ______No

______1.  Are training policies, procedures, and activities regularly reviewed to ensure compliance with applicable internal policies or legislation/regulations?

______Yes ______No

______2.  Is there a position in the human resources department accountable for managing all training and development activities?

______Yes ______No


______3.  Are the Organization’s training needs regularly assessed?

______Yes ______No

______4.  What process is used to identify and plan the type of training and development programs that are needed or should be offered?

______Yes ______No

______5.  Who determines the training needs of an individual employee?

______Yes ______No

______6.  Are employee performance-to-objectives/standards used to identify individual training needs?

______Yes ______No

______7.  Are development objectives assigned to individual employees who are identified as replacements for other positions?

______Yes ______No

______8.  Are instruments such as tests, simulations, and assessment centers used to identify training needs?

______Yes ______No

______9.  Is the subject matter of training programs regularly reviewed with the managers of the areas for which the training is conducted?

______Yes ______No


______10.  How are training courses obtained or developed?


______11.  Is training offered in skills that are unique to the Organization?

______Yes ______No ______Not applicable

______12.  Is management or supervisory training offered?

______Yes ______No

______13.  Are the Organization’s employees made aware of available training programs?

______Yes ______No


Training & Organizational Development

Human Resources Operational Evaluation

______14.  Who conducts internal training programs? (Check all that ­apply)

______Internal training professionals
______Externally contracted people (very limited)
______Internal operating people (may be departmentalized)
______No internal programs

______15.  What types of internal delivery methods are used for training? (Check all that apply)

______Group training
______Individual coaching
______Individual computer-based training
______Internet- or Web-based
______Rotational job assignments
______Other – external training (conferences/certifications/etc.

______16.  Does the Organization have the necessary physical facilities dedicated for training?

______Yes ______No

______17.  Are external seminars and courses considered as training resources?

______Yes ______No (very limited)

______18.  Is a single position in the human resources department accountable for maintaining information on and for coordinating external courses and seminars?

______Yes ______No

______19.  Is a catalog of available Organization training programs published?

______Yes ______No

______20.  If your answer to the previous question was yes, is the catalog distributed throughout the Organization?

______Yes ______No N/A


______21.  Is an individual in the human resources department available to assist employees in preparing and implementing their development plans?

______Yes ______No

______22.  Does the human resources department provide career planning and career management assistance to employees?

Career planning ______Yes ______No
Career management ______Yes ______No
Neither ______

______23.  Has the human resources department identified logical job families, career ladders, and/or career paths with appropriate requirements?

______Yes ______No

______24.  If your answer to the previous question was yes, have these job families/career/ladders/career paths been communicated to appropriate employees and candidates?

______Yes ______No ______Do not have

______25.  Is training available for employees desiring to prepare for other positions in the Organization?

______Yes ______No

______26.  Are rotational assignments used to prepare employees identified as replacements for other positions?

______Yes ______No

______27.  Does the Organization offer a tuition reimbursement program?

______Yes ______Not organization wide

______28.  If your answer to the previous question was yes, what is eligible for reimbursement? (Check all that apply)

______Laboratory fees

______29.  Must the courses or course of study be related to the employee’s current job or the Organization’s activities to qualify for tuition reimbursement?

______Yes ______No

______30.  Is tuition reimbursement based on achieved grades?

______Yes ______No


______31.  Are the results of training programs continually monitored and evaluated?

______Yes ______No

______32.  Are follow-up reviews regularly conducted with managers of employees attending training programs to determine the results as reflected on the job?

______Yes ______No

______33.  Are the costs of training in each program regularly calculated?

______Yes ______No

______34.  Are the costs of training charged back to the departments of employees who have been trained?

______Yes ______No ______Sometimes


______35.  Is an individual in the human resources department accountable for coordinating the organizational development activities of the Organization?

______Yes ______No

______36.  Does a position in the human resources department continually review current trends and techniques of organizational development?

______Yes ______No

______37.  Has the Organization defined its current culture?

______Yes ______No

______38.  Has the Organization defined its desired culture?

______Yes ______No

______39.  Are procedures in place to identify and resolve organizational conflicts between departments?

______Yes ______No

______40.  Are Organization and/or department meetings of employees encouraged?


______41.  Has training been provided to the Organization’s managers in how to prepare for and conduct effective meetings?

______Yes ______No

______42.  Have employees been trained in the correct and effective use of voice mail and e-mail?

______Yes ______No

______43.  Does the Organization believe in providing quality customer service to both internal and external customers?

______Yes ______No

______44.  Have employees been provided training in improving the quality of customer service?

______Yes ______No


______45.  On a 1–9 scale (1 = low, 5 = typical, 9 = high), how well do you think human resources is performing workforce training and development? 0 TO 1


______46.  On a 1–9 scale (1 = low, 5 = typical, 9 = high), how well do you think employees of the human resources department feel the department is performing workforce training and development? 0 TO 1


______47.  On a 1–9 scale (1 = low, 5 = typical, 9 = high), how well do you think the other employees/clients of the Organization feel the department is performing workforce training and development within the Organization? 0 TO 1
