“Teens have the highest chance of having a fatal car crash within the first six months of getting their driving license. ( Many people believe that the driving age should be moved up to the age of 18 because people think that sixteen year olds are not mature and responsible enough to be put in this kind of position. Others believe that the age of sixteen is alright and that the children are mature enough to handle that responsibility. What do you think the appropriate driving age should be?
One of the reasons why teenagers should be allowed to drive at the age of sixteen is that although people might think that teenagers are immature and irresponsible, they can actually have a wiser way of thinking, thenpeople might assume! Most teenagers are very adult-like and can make very wise and smart decisions.
Another reason why teens should be able to drive isbecause most teens are always relying on their parents to take them everywhere they want to go. Having the benefit of a car, teens can go places without having to rely on your parents. That gives parents the chance to relax. Most parents do not want to take their kids places because they’ve had a long week or day at work. Therefore, if the driving age is 16, kids would be able to go wherever they want to go without having their parents always being up and about, taking them placesin a shorter amount of time.
Lastly, teenagers should be able to drive at the age of 16 because it could be a very good life lesson! If kids are learning to drive at a young age,it gives them a good amount of time to learn the rules of the road and be the safest driver they can be. When people drive they have to be very cautious of their surroundings. A car is like any other weapon. If teens have years of practice with driving, they will not have to worry about potentially injuring or killing someone.
Teenagers should be able to drive at the age of 16 years because they can be mature about decisions and then do not have to rely on their parents. On the other hand, there are some reasons why teenagers should not be able to drive at this age. Driving is a major learning process and requires that a person pay attention in order to be safe on the road. At the age of 16, some teenagers may not be able to make the mature decisions required to be a safe driver based on the fact that they have not had enough experience on the road. In addition, teens are not always aware of their surroundings and may not be able to react quick enough to avoid situations that may get them into a bad position. A car is just like any other weapon and if not cautious, which most teens are not, there is a potential to injure or kill someone. The driving age should remain at age sixteen with the current pre-license rules that are in place.
In conclusion, people still believe that teens should be able to drive at the age of 16. The class that teens need to take, drivers training, prepares them for different situations and how to be safe on the road. Today, teens receive a permit a year before their 16th birthday which allows them to get many hours of driving experience with an adult before getting a license. In addition, teens at 16 can be smart, mature, and responsible about this process. Driving with a parent or an adult that has had years of driving experience can prepare a sixteen year old for many types of situations that they may find themselves in. Therefore, that one year of driving before getting a license allows teens to get the experience while giving their parents a chance to see their abilities. Teens experience different situations with the adult in the car which allows them to take that lesson and use it in the future. What do you think the driving age should be? Is it sixteen or eighteen? Or, maybe you believe it should be a different age. Everyone may have a different opinion on the correct age to drive. What is yours? There are facts on both sides of the issue and that is why our state has changed some of the laws about training to drive and getting a license.
Caley Gibson