One Card Meeting June 6, 2016 Start Time: 2:01 P.M

One Card Meeting June 6, 2016 Start Time: 2:01 P.M

One Card Meeting
June 6, 2016
Start Time: 2:01 p.m.


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Stacey Howell – UC Customer Service
Paul Mendoza – Auxiliary Services
Casi Frazier – Recreation Center
Joel Bagley – Dining and Food Services
Mark Hayes – Dining and Food Services
Missy Sernatinger – Residence Life
Kirk Moore – IT
Steve Horner - Housing
Alvin Williams - ENT
Tungsten Alcazar – IT
Shad Harder – IT
Mike Belding – IT
Michael Kehres – IT

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  1. 6.9.1 Upgrade
  2. Summary – 6.9 to 6.91 upgrade went well. No way to process large numbers of batch files. Will need to be done manually. It was fixed on Thursday. It fixes all students and professors and generates the required reports. We completed this upgrade to get the POS scanners working and plug in the Pax credit card terminals and patched through to the terminal directly so it doesn’t need to be entered twice. Works as intended at Sanatorium Grounds, has not been tested elsewhere. Reporting system now remembers last report and you don’t have to start from the beginning.
  3. POS Barcode scanners – Only 1 up and working right now. Is it plug and play? Tungsten said, that it is, you should be able to plug in and it works with the POS. Any issues having products listed? No, it is handled by Jeff. Works as intended.
  4. Pax terminal communication – Difficult to get in touch with rep at Wells Fargo. Deb from Hartland will be sending units to test. Test in one area, then expand to other systems.
  5. Ent Orientation Status – Ent is happy. Things are good, however, some hardware systems went down on the 25th. It would send One Card in the regular format, and also send the same card but in debit card format. It would do this for 10-15 students and then was fine. The 27th went perfect. Students commented things are much more smoothly. Alvin asked Tungsten to send him the traffic numbers from the 27th. Another orientation on Friday.

Alvin said, we’re happy – if it continues like it did on the 27th, “we’re (ENT) happy.”

  1. Summer Conferencing – Steve Horner said things are going great. He sent information (a list) over to Tungsten, more cards coming in a few weeks, once they come in they will go from there. Meals plans will be added to them. Paul said some cards are not coming through correctly and returning that the card is expired. Tungsten is running a report to see which ones have expired. Affected card should be in the list Steve sent to Tungsten.
  2. POS Café65 – This has been moved. Ports have been configured, cables through the ceiling, and meal plans are working. Only using 1 POS right now, will use 3 POS in the Fall. Electricity is needed, and Tungsten will verify that it works when Facilities puts in the electricity.
  3. Erecieving Cisco-CBORD – Matching invoices to the work orders, should be completed by the end of the month. It’s a file that will be received from Cisco – similar to an electronic invoice. Currently uses 2 inputs when an invoice is received. This will eliminate the need to input the data from the invoice. Lots of things that would be nice to transfer to the PFC? (this was mentioned a few times). Boulder being on board with this will add pressure for PFC integration.
  4. Lodge Remodel – On time, dry wall is going up. August 6th, move back to Roaring Fork and open Roaring Fork. If the Lodge gets opened on time, they will open the Lodge instead.
  5. Wiring and setup of DCT3 – Ports for the cashier in the Lodge need to be configured to be the same like in Roaring Fork. Things are looking good.
  6. San Juan Status – Rooms are done on 5th, 4th is just going up. 2 and 3 are just getting their tape up. 1 and 6 need to be primed.
  7. What is the plan for the doors? The doors are not setup yet (physically not installed), but more information will have to come from Mike.
  8. Heartland Campus Visit – Colorado College, UCCS, and School of Mines and Deaf and Blind School were visiting. They wanted to stop by and visit UCCS
  9. Deb Hoefer and Fred Emery July 20/21 – Sit down and talk with them, email questions, or meet in person. Fred and Deb will be here.
  10. Prepare questions? – Things are good, conferencing is good, food and dining services is good (upgrade solved a lot of issues), employee meals hourly are still in effect. What happens when Fall starts? Will send the file to IT, about 180 students, Tungsten writes a batch file to pull data, but it still needs to be double checked. Library and ENT are good. Computer 2 went down the 25th, Computer 1 was slow, but reformat worked, Computer 3 was old and has been upgrade. Computer 3 (maybe all 3) will been reformatted back to Windows 7.

Meeting ended 2:25 p.m.

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