Supplies Needed
One 1 inch 3 ring binder (any color) with dividers
Loose-leaf paper (wide or college rules)
Pens, pencils, highlighters
School issued planner & ID badge
BHS Academy polo shirt
Flash drive
Supplies Appreciated: Tissues, copy paper, construction paper, paper towels
Course Objectives:
Our learning will be tied to the Florida Standards for Principles of Teaching.
This course is designed for students to develop the knowledge and skills of curriculum delivery models in response to the developmental needs of all children. Students will develop various instructional materials and activities to promote learning, classroom management strategies, and a supportive classroom environment. Students will research and understand the basic theories of motivation that increase student engagement which is tied to student learning. Students will participate in a minimum of 50 hours of guided observations and field experiences to critique and develop classroom lessons. Students will continue to develop the components of a working portfolio to be assembled upon completion of the program.
Students will be evaluated through multiple assessment strategies. Assignments will be assigned a point value depending on the complexity of the task. Gradeswill include homework, classwork, individualgroup projects, dress code, class participation, teacher evaluations and portfolios. Grades will be posted periodically to help you monitor your progress. You may check your grades more frequently by using Student Portal(Pinnacle) through the internet if you choose. A minimum of a 2.5 GPA is required to remain a student in the Future Educators Academy. Those who do not meet the requirement may be withdrawn from the academy.
Participation is vital to this class. However, you must be in attendance to participate.
Contact Information:
Office Hours:
Wednesdayfrom 2:10 to 2:30
and by appointment
Please contact the guidance office about conference times.
I can be reached by email at the following address:
Foundations of Curriculum and Instruction
Policies, Procedures and Expectations
Principles of Teaching – Level 3
Bartow High School
Mrs. Morse
Room 99-048
Classroom Expectations
1. Be on time. When the tardy bell rings, you should be in your seat, quiet and ready to start class.
2. Be prepared. Please come to class with all of the folders, books, writing instruments, etc. that you will need for class.
3. Be organized. Keep all handouts and assignments in a binderset aside just for this class. All materials for this class will be in this binder. There will be announced binder checks (as well as possible surprise checks) so it is VERY important to keep up with all information and be up to date on class work.
4. Be patient. The bell does not dismiss class, I do. Please remain in your seats until I dismiss you.
- Be on task. Use your time wisely. Be actively involved as a member of a group. You are expected to pay attention, listen and not be disruptive.
6. Be respectful. This is not just my classroom, it’s our classroom. Students are expected to treat the teacher and each other with respect. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
7. Be disciplined. According to the BHS rules, all electronic device and dress code violations will immediately result in a referral. You MUST follow the academy dress code. Consider this your warning.
8. Be positive. Smile!
Make-Up Work
Being present in school will help you to be more successful in achieving your academic goals. If you are absent from a class, it is your responsibility to make up your work in a timely manner (1 class for each class absent). Missed field visits are required to be made up. If you miss an assignment that must be completed in class, like a quiz or project, we will make a contract for you to come in and make up that work. The quality of your work will be higher if you attend class regularly and meet all deadlines. You are only allowed to make up work if you are absent. You will NOT be permitted to make up any work that you chose not to completeduring class time.
Late Assignments
Work is expected on the day it is due. Completing your work and turning it in on time helps you stay organized and on track. Late work will be penalized 1 letter grade a day for up to 4 days. For example, if you would have received an A on an assignment, but you turn it in late, your grade would then become a B. After this timeline, late work will result in a 0.
I expect you to be prompt, prepared, and polite and to follow all
BHS policies.
Together we can make this an