Sherman Powell and Daniel Moore’s Defense

Sherman Powell is widely known to have had his airplane confiscated with over 100 pounds of marijuana onboard, with his brother-in-law, a Circuit Judge, just like Thompson, piloting. The weight conveniently shrunk below the hundred pound legal limit for more severe trafficking charges. He got his airplane back; the Circuit Judge went to prison briefly. He is in no position to claim moral outrage over the Tipton’s benign “lifestyle” when his own has been so publicly displayed. In this case, he has advocated an application of marijuana laws, that had it been applied universally, would have prevented both his client’s and his own participation in the trial—because they would have both been in prison for possession of marijuana. You might remember DWM was arrested well before the murder, but the marijuana possession charge was dropped, because it wasn’t considered as important as the theft and bad check charges. It takes a lot of hypocrisy for Sherman Powell to claim favoritism by the police towards Dr. Tipton—when Sherman Powell is the life-long recipient and local KING of down-home influence and corruption himself. He’s made a very good living at it, I might add.

Sherman Powell claimed the sexual charges against his client were “repugnant” (his word), two days before his client was convicted of sexual torture and murder, a matter of public record. He was claiming the State of Alabama had not provided any evidence to even allow the jury to consider the charge.I wonder what word he would use to characterize the sexual torture and murder of an innocent victim, if it’s “repugnant” to charge the man who did it with the crime.

Sherman Powell didn’t even know the date of the murder, and stated it incorrectly multiple times during the trial. He went out of his way to enter the bobcat driver’s polygraph into evidence; despite the fact this man damaged his case badly. He went out of his way to have Moore, on the stand, describe how he cleaned up large amounts of blood in a meat market on a previous job; a strange image to want to leave the jury, considering he was accused of doing the same thing at the Tipton house. He is computer illiterate, and overtly lied to the judge about being on an Internet porno site…that isn’t even an Internet site, much less porno. If he lies about himself being on a porno site, on the record, and is computer illiterate (as in Stone Age level) then why would we believe his outrageous claims about Karen Tipton’s computer?

Sherman Powell claims expert knowledge of the DNA evidence, while being unable to pronounce the word mitochondrial, do junior high mathematics, or even ask a coherent question of a DNA expert. Most of his questions helped the prosecution. Being conversant in the fundamentals of a science helps establish credibility while attempting to discount its findings.

Sherman Powell says Daniel Moore lied in his confession to his uncle because: he didn’t want to go to jail for bad checks, so he pretended he’d been involved in capital murder instead. Does this sound like a thinking man’s defense???

Sherman Powell says Daniel Moore tried to kill himself after the murder:

Because he had messed his life up so terribly and so irrevocably that he wanted to die, and that he was emotionally unstable at the time, and under the influence of large amounts of crack cocaine purchased with money through illegal means he’d rather not discuss. But then, according to Powell, Moore WAS a liar and a thief. He lied all the time, and didn’t mind stealing jewelry at the mall in full view of the cashier, the public…security… and police. I wonder why anybody would think HE killed Karen???????

Powell concludes from this his client’s stabbing himself in the chest multiple times had nothing to do with him stabbing Karen Tipton in the chest multiple times, and furthermore it is the police’s fault that he stabbed himself after they asked him about Karen Tipton. It hurt really bad, he said. And he was really sorry he was combative and assaultive with the people trying to keep him alive at the time. He attributed it to his immature and self-centered lifestyle, and being out of control. Daniel’s fan club was touched. We agreed they are touched. In the head.

Sherman Powell was unable to convert the percentage 99.8% to a ratio—1 in 500, in court. (Neither could Halbrooks), although they’d had the report, and the percentage, for 2 years and it was the single most key aspect of the trial. Sherman Powell doesn’t know 99.8% is 998/1000, but claims expertise in control sample populations and statistical probabilities of forensic laboratories. HE wasn’t credible in court. He didn’t do ANYTHING effectively in court—but he didn’t have to. He has inappropriate influence over the judge. Further, he and his ethically-challenged partner, Catherine Halbrooks, can simply tell the Decatur Daily the biggest lie in a hundred years, and they’ll print it. Moore’s pubic hair covered with Karen’s blood was matched to Moore at a confidence level of 7.5 million to one, and David Tipton was excluded from the sample at a confidence level of 100%. But they tell the Daily not to mention these numbers (so they don’t) and instead tell them the hair “was consistent” with Dr. Tipton’s DNA.

Sherman Powell is exerting his influence to free a man he KNOWS tortured Karen Tipton to death. He’s doing it for cold hard cash. It’s not exactly a position of moral superiority. And his entire case centers as far away as possible from the murder—with hysterical and unfounded slander of the victims themselves—cold, calculated attempts to gratuitously hurt the victims as much as possible and focus attention away from his guilty guilty guilty guilty client. They’re still stabbing Karen, and laughing all the way to the bank.

There is ONE piece of evidence saying Daniel Moore didn’t kill Karen Tipton—the word of a self-professed liar. That’s it. That is the sum total of the defense of Daniel Wade Moore, Z693. Well, that and Sherman Powell’s influence in MorganCounty.