ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY[X] Unapproved[ ] Approved


Pain Management Special Interest Group

Date: Thursday, May 1, 2003Attendees: (List of attendees attached)

Place:Congress Meeting – Denver, CO

Colorado Convention Center - Ballroom 4


5:15 pm (MT)6:45 pm (MT)Recorder: Janice Reynolds



P. Flood, incoming coordinator, introduced herself. Requested interested members consider running for the Coordinator-Elect position for January 2004 elections. All attendees introduced themselves.

Approval of 2002 Meeting Minutes

Moved and seconded.

Pain Management SIG and Virtual Community

Need a page administrator. P. Food would offer her services, would like someone else to help. P. Berning is willing to serve as page administrator.

Strategic Goals

Decided to revise at the meeting and post on the virtual community for feedback from PAI SIG members.

What is the purpose of the SIG?

Suggested using the virtual community as a resource. Invite people to contribute to the site. Develop a team to manage “resources”.

Networking is a value of the SIG.

Major Strategic Goal:

Share products, services opportunities, and a knowledge base that promotes excellence in oncology nursing and pain management.

Delete Sub-goal A, B and C. Sub-goal D is completed.

Delete major goal on pain management/assisted suicide.

- Sub-Goal A: Present to the ONS Board to review and endorse and disseminate ASPMN position paper care of patients with pain and addition disease.

- Delete “To increase resources in order to ensure the continued growth, etc.

- Sub-Goal B: Identify a page administrator and two other SIG members to be content facilitators.

- Sub-Goal C: Submit at least one topic per year to Institutes of Learning and Congress.

- Sub-Goal D: Support the work of state cancer pain initiatives. Explore avenues to develop a mutual relationship.

ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY[X] Unapproved[ ] Approved


Date: Thursday, May 1, 2003Pain Management Special Interest Group


Strategic Goals (cont.)

Keep major goal: To identify non-pharmacological pain treatment modalities which may benefit individuals with cancer. To disseminate new information to SIG members via newsletter and virtual community. Explore collaboration with PNI & Complementary Therapies SIG.

ASPMN Care of Pain Patients with Substance Abuse Position Paper

How to utilize/collaborate with them. R. Gholz has submitted to the Town Hall Meeting. Currently on ASPMN web site.

Unanimous desire to submit this for instructional session. Bring as access to care issues – disparity issues in pain.

Visible Presence at AACPI

Exchange of tables at AACPI and ONS. Submit formal request to the ONS Board.


Suggestion to put into the newsletter. Abstracts and contacts.

Excellence in Pain Management Award

Submit name for award. P. Kedziera will do the nomination – needs a name. Submit to virtual community request for names/nomination for Excellence in Pain Management.

Congress Topics

Submit ideas/suggestions to P. Flood at 508/460-5054 (fax).


The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.

List of attendees at Pain Management SIG Planning/Networking Meeting at Congress 2003

SIG Members

P. Berning

J. Brant

M. Bunce (exp. 1/31/03)

E. De Bondt

P. Flood

R. Gholz

J. Hawkins

P. Kedziera

C. Lee *

J. Reynolds

Non-SIG Members

Marsha R. Stanton, MS RN, Purdue Pharma LP, 1 Stamford Forum - 4th Floor, Stamford, CT 06901-3431

* Interested in being in a work group