Balancing and

Diagnostic Systems

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Schenck RoTec Press Release

Darmstadt, September 2008

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On the track of hidden unbalance

Schenck RoTec presents new manual device for field balancing

Wherever rotating machine elements are found in system construction, field balancing is one of the indispensable measures of preventive maintenance. With the new SmartBalancer2 from Schenck RoTec, hidden unbalances can be diagnosed on the spot. This handy and easy-to-operate measuring device was one of the highlights of this year’s AMB.

Unbalances in rotating components in machines and systems can result in all sorts of harmful side-effects. The list of problems extends from premature wear to the total failure of rotors and the poor energy efficiency of the complete system. Ensuring that bearings, fans, motors and shafts run with low vibrations is therefore one of the most important tasks of field balancing. The new SmartBalancer2 from Schenck RoTec is perfectly designed for this task.

Quality assurance on the spot

With the SmartBalancer2, commissioning and service technicians and maintenance specialists can now determine the unbalance condition of installed rotors from the outside. Without having to dismantle the machine concerned, they can now check rotors of almost all sizes and weight classes in one and two planes – i.e. statically and dynamically – direct on the machine when in operation. In order to make field balancing as convenient and economical as possible, great value was placed on the simple handling of the Smart Balancer2: The intuitively designed menu guidance is similar to that of a mobile phone or satellite navigation system, and the display presentation follows the familiar Windows appearance.

The diagnostic capabilities of the SmartBalancer2 are based on the measurement of mechanical vibrations, which constitute a reliable indicator of unbalances. In conformity with ISO 10816-3 and ISO 1940, this handy compact device can be used to measure absolute vibrations over a wide range, and compare them with limit values. The operator can then determine whether the machine checked can continue to remain in operation, or whether the rotor unbalance must be rectified by correction measures.

Multi-talent with one-hand operation

To track down the cause of the vibration, the SmartBalancer2 makes use of two-channel frequency analysis using fast-fourier-transformation (FFT). This method splits the range of vibrations occurring on the machine into their harmonic components, and displays them as spectral lines with frequencies and amplitudes. The individual frequencies provide information on the causes of the vibrations, and the position and type of the faulty rotors.

The roller bearing assessment module of the SmartBalancer2 is also extremely helpful for the determination of the bearing conditions of machinery and plant. This function option detects the signal level in the rolling noise of a bearing by means of the envelope analysis. If the noise level increases, this usually indicates the early stages of bearing damage. The bearing can then be replaced in good time and at (still) reasonable cost.

For documentation purposes, the SmartBalancer2 is equipped with numerous memory and reporting functions. The data can either be printed out directly or copied onto a PC or Notebook, and processed further in Office programmes.

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Schenck RoTec GmbH

Wolfgang Kunkel

Tel.: +49 (0) 6151 / 32 3167

Fax: +49 (0) 6151 / 32 2315


Gerhard Vortriede

Tel.: +49 (0) 6151 / 32 2013

Fax: +49 (0) 6151 / 32 2315



Note for editors: The text and pictures are available on the Internet at

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Balancing and

Diagnostic Systems

Auswucht- und


Balancing and

Diagnostic Systems

Fig.: PR_R00-098-44.jpg

SmartBalancer2- for perfect field balancing

Fig.: Schenck_SmartBalancer2_b_small.jpg

SmartBalancer2 – the multi-talent with one-hand operation

Note for editors: The text and pictures are available on the Internet at