Sanitation sub-group meeting MINUTES.

8th Sanitation sub-group meeting held at the World Bank’s 5th floor meeting room on

5th December 2013 from 10:10 - 12:15hrs.


Kris Welsien (WSP-WB (Moderator)) / Lukas Kwezi (DfID) / Ajith Kumar (WSP-WB)
Rebecca Budimu (UNICEF) / Falk Negrazus (GIZ) / Kiwe Sebunya (UNICEF)
Marko Msambazi (Water Aid) / Dialista Kirenga (SNV) / Ruhumbika Malibwa (GIZ)
Nsaa-Iya Amaniel (DPG W) / Faith Thuo (DPG W)


1.  Opening and Introduction.

2.  Actions arising from previous meeting, briefing on pending issues, reports and dialogue meetings.

3.  Sanitation Policy Letter – (Progress on the Final Draft)

4.  WSDP Phase II on Component 4 (Sanitation and Hygiene)

5.  Status of MoU Implementation

6.  AOB and Closure.

Opening and Introduction.

The meeting was officially opened at 10:10hrs and thereafter members were requested to introduce themselves. The agenda was adopted and the Secretariat was asked to proceed to the next agenda item.

Actions arising from previous meeting, briefing on pending issues, reports and dialogue meetings.

2.1 Matters arising from the 7th Sanitation meeting were:

1. Draft letter for Sanitation Policy to be forwarded to the Co-Chairs for the next steps.

2. Presentation on findings of an analysis with regards to the status of MoU implementation.

3. Confirm with MoW if DPs could present a paper on Sanitation in the 8th JWSR.

2.2 Status of the above items was reported as below;

1.  Draft letter for Sanitation Policy to be forwarded to the Co-Chairs for the next steps.

Draft letter was forwarded to Co-Chairs. Co-Chairs have approved and conclusion on the next steps will be agreed-upon in today’s meeting since it is an agenda.

2.  Presentation on findings of an analysis as regards the status of MoU implementation.

This was reported that it is an agenda in today’s meeting and presentation will be done.

3.  Confirm with MoW if DPs could present a paper on Sanitation in the 8th JWSR.

The Sanitation paper was presented in the 8th JWSR hence completed and closed.

2.3 Dialogue Calendar;

The Secretariat notified members that all dialogue activities as per calendar were exhausted for the year. DPs should anticipate a new Dialogue calendar in January 2014.

Sanitation Policy Letter – (Progress on the Final Draft)

The Secretariat reported that Co-Chairs have approved the letter and is planned to be signed and delivered to MoHSW this week. The letter will use DPG Water letter head and only needed confirmation on which Ministry and PS to copy for their information.


Members discussed and confirmed that despite the fact that the letter addresses a political agenda, it will be ideal and appropriate to copy only the Permanent Secretaries (PS) of the respective Line Ministries involved in the NSC. It was therefore agreed that the PS for MoW, PMORALG, MoHSW and MoEVT be copied. Following this conclusion, Secretariat confirmed that they will make arrangements for the letter to be signed by Co Chairs and get dispatched the following day.

S/n / Points for Action / Responsible / Date
1. / Sanitation Letter to be delivered by dispatch to the relevant parties the following day. / Secretariat / 6th Dec 2013.

WSDP Phase II on Component 4 (Sanitation and Hygiene)

Members expressed concerns on the short time frame given to them to provide comments on the WSDP II draft document. Even though comments have already been submitted, they requested more time to review the document further and provide polished comments. Following the introduction of Component 4 (Sanitation & Hygiene), concerns on the capacity to handle complex sewerage matters were raised. DPs suggestions were for these matters to continue being handled by Component 3 due to their capacity and implementation effectiveness. A concern was raised as regards the institutional arrangements for the implementation of a stand-alone sanitation component within the WSDP framework, as so far it seems that the new component will be based on the existing NSC arrangements (will these be adequate?). Members agreed that some issues still haven’t been concluded yet and agreed to have a half day meeting to discuss the comments and the initial design of the 4th Component in depth. It was agreed to meet at the WB offices from 09:30-13:00 hrs to evaluate comments and conclude on the initial design of Component 4.

S/n / Points for Action / Responsible / Date
2. / Invite all members to a half day meeting to discuss further on Sanitation comments for submission to MoW. / Secretariat / 6th December

5. Status of MoU Implementation


The 1st Sanitation sub group meeting held in March 2013 called for a brief situation analysis on the effectiveness of the MoU. A first rough analysis was done by WSP, Water Aid, UNICEF and CARE and findings were presented to members in the 2nd Sanitation sub-group meeting held in April 2013. Following subsequent discussions within the subgroup on sanitation , GIZ agreed to carry out a more detailed analysis in the name of the DPG Subgroup, the TOR of which were discussed and agreed upon within the frame of the subgroup. Although DPs acknowledged the TOR, not all the Ministry counterparts were convinced of the need for such a mission (harmonization meeting held on 27/09/13). Without the full backup of national partners it was not possible to carry out an in-depth analysis involving all relevant stakeholders. For GIZ’s own interest the research was continued in a limited way involving only DPs. As findings do not reflect the views of national partners they should be considered to be more hypotheses than proven facts.

The presentation of findings and recommendations is meant to provide food for thought and a basis for further discussions within the DPG-subgroup on sanitation, they are not meant to be shared in a wider circle.

Main findings:

·  DPs and NGOs were pushing an issue of low priority (practically no budgets) with little/no prior inquiry in the Ministries signatory to the MoU

·  The Permanent Secretaries signatory to the MoU are not active within the scope of the MoU, some are new and may be unaware of the MoU

·  The role of the MoU-organs are not sufficiently clear: Convenors? Facilitators? Coordinators? Concept developers? (no specific TOR)

·  Furthermore, the MoU seems to be disconnected from the implementation level (RS, LGAs, utilities, …)

·  The MoU is a declaration of intent without binding obligations and with no specified development objective/content

·  The MoU as well as other dialogue mechanisms (WSDP) appear to be parallel (not integrated) to organisational work and communication lines

Main recommendations

•  Reduce the number of dialogue organs. Link programs and parts thereof to core mandates/processes of responsible organisations.

•  Advocate for high level political commitment (PS and Minister). MoU so far might not be sufficiently based on political support nor on felt needs.

•  Apply the MoU to a joint program such as a separate sanitation component in WSDP II. Become more concrete as regards “cooperation”,

•  Define more clearly the TOR for the MoU organs and link them to tangible products (cooperation on a ready-for-implementation level).

•  Advocate for strategic orientation in the sub-sector. MoU represents a cooperation system without using its good steering structure potential.


Although the report is not out officially, members appreciated the work done by GIZ. Some suggested that despite the operational challenges reported at implementing the sanitation programmes, DPs should appreciate the little progress made by the GoT so far (the TWG SWASH is a good example as a structured dialogue between the Ministries led to the establishment of the School Wash Guideline).

The discussion however clearly revealed that DPs do not yet share a common understanding as regards the future importance/ meaning of the MoU.

Members agreed to take cognizance of all lessons learned in WSDP Phase I should inform Phase II’s design. Phase II is envisaged to be guided by one MoU for the entire program and any gaps/discrepancies identified in Phase I should not be allowed in Phase II.

6. AOB and Closure.

6.1 Brief to DPG Water meeting members;

Members were informed that DPG W Co-chairs had requested for a brief verbal report highlighting conclusions made in the Sanitation sub-group meeting to be presented in DPG Water main meeting. It was agreed and the Moderator of the respective Sanitation subgroup meeting will provide this brief.

6.2 Sanitation stakeholders.

A concern was raised that the Sanitation team at MoHSW appears busy and always occupied. The 10 member team was reported to be away from office in workshops and other work related engagements. It wasn’t clear to members what interventions the Ministry was undertaking apart from those known and if there was another DP working with the Ministry. The Secretariat was requested to identify all the partners in Sanitation working with the Ministry and make sure that they are invited in the Sanitation subgroup meetings to participate with other DPs.

S/n / Points for Action / Responsible / Date
3. / Map / identify all Members in the Sanitation and report in the next meeting for discussion and possible invitation. / Secretariat / 5th Feb 2014

The moderator thanked all members for attending and closed the meeting at 12:15hrs. Date for the 9th Sanitation sub-group meeting was communicated to be February 6th 2014.

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