River Murray Animals / Birds of the River/ Kingston-on-Murray
(investigating some of the bird species that inhabit our town) / Yabbies/ Turtles
(learning together about the Fresh Water Yabby and/ or turtles) / Native Fish
(Some fish are good for the river system…some are not!!) / Endangered Species Regent Parrot/Murray Cod
(workshop with hands on activities) / Tiddalick
(Aboriginal perspective and how it relates to us today)
Water Quality and Quantity of the River Murray / Macro invertebrates as indicators
(looking for water bugs and what they mean to the water quality) / Water Quality Testing
(learning how to test Salinity, Turbidity etc..) / Banrock Wetlands
(look at the wetlands, birdlife and water bugs) / Don’t Be a Drip
(presentation on water saving techniques and a movie we have made to highlight what we do here) / Danny the Drip
(The journey of a drop of water from the source to the sea.)
Trees of the Murray / Tree Audit
(identifying and rating tree health along the Kingston-on-Murray riverfront) / Propagating Natives/ Seed Bombs
(get a chance to learn how to propagate your own native trees and/or get your hands dirty making seed bombs to plant when you get home) / Smelly garden/ Worm Farm
(tour of the school smelly garden and chance to smell and taste and/or workshop on our worm farm) / Bird garden
(tour of the school bird garden and learn which trees attract which birds) / What Do You think?
(investigating the plight of our River Red Gums through Liz Frankel’s story book)
River Murray Insects / Mozzies
(interactive workshop on the Australian Mosquito) / Macro invertebrates
(looking for water bugs) / Fruit Fly
(our new workshop learning about
River Murray Activities / Banrock Station
(travel out to Banrock and take a look at the wetlands on the boardwalk) / Loch Luna
(Cruise on the river and down Nockburra creek to see the birdlife) / Canoeing(extra cost)
(learn how to canoe in the back waters while able to take in the quiet surroundings)
Not suitable for R-3 students / Lock 3 Visit (extra cost)
(see how the water levels are managed so there will not be another flood)

J:\Riverlinx\2013-2014 Administration\Riverlinx topics.docx