February 19][2014

Board of School DirectorsMilwaukee, WisconsinFebruary 19, 2014

Special meeting of the Board of School Directors called to order by President Bonds at 6:04 PM.

Present—Directors Falk, Holman, Joseph, Miller, Sain, Spence (6:08 PM), Woodward, Zautke, and President Bonds—9.


The Board Clerk read the following call of the meeting:

February 18, 2014

Office of Board Governance


At the request of President Michael Bonds, a special meeting of the Board of School Directors will be held at 6:00 p.m.on Wednesday, February 19, 2014, in the Auditorium of the Central Services Building, 5225 West Vliet Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to consider employment, compensation, and performance-evaluation data relative to the terms of the employment agreement with the Superintendent of Schools.

Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(c), which provides that a governmental body may convene in executive session for the purpose of “considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility,” the Board may convene in executive session for the purpose stated above.

The Board will adjourn from executive session.

Board Clerk

Director Holman moved that the Board retire to executive session, pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(c), to consider employment, compensation, and performance-evaluation data relative to the terms of the employment agreement with the Superintendent of Schools.

The motion prevailed, the vote being as follows:

Ayes—Directors Falk, Holman, Joseph, Miller, Sain, Spence, Woodward, Zautke, and President Bonds—9.


The Board retired to executive session at 6:10 PM.

The Board adjourned from executive session at 7:25 PM.

Board Clerk

February 27]1[2014

Board of School DirectorsMilwaukee, WisconsinFebruary 27, 2014

Regular meeting of the Board of School Directors called to order by President Bonds at 6:30 PM.

Present—Directors Falk, Holman, Miller, Sain, Spence (6:46 PM), Woodward, Zautke, and President Bonds—8.

Absent and excused—Director Joseph—1.

President Bonds requested a moment of silence to commemorate the passing of two Milwaukee Public Schools students:

•Precise Q. Martin, age 17, former Hamilton and MacDowell student, who died on February 5, 2014; and

•Corey Stevenson, Jr., age 6, a K-5 student at Clarke Street School, who died after being struck by a car on February 20, 2014.

Jhamilia Williams-Perry, a Senior at Bradley Tech High School, gave a speech to the Board regarding the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Awards and Commendations

Excellence in Education Award

Each month, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors recognizes an outstanding school, student, staff member, parent, or community member for a display of excellence, achievement, and innovation that may serve as an example to our school district and the entire Milwaukee community. This month, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors is pleased to present the “Excellence in Education Award” to:

The Greater Milwaukee Committee

The Greater Milwaukee Committee (GMC) comprises 185 passionate CEOs who work together to make Milwaukee the best place in which to live, work, play, and learn. The GMC’s interest in education focuses on enhancing our region’s talent base by creating a well-educated workforce with innovative skills for today and tomorrow. Three of our GMC education pillar projects— Milwaukee Talent Dividend, Teachtown MKE, and Bradley Technology and Trade School— are successes which show the business community’s commitment to Milwaukee Public Schools and its ability to make a difference in each urban classroom and to ensure that we position our region for economic growth.

Milwaukee Talent Dividend creates direct connections between high-school students and future jobs by using data and direct engagement with growth sectors and clusters in our region. The Talent Dividend created the My Life! My Plan! program, a career-exploration workshop that connects students with local business career coaches, engages them with real-time information, and gives them education and career plans to implement upon completion of the workshop.

Teachtown MKE launched in January 2013 at the request of Dr. Thornton. This initiative: attracts top educators to Milwaukee, retains top educators in our classrooms and in our community, and empowers educators to infuse innovation into each classroom.

Bradley Technology and Trade School is a long-standing brick-and-mortar GMC initiative. GMC members continue to serve on its Commission as a way to connect and infuse employer perspectives directly into MPS classrooms.

The Milwaukee Board of School Directors recognize and honor the Greater Milwaukee Committee for dedication, outstanding leadership, and commitment to excellence on behalf of the students of the Milwaukee Public Schools.

Special Recognition— Kevon Looney

The Milwaukee Board of School Directors honored Kevon Looney with a special commendation. Kevon Looney, a senior at Hamilton High School, has been selected to play in the McDonald’s All-American basketball game on April 2 at the United Center in Chicago. The outstanding 6-foot-8 forward was named as a UCLA recruit earlier this year. The Milwaukee Board of School Directors and the entire school community commend Kevon Looney for his dedication, outstanding academic achievement, and athletic accomplishments.


Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the regular and special Board meetings of January 9, 14, and 30, 2014, were approved as printed.


Communications from the Superintendent

(Item A)Action on a Request for a Closed Session to Discuss Strategies Regarding the Potential Sale or Lease of District Property Located at 2760 North 1st Street (Former Malcolm X), 2708 W. Wisconsin Avenue (Former Wisconsin Avenue), 9520 W. Allyn Street (Former Fletcher), and 1715 N. 37th Street (Former 37th Street)

The Administration requests a closed session for the purpose of developing a negotiating strategy for the possible lease or sale of public property located at: *2760 North 1st Street (Former Malcolm X) *2708 W. Wisconsin Avenue (former Wisconsin Avenue) *9520 W. Allyn Street (former Fletcher) *1715 N. 37th Street (former 37th Street) This request is made pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes, Section 19.85(1)(e), which allows a governing body to go into closed session for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session.

The Board may reconvene in open session to take action on matters considered in executive session or to continue with the remainder of its agenda.

Administration’s Recommendation

The Administration recommends that the Board move to a closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes, Section 19.85(1)(e), for the purpose of discussing strategies regarding the potential sale or lease of district property located at 2760 North 1st Street (Former Malcolm X), 2708 W. Wisconsin Avenue (Former Wisconsin Avenue), 9520 W. Allyn Street (Former Fletcher), and 1715 N. 37th Street (former 37th Street).

By consensus, consideration of this item was postponed to the end of the agenda.


(Item B)Action on a Request for a Closed Session for the Purpose of Considering Collective Bargaining Negotiations Strategy with Respect to Wages

The Administration is requesting a closed session for the purpose of considering collective bargaining negotiations strategy with respect to wages. This request is made pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes, Section 19.85(1)(e) which allows a governing body to go into closed session for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. The Board may reconvene in open session to take action on matters considered in executive session or to continue with the remainder of its agenda.

Administration’s Recommendation

The Administration recommends that the Board move to a Closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes, Section 19.85(1)(e)for the purpose of considering collective bargaining negotiations strategy with respect to wages.

By consensus, consideration of this item was postponed to the end of the agenda.


(Item C)Action on an Emergency Reorganization of Roosevelt Middle School of the Arts to Eliminate Sixth Grade for the 2014-2015 School Year

Roosevelt Analysis

Roosevelt Middle School of the Arts, which is located at 800 West Walnut Street, serves 627 students in grades 6 through 8. The school has an arts focus and provides students with the opportunity to participate in fine arts and vocational education classes such as dance, graphic arts, visual arts, band, orchestra, and Project Lead the Way.

After careful review of Third-Friday enrollment numbers and the school’s budget for Roosevelt Middle School of the Arts, it was found that the school did not meet its projected enrollment for the 2013-2014 school year. Roosevelt Middle School of the Arts began the 2013-2014 school year with 30% (11) of the teaching staff listed as “not highly qualified,” as defined by No Child Left Behind legislation. As of February 22, 2014, four teaching vacancies remain unfilled at the school. These positions have been staffed with substitute teachers.

The emergency reorganization of Roosevelt Middle School of the Arts for the 2014-2015 school year will consist of the elimination of students in 6th grade. Students that will be enrolled in grades 7 and 8 will remain at the school. The Administration will work with the school staff and community to ensure quality
educational programming and a positive learning environment for these students. This will allow for continuity with existing students. Additional supporting information may be found in the attachment provided under separate cover.

Administration’s Recommendation

The Administration recommends that the Board approve the elimination of sixth grade at Roosevelt Middle School of the Arts for the 2014-2015 school year and the return to servicing students in grades 6 through 8 for the 2015-2016 school year.

Director Woodward moved to send this item to the Committee on Student Achievement and School Innovation for consideration and public hearing.

The motion prevailed, the vote being as follows:

Ayes—Directors Falk, Holman, Miller, Sain, Spence, Woodward, Zautke and President Bonds—8.



Communications from the Board Clerk

(Item A)Action on a Request to Retire to Executive Session to Consider Strategies Related to Specific Employment Matters

The Office of Board Governance is requesting that the Board retire to executive session to consider strategies related to specific employment matters. This request is being made pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes, Section 19.85(e), which allows a governing body to retire to executive session for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session.

The Board may reconvene in open session to take action on matters discussed in executive session or to continue with the remainder of its agenda.


That the Board determine how it wishes to proceed with this item.

By consensus, consideration of this item was postponed to the end of the agenda.


Reports of the Independent Hearing Officers of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors

The Board Clerk presented 25 expulsion orders from the Independent Hearing Officers of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors.

Director Spence moved to accept the reports of the Independent Hearing Officers ofJanuary 24, 30, and 31, 2014, and February 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, and 20, 2014.

The motion to accept the reports prevailed, the vote being as follows:

Ayes—Directors Falk, Holman, Miller, Sain, Spence, Woodward, Zautke, and President Bonds—8.



Reports of Standing Committees

Separate consideration was requested of the following items:

Committee on Parent and Community Engagement, Item 1, action on a resolution to rename the Central Services Courtyard Café the Ann Elane Agee Courtyard Café; and

Committee on Student Achievement and School Innovation, Item 9, action on a proposal regarding persistently low-performing schools.

On the motion of Director Spence, the balance of the reports of the Standing Committees was approved, the vote being as follows:

Ayes—Directors Falk, Holman, Miller, Sain, Spence, Woodward, Zautke and President Bonds—8.


Committee on Parent and Community Engagement

Director Woodward presented the following report for the Committee on Parent and Community Engagement:


Your Committee on Parent and Community Engagement presents the following report:

(Item 1)Action on a Resolution 1314R-007 by Director Sain to Rename the Central Services Courtyard Café the Ann Elane Agee Courtyard Cafe

At its meeting on January 30, 2014, the Board referred Resolution 1314R-007 by Director Sain to the Committee on Parent and Community Engagement:

WHEREAS, Ann Elane Agee was born on August 22, 1941; and

WHEREAS, Ann Elane Agee graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia as a registered dietician; and

WHEREAS, Upon graduation, Ann Elane Agee interned at the Milwaukee Luther Hospital and was employed as a dietician at the Milwaukee County Hospital; and

WHEREAS, Ann Elane Agee began her career with MPS as a supervisor of the MPS Food Service Department in 1972, became acting Director of the MPS Food Service department in 1980, and was promoted to Director of the Food Service Department in 1981; and

WHEREAS, During her time in this position, Ann Elane Agee went to Washington, D.C., to lobby for a breakfast program in MPS, and under her leadership, the breakfast program started, with children getting a hot breakfast several times a week; and

WHEREAS, Ann Elane Agee and her staff relied on an Inter-High School Committee, which consisted of two students from each middle and high school, which met with her food-service supervisors on a rotating basis to plan the menus; and

WHEREAS, This Committee, known as the Kitchen Cabinet, met eight times a year to test new food items for the schools’ menus, with members being allowed to vote only for nutritious meals; and

WHEREAS, Ann Elane Agee also served as the Affirmative Action Liaison for the business operations in MPS, in which capacity she assisted minorities in their attempts to do business with MPS; and

WHEREAS, As Affirmative Action Liaison, Ann Elane Agee certified possible vendors, reviewed and evaluated current policies, and provided assistance as needed to minorities; and

WHEREAS, Ann Elane Agee, having been diagnosed with cancer, decided to become active with the American Cancer Society, often serving on panels to help minority women understand the importance of sharing their experiences with each other; and

WHEREAS, Ann Elane Agee was also a member of the Reach to Recovery program, through which survivors of breast cancer help newly diagnosed cancer patients by giving them an opportunity to express feelings, talk about fears and concerns, and ask questions, while also offering the understanding, support, and hope that comes with being a cancer survivor; and

WHEREAS, Ann Elane Agee was the mother of three children, and her daughter, Jeri Agee, currently serves as an MPS principal; and now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That in sincere appreciation of Ann Elane Agee’s years of dedicated service to the Milwaukee Public Schools’ food-service program, the Central Services Court Yard Café be renamed the Ann Elane Agee Courtyard Cafe; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be spread upon the permanent proceedings of the Board of School Directors; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board instruct the Board Clerk to have an engrossed copy of this document, suitably signed and sealed, prepared and delivered to the family of Ann Elane Agee in tribute to her record of dedicated public service to the citizens of Milwaukee and the children of the public schools.

Ann Elane Agee began her career with Milwaukee Public Schools as a supervisor of the MPS Food Service Department in 1972. She became acting Director of the MPS Food Service department in 1980 and was promoted to Director of the Food Service Department in 1981. During her time in this position, she traveled to Washington, D.C., to lobby for a breakfast program in MPS. Under her leadership, the breakfast program started, with children receiving hot breakfasts several times a week.

Ann Elane Agee and her staff relied on an Inter-High School Committee, which consisted of two students from each middle and high school and which met with her food-service supervisors on a rotating basis to plan the student menus. This Committee met eight times a year to test new food items for the schools’ menus, with members being allowed to vote only for nutritious meals.

Ann Elane Agee also served as the Affirmative Action Liaison for the business operations in MPS. In this capacity, she assisted minorities in their attempts to conduct business with MPS. As Affirmative Action Liaison, she certified possible vendors, reviewed and evaluated current policies, and provided assistance as needed to minorities.

In sincere appreciation of Ann Elane Agee’s years of dedicated service to the Milwaukee Public Schools and the food-service program, we are requesting that the Central Services Courtyard Café be renamed the Ann Elane Agee Courtyard Café.

Committee’s Recommendation

Your Committee recommends that the Board adopt Resolution 1314R-007 by Director Sain to rename the Central Services Courtyard Café the Ann Elane Agee Courtyard Cafe as detailed in the attachment to this item.