/ V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
The School of Geology and Geography
The Department of Social and Economic
Geography and Region Studies
The Student Council of the School of Geology and Geography


on the international scientific and practical conference

for students, post-graduate students and young scientists

"Region-2013: human geography aspects"

The Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv region station of young tourists organize on April 18-19, 2013 the international scientific and practical conference for students, post-graduate students and young scientists "Region-2013: human geography aspects" to join forces of young scientists for solving current regional problems and issues facing social and natural sciences, as well as finding the ways to improve the quality of geographers’ education.

Official languages of the conference are Ukrainian, Russian and English

Conference sections:

1.  Theory and methods of human geography researches.

2.  Modern issues of the regional development.

3.  Geodemographical studies.

4.  Regional local history and tourism.

5.  Environmental management and sustainable development at the regional level.

Deadline for submitting the papers is March 25, 2013.

Participants should also submit:

Ø  Application form (via e-mail and in a paper variant (not necessarily), the file name includes the last name of a participant: for example, Petrova_application.doc) which should contain the following information:

• A first name and a last name.
• A city, a higher education institution and its address.
• A school, a department, a course.
• A phone, e-mail, a mailing address for correspondence.
• The conference section;
• A title of the report;
• A supervisor’s name (for students and post-graduate students);
• The form of participation (report or publication only).
• If any presentation equipment is needed.
• Advance booking for accommodation.

Ø  A scientific supervisor’s review of the paper for students and post-graduate students.

Ø  Materials of a report.

All the materials are sent by post or (preferably) by e-mail.

Post variant: the materials, the supervisor’s review and the application form are sent on paper and on a CD.

Electronic variant: the materials, the supervisor’s review and the application form are sent by e-mail with confirming receipt of the organizing committee. All the files should be in *.doc format. The name of file should contain the last name of the author. Every article should be edited, paper variant (if you are going to submit it) must not be differed from the electronic variant.

The materials are accepted if they correspond to the subject of the conference and these requirements.

Requirements to the papers:

·  Maximum 4 pages;

·  Microsoft Office Word 2003;

·  Page A4, portrait orientation;

·  Margins 2 cm;

·  Times New Roman, 14 pt;

·  Line spacing 1.5;

·  Paragraph indention 1 cm.

The article should include: in the upper left corner goes an univeral decimal classification number, below (next line) first and last name of the author (-s) in a bold italic type, right-aligned; on the next line - the academic degree and rank, initials and last name of supervisor, italic type, right-aligned; on the next line - the full name of the institution.

The title of the paper goes in capital letters in bold type, centered. The text of the paper is placed below. References are given in square brackets. Under the text the list of references in italic type, 12 pt is given.

Don’t place in the text a difficult graphic material and big tables.

By the beginning of the conference a collection of conference materials will have been published. The authors of papers will receive the collection of the conference materials (one copy per an article). An additional collection could be purchased during the conference. The authors, who do not take direct part in the conference, the collections will be sent by post during a month after the conference.

The cultural program includes tours around Kharkiv.

The participants from other cities are accommodated at Kharkiv regional station of young tourists.

Accommodation, meals and travel costs are paid by the conference participants by themselves.

The drive to the metro station "University" or "Gosprom."

It is better to purchase the tickets in advance.

Application forms and materials are sent by the mailing address:

The Department of Social and Economic Geography and Region Studies

The School of Geology and Geography

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

61022-Kharkiv, Ukraine, Ploshcha Svobody, 4


Ø  Participation fee is 140 hryvnias (20$), which includes conference operational costs and publication of the conference materials.

It can be paid via postal order or electronic transfer. The recipient is Телебенева Евгения Юрьевна (Telebeneva Eugene Yurievna, The Department of Social and Economic Geography and Region Studies, School of Geology and Geography, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 61022-Kharkiv, Ukraine, Ploshcha Svobody, 4

Invitation, plan and program of the conference will be sent later according to filed applications.

For further information do not hesitate to contact:

+380 (99) 324-45-90 – Telebeneva Eugene Yurievna

+380 (57)707-52-74 – The Department of Social and Economic Geography and Region Studies

Please, spread information about the conference to interested persons


Univeral decimal classification number

Irina Mashkina

Scientific supervisor – assistant professor, PhD Julia Zavoloka

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


The text of the paper

References: 1.Бакланов И.Я. Динамические пространственные системы промышленности: Теоретический анализ / И.Я. Бакланов. – М.: Наука, 2008. – 132 с.; 2. International Association of Science Parks statistics. – Mode access: - http://www.iasp.ws/publico/index.jsp?enl=2