NOTE: The closing date for this EOI has been extended to March 19, 2017
Expression of Interest (EOI)– Food Safety Training
Export Oriented Private Sector Abattoirs from Lahore and Karachi
Closing Date: March19th, 2017 (Sunday)
Submission through email or any track-able courier service to the following address:
The Procurement Department
U.S.-Pakistan Partnership for Agricultural Market Development
Suite 15, 1st Floor, Park Lane Tower
172 Tufail Road, Mall of Lahore
Lahore, Pakistan
NOTE: (Before filling the form, please read and understand documents carefully)
The U.S.-Pakistan Partnership for Agricultural Market Development (AMD) is a USAID funded project which aims to improve the ability of Pakistan’s commercial agriculture and livestock sectors to compete in international and national markets in the four target product lines; meat, high value and off season vegetables, mangoes and citrus. AMD will act as a catalyst for development and investment in target product lines by actively promoting cooperation and coordination amongst the value chain actors and ancillary service providers. AMD’s implementation strategy is underpinned by a strictly commercial and market driven approach with a clear focus on strengthening market access for its partner organizations, and support international marketing and sales efforts. The objective of the AMD project is to encourage investments in the four target product lines through matching grants and technical assistance and empower stakeholders by developing synergies among them to accomplish together what they cannot do alone. AMD will support upgrading, streamline supply chains, technical assistance to optimize profit margins, increase participation of women entrepreneurs, and ultimately help make Pakistani meat, high value and off season vegetables, mangoes and citrus more profitable and more competitive.
The Pakistan meat sector is poised to take a giant step forward in the increased production of high quality meat. This production must be accompanied by the manufacturing and marketing of high quality meat products. The meat sector is a prime example of how an industry must progress in terms of technology and management systems or be left behind in the world market. To launch the meat industry in Pakistan to the next level of competitiveness, a focused approach that introduces technology and modern management techniques to the meat processor is critical.
The Program:
Agricultural Marketing Development (AMD) is conducting two one-day Food Safety Capacity Building workshops; one in Lahore and one in Karachi. An international Food Safety expert would conduct this training. Twelve internationally certified slaughterhouses would be selected for this training; four for Lahore and eight for Karachi. This training is aimed for employees responsible for production, quality control, shift incharge, cleaning and veterinary services.
Note: Additional details regarding the training will be shared with private sector applicants after pre-qualification.
The objective of this training is to build employee capacity in internationally accepted best practices in food safety standards, so that the abattoirs are able to produce better quality product and increase product shelf life cost effectively.
With improved product and practices, the industry would be able to target new markets that are currently inaccessible to Pakistan.
Application/ Qualification Criteria:
- Registered operating abattoir;
- Applicant should either be ISO/ HACCP/ Global Gap certified along with having being registered with the relevant federal quarantine department
- Export authorizations and experience in exporting meat;
- Previouslyinvolvement with donor agencies would be preferred.
1-Use capital letters
2-Mark the applicable boxes
3-Use extra sheets where necessary
4-Applications for Pre-qualification must be submitted through email or any track-able courier service on or before March 19th, 2017in a sealed envelope. Please mark the envelope with the inscription “EOI for Food Safety Training (Combined)” and send to the following address:
The Procurement Department:
U.S.-Pakistan Partnership for Agricultural Market Development
Suite 15, 1st Floor, Park Lane Tower
172 Tufail Road, Mall of Lahore
Lahore, Pakistan
Application in Response to:
(Ad published on/Ref #):Name of Entity
Type of Entity /Private Ltd.
Other, please specify ______
Names of PartnersorDirectors
/ 1-2-
Type of Company (For Profit or Not for Profit)
Section 42 Company Registered on (Date) (Also attach registration certificate and Not For Profit status to this form)
Tax identification numbers: / National Tax Number: ______GST Registration Number: ______
Point of Contact to AMD (Name, Email, Phone Number)
Complete AddressPhone Number (Including area code)
E-Mail / Web address
Abattoir Based in: /Lahore Other, list Name:
Directly Exporting Meat from Pakistan
(and not only working as a service provider to other exporters) /
Exporting Directly
Only Providing services to other exporters
(Attach certificate copies) / ISO Global GAP
ISO Certification # ______
Export Authorizations
(List name of countries) / Country 1: ______
Country 2: ______
Country 3:______
Number of Years of Experience in abattoir operations / More than 15 years
10-15 years
5 – 10 years
1 – 5 years
Approx. Monthly Export Volume
Previous experience working with donor agencies / 1-
Kindly inform us if you are by any means related to U.S.-Pakistan Partnership for Agricultural Market Development (AMD) staff which may influence the outcome of this assessment process. Please mention the nature of relationship with AMD staff along with names and designations of related AMD personnel in the space providedbelow:
I/We hereby confirm that all the information given in this form and in attached document are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge. I/ We understand that any false information shall result in immediate disqualification.
If pre‐qualified by AMD I/we shall strictly adhere to all the rules, regulations, terms and conditions as laid down by AMD.
Signature(s) of Proprietor /Partners/Directors
CNIC No.______
- Submission of this Application does not guarantee that the applicant shall be registered with AMD
- AMD may ask for any further details and documents; or may physically inspect the applicant’s organizational setup / factory at any time without prior notice
- Please ensure to provide complete information asked for in the absence of which your application will not be considered
Please attach following documents and check the applicable box
National Tax Registration Certificate
Sales Tax Registration Certificate
Certification Copies
Export Authorizations
Any other details please specify:
Authorized Representative’s Signature