I,______S/O ______Prop./Partner/Director of M/s.______, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare and also undertake to abide by the statement made here-in-below:-
- That I have been running/will run the trade of ______at
P.No. ______with ______H.P. w.e.f.. ______/after getting
the licence.
- That I am the Director/Partner/Proprietor of the firm M/s.______and I am fully empowered to apply for the licence to the Municipal Corporation of Delhi.
- That I have not carried out any unauthorized construction in the area let out to me by Sh.______Director/Partner/Proprietor of M/s.______and who is the lessor of DDA/Industries Deptt./Delhi Administration/MCD/DSIDC/Free-hold whose Licence No.______
- That I shall abide by the terms & conditions as imposed by the Commissioner/MCD from time to time for grant of licence.
- That I will not hold the MCD responsible or liable for any action against me by the MCD/Industries Deptt./DDA/DSIDC/DFC/DPCC and other Authority , arising from or out of the grant of the said licence by the MCD.
- That I shall not claim any right/title in the property/premises on the basis of the said municipal licence.
- That I undertake to indemnify and/ or to keep harmless to the MCD for any action that may be taken or proposed to be taken by any of the aforesaid authorities or department.
- That I will not claim any alternative site in any conforming area in lieu of the licence so granted to me for the aforesaid trade/factory run by me, details whereof have been mentioned hereinabove.
- That I would pay all fees, tax, penalty or any other charges that may be imposed by the Commissioner, MCD, including the areas thereof w.e.f. the date of trade/factory having been established by me and such payment shall not entitle me to any right whatsoever for continuously running the trade in the premises mentioned hereinabove.
- That the licence if granted by the Commissioner, MCD for running the said trade/factory in the present premises, shall be liable to be withdrawn revoked or cancelled at any time by the Commissioner without notice or without assigning any reason.
- That the Commissioner. MCD shall have absolute right to refuse the renewal of the licence or to alter the terms & conditions thereof at any time either before the expiration or at the time of renewal of the municipal licence.
- That I further state that no industrial site has been allotted to me either in my name or in the name of any other person of the firm.
- That I further state that I do not have any other licence for this premises, in question, under Section 416/417 of the DMC Act prior to the filling up the application for registration.
- That I have not applied for any licence to the MCD earlier and no dues of the MCD are outstanding towards me in the shape of licence fee.
- That there is no court case or violation pending against the above premises.
- That I have installed all the fire fighting equipments as per specifications of Delhi Fire Service.
- That I undertake to ensure that no pollution will be caused be me by running the abovesaid industry at the abovesaid premises and in case at any stage, it comes to the notice of MCD or any Statutory Authority that the unit is causing any pollution, I shall be liable to action as per Law.
- That I will not put any kind of garbage-effluent whatsoever while running the abovesaid factory and shall keep the surrounding well clean, otherwise I shall the conservancy charges.
- That I will employ ------workers in my unit and whenever there is any increase/decrease in the number of workers, Factory Licensing Deptt./MCD will be informed accordingly.