HASH TRASH - Week Ending 4th of April, 2004 – Run # 626
by The Infamous Hash Scribe

Who's Going to do the Ironing?


Even more sad news - Ironing Maiden is going to leave our sunny shores now and possibly taking up residence in East Timor! Anyway, next week there will a special run for Ironings sad depature which hopefully may include some special hash parafernalia.

Hare Line


VC to do a famous run again this week, but still no hares following! If you want to do a run or a walking hare but haven't done one before there are plenty of people willing to take you on one of their hares. It can be fun and everyone is welcome to set one. Email the trailmaster (who is 15+) on if you'd like to do a hare or have any harey questions.

The top hares for all the stats are shown below. This will include some hashers that you've never heard of amazingly there are 6 attendees in the top 10. The latest stats are all on the web site.

Hash Total Total Virgin Last Run Hare

Name Runs Hared Run Run % %


Kim Cousins 11 4 478 556 14 36

Squeaky Clean 49 17 353 529 28 35

Love Bite 39 12 499 623 31 31

Phlegm 323 93 125 620 65 29

Dracula 53 15 499 623 42 28

VC 184 49 337 625 64 27

Next Sunday 49 13 388 562 28 27

Diaper 100 25 50 274 44 25

Chick Pea 181 44 386 625 75 24

Chicken Shit 33 8 476 625 22 24

MekongRiver Swim


Some people were wondering if the Hash is still on because of the Mekong River Swim. The answer is "Yes, of course. The Hash is on every week". Personally I have been to a couple of runs where there hasn't been a circle but there has always been a hash. The lowest number of one I have attended in PP is a total of 12 Hashers. This was around New Year or Christmas time or something (a bit sad to admit it really!). Anyway, small hashes can be pretty much alot fun most of the time and quite alot of fun.

Anyway, back to the swim. The Mekong River Swim is only on in the morning of the 4th of April (this coming Sunday), hence the Hash is still on as normal. Also, the Mekong River Swim is not a hash event. The majority of people who go would never have been on the Hash but all hashers are invited of course.

Now this years event includes a team event. So how about a Hash Team!!!!!!! So far there are two members Chicken Shit and Chicken Little. To be a team there must be at least three swimmers to register for the swim as the Hash so if anyone wants to be part of the Hash team then send an email to Chicken Shit. You can use the the Hash haberdashery email (). The Hash team will go up against Handicap International, ISPP, MRC, Prefer Software (hopefully) and others.

Hash Cash and an and Ex-Hash Cash Crash


KFD turned up this week to announce that there was over $150 to $200 which he has from his prior days as Hash Cash. Unfortunately he had to zoooooooom back to Phnom Penh and did so before handing over the money. Why did KFD have to zoooooooooom back to Phnom Penh? A lttle matter of a broken elbow sustained while doing the run. KFD said that he managed to pop it back into place after it had been dislocated but an x-ray afterwards revealed there was a hairline fracture.

Good luck KFD we all hope you recover quickly. !

I will get the exact total next week. Hence the Hash Cash for this week stands at:

- $485 from last week

- $50.75 injected from Run # 625

- ~$150 from KFD

So the total should be around $685.75.

Contents of the Hash Trash


Anyone wishing to include contents into the Hash Trash should email their contribution to

Cheers and that's about all for this week


The Hash Scribe