On behalf of the officers of the Canfield Men’s Golf League we are happy to announce the start of the 2016 season. Welcome to returning members and especially the new members this year. You must be 21 years of age. Young men between the ages of 16-20 can join if a member acts as a sponsor.
League play begins Wednesday, April 20. A complete schedule for the season is enclosed. Also enclosed are the rules of league play.
Dues this year will be $50.00. Player’s 62 years of age or over dues will be $45.00. Dues for a sponsored junior will be $45.00. The optional Stableford Scoring System competition will be $20.00. Optional is a Mulligan Fee of $18.00. An invoice is enclosed. Please send remittance to Terry Kekic, 9015 N. Palmyra Rd., Canfield, Ohio44406.
A roster of all league members will be made available to each member upon completion of the list. We are hoping our membership remains stable this year. We are always looking for new members so if you know of someone who may be interested in joining our league, please let one of the officers know, and we will contact these prospective members.
Gene Toy 549-5147
Ray Novotny 533-3831
Terry Kekic 533-5743
The rules of the Flying “B” golf course, as noted on the reverse side of your scorecard, will apply. Golfers may touch or roll the ball with the club head anywhere on the course. There are not out-of-bounds inside the course. In wet weather, where a ball is partially buried, it may be lifted, cleaned, and dropped not nearer the hole; anywhere on the golf course except in sand traps. If the ball is touched any other time, a one stroke penalty is to be assessed. NO GIMMIES!! Changing the ball on the putting green is permitted, with those exceptions, where the Rules of Golf apply. Members 65-70 may use the Yellow (gold) tee markers. Senior members over the age of 70 may use the RED tee markers.
We will try to have 10 teams if the numbers of members can support them. Teams will be balanced as to handicaps by drawing from prearranged groups. Teams will be matched against teams. The season will be divided into two halves; 9 matches to a half, with a champion for each half. Each team will play every other team twice, once eachhalf. Play will start April 20th, and each Wednesday thereafter through August 17th. Playoff for the league championship (9 holes) will be held August 24th, between the winning teams from the first and second half. This playoff and the final outing will be the week 18 handicap. In the event that the same team wins both the first and second halves, the second place team will determined by total points for the year from the first and second halves. Scoring for the championship matches will be four points unless there is a tie. This will be decided by a fifth point to determine a winner.
Golfers who wish to tee off on the back nine for a league round before 4:30 should be aware that a group playing 18 holes, and coming off the ninth green, will be given preference on the 10th tee. So you may have to wait for a group to clear the 10th tee.
League scoring will be as follows: Each match will be a contest for four points. The lowest four net scores will each be awarded one point. Ties will be awarded the appropriate fractional point. Teams with the most points at the end of each half will be the winners of that half.
Games may be played in any size group permitted on the golf course. There must be at least two teams represented in any group. Players from any other team will suffice. The person keeping score will sign the scorecard and any other member of any other team may attest. Scorecards must be SIGNED, ATTESTED, AND DATED TO BE ACCEPTED. Last name and first initials must appear on all scorecards. This will help eliminate errors in recording scores and awarding points. The date noted on the scorecard should be the scheduled date of play. (Wednesday) Regardless of the actual date the round is played. The Secretary is not responsible for incomplete scorecards.
Matches will be played on Wednesday evenings on alternating nines, but may be played anytime during the intervening week. The following SUNDAY BEING THE DEADLINE. Any round played on Wednesday counts for the league unless an exception is made, and is announced to other members of the group subsequent to teeing off. Rounds cannot be played over. Matches must be played on the scheduled nine. Scorecards are to be placed in the league box located on the east wall of the clubhouse or inside the clubhouse in the skins box. Persons wishing to play matches prior to vacations may do so up to three weeks in advance of vacations providing; the Secretary of the league is notified and ROUND THE MEMBER IS PLAYING is clearly marked for the date of the round.
There are no rain dates scheduled. If play is rained out, members will have through the FOLLOWING week on Sunday to play a make-up round with the following Sunday as the deadline. Be sure the scorecards are dated for the Wednesday of the rain out. A rainout can be called by any officer.
Team awards and additional individual awards will be given out at the year end meeting. This year’s meeting will be held on Wednesday August 24that the conclusion of that days golf.
By paying $2.00 (included with the regular dues) all members qualify to share in the accumulated amount, to be divided equally between entrants who score a hole in one during Wednesday Night League Play or League Field Days. In the event of no holes in one the fund will be transferred to general income and used for yearly prizes.
New members will be required to play three practice rounds after which time, handicaps will be figured. Practice rounds are to be played by April 19th and cards should be put in the league skins box inside the clubhouse.
Player’s handicaps may go up only one stroke above the base handicap every time new handicaps are posted. However player handicaps may go down any number of strokes from the base handicap at each posting of revised handicaps. Handicaps are figured with the rolling five week system. Handicap includes the base until five rounds are in.
Dues will be $50.00 per year. DUES MUST BE PAID ON OR BEFORE APRIL 19th. If your dues are not paid, your scores and points will not be credited. These dues are used to provide for a year end meeting, two field days, and prizes as well as the championship prizes. In the event a member must quit the league due to illness, transfer, or other legitimate reasons, he will receive a refund of $1.00 for each remaining scheduled league Wednesday. If someone wishes to join the league after the season has started, his dues will be $3.00 per week for each remaining Wednesday scheduled. Team captains will be selected by the league officers. These captains, with the officers, will form the league executive committee. Team captains are responsible for getting their team out in force. If a team member quits, it is the responsibility of the captain to inform the secretary, so a replacement can be found, if possible.
Individual honors for the year’s play will be determined by the player having the lowest net and gross averages for the year. All rounds are used and a minimum of 15 rounds must be played to qualify for individual honors. Handicap for current members will be last year’s handicap.
To qualify for team playoff awards, members must have played a minimum of 12 rounds.
There will be two field days scheduled this year. The first field day is June 15th with a 1:30 tee time and the year end field day will be held on August 24th, 1:30 tee time. You are able to play as much golf as you like on these field days, but for the purpose of determining award winners. Only your scores for the first 18 holes will count. You are eligible to sign markers for field day events during the play of the FIRST 18 HOLES. Guests are welcome on field days, especially guests who are prospective members. A guest fee of $5.00 will be charged to cover food and beverages consumed. Guests, however, are not eligible for golfing prizes and must pay Green Fees for all golf played. All groups will tee off at the same time with a reverse shotgun setup.
We are making league memberships available to juniors ages 16-20. These members will pay dues at the senior rate of $45.00. Junior members may collect any prizes earned in the form of a gift certificate given to the junior members sponsor, if requested. Junior members need a present league member to act as a sponsor. The junior member need not be related to the sponsor. We would expect junior members to follow the rules of golf and exercise proper decorum on the golf course the same as any league member would.
The secretary would like to have as many e-mail addresses from members as we can. It will allow us to communicate with members quickly. There is a space on the league invoice to give us your e-mail address and cell carrier. This will allow the league to send a text messages.
The league skins game will be $4.00 each week. All golfers will be entered in both gross and net skins games. Members may not opt out of being in both. This will save a lot of time in figuring the results. So there will be one box in the clubhouse for both Gross and Net.
During weeks 4, 7,11 and 14 the golfers who elect to take part will have their scores entered in a Stableford Scoring System and prizes will be awarded each week it is used. The prizes awarded during the season will be high quality golf balls. Cash prizes will be awarded to the overall winner of the four weeks. Point totals will be posted. Taking part in this will be optional and will cost each golfer $20.00 and should be paid with the league dues. The amount of the cash awards will be based on how many members elect to take part. The system will use NET SCORES for point calculations. Points will be scored with the following system:
Double Eagle +10
Double Bogey-1
Triple Bogey-2
These are for NET scores on each hole.
Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
Greens fees for all members who play a make-up round will be governed by the rates in effect AT THE TIME THE ROUND IS PLAYED. For example if that round is played on Saturday morning Saturday morning rates will apply.
The league rules as they pertain to the out-of-bounds marked on the inside the boundaries of the course are as follows;
#1. A ball hit over the green and onto Duck Creek Rd. is considered out of bounds. (Talk about a bladed wedge!!!!)
#2. It would be really hard to find OB here!
#3. Just don’t hit it backwards, as the clubhouse, while in bounds is not where you want to be.
#4. A ball hit to the left cannot be OB. You want to cut the corner? Go for it. But the grass is pretty high down there.
#5. Duck Creek Rd. is indeed OB. The drainage ditch on the near side if the road is in bounds and you may play it from there. If you lift it out of the ditch a stroke is assessed after you drop the ball on the grass area between the cart path and the ditch, no closer to the hole.
#6. The same ruling as #5 for a ball hit to the left. Middletown Rd. over the green would be OB. Try not to hit the guys teeing off number 7. Unless you have just cause!
#7. Middletown Rd. to the left is OB. Once again, you may play the ball out of the ditch on the south side of the road. Again, your drop is not free, and should be dropped between the ditch and the cart path, no closer to the hole. The parking lot is not OB. Been there, done that! Pretty tight lie, but fear not. Place the ball on the WEST edge of the lot, but on the grass. Good luck holding the green after lobbing it over the trees!! Just for the record. If you hit your ball into the lake that is in front of the eighth tee and on the south side of the fairway you may go in to play it. Just call as many members as you can to watch so we can all tell different stories concerning what you did.
#8. The lake in front of the tee is not the preferred spot for your tee shot. Duck Creek Rd. behind the green is OB.
#9. Again, the club house and parking lot is not OB, just tough to play the ball as it lies. #9 is also a tough green to chip from the edge of the parking lot. Put one of your clubs behind the hole. That will keep it on the green! JUST KIDDING!!!!
#10. No OB to the left. Just hit it over the green with your second and take your double bogey. Been there */#@&*%$ There has been a hole-in-one on #10 but it was not a league member. So the green is drivable.
#11. No OB problems, so it must be an easy hole!!! If you jump high enough on the tee you might get lucky and see the flag.
#12. No OB here. Just be sure to yell FORE right after you hit that power fade of yours.
#13. If you can find OB here you need to take up croquet.
#14. A power fade will become part of the farmers field. That will be OB. Once again drop the ball between the tree line and the cart path.
#15. A member favorite. The OB on the right is a place many of us have been. Not sure if the lake is any better. At least the windmill is gone
#16. Put it in the hole. No OB should take the pressure off.
#17, There is OB to the right of the area beyond the “mounds”.
#18. No OB to the right. Paul is no longer with us so the chances of you getting shot at are pretty small. Go ahead and hit it through the few trees that will be in your way.
Palmer was paired with Dave Marr in the final round of the 1964 Masters. He had a comfortable lead over Marr and Jack Nicklaus as he came to the home hole. The galleries were huge and loud, cheering their great hero home. Palmer, conscious that Marr was dueling Nicklaus for second place, asked his friend if there was anything he could do to help.
“Sure, Arnold, you could take a 12,” quipped Marr.
Today most golfers play strictly by the numbers. Both pros and amateurs check the yardage to the hole before they make their club selection, and never mind that most of us don’t really have a clue how far we really hit each club.
In Hogan’s day, however, it was a different game. People played by sight and made their club selection based on the shot they envisioned. Depending on the lie, the wind, the configuration of the green, and the humidity, a player might pull almost any club in the bag. Here’s a case in point. One day Hogan was playing with an assistant professional – a talented player – from a club in Dallas. The pro repeatedly asked Hogan what club he would hit from a given spot. Finally Hogan, facing an approach shot from 150 yards out, gave the ultimate playing lesson. He emptied all the balls from his bag and hit the green with each club in his bag – except the putter.
Members electing to use the Mulligan option will pay, up front, $1.00 per week for the privilege of taking a Mulligan on one shot per nine hole round. The Mulligan must be used through the green. Meaning that a Mulligan cannot be taken while on the putting green. Members using this option will include $18.00 in their dues as listed on the league invoice. No refunds for weeks missed. Players must declare they are taking a Mulligan right after the errant stroke. I will post a list of the members who elect not to take the Mulligan option only if I need to.