Teaching Archaeology through the Common Core
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
June17-21, 2013
Workshop for Teachers
The Truman Library, Truman National Historic Site, and Jackson County Parks + Recinvite you to take an exciting trip back in time!Practice the basics of scientific inquiry (observation, inference, evidence, and classification) using archaeological data. Learn how archaeologists investigate past cultures and peoples, and how archaeological methods are used to interpret the past and the present. Because archaeology is interdisciplinary, it is an innovative way to provide inclusive science curricula for diverse audiences. Your students will find it inherently interesting, and archaeology is an excellent tool for engaging youth in science education.
During this workshop, participants will investigate an historic farmstead that was founded in southwest Montana in 1869. Using data from an actual excavation at the Tinsley Farmhouse, students will learn how archaeologists study the past. Studies of such farmsteads and farm residences are appropriate inMissouri since many similar sites are found throughout the state. Indeed, the Tinsley family ended up in Montana because they fled the bloodshed in Missouri during the Civil War. The workshop will also investigate the Truman Farm in Grandview, there will be a site visit and tour of the farm and of the Truman Home in Independence.
Participants will receive full instruction in archaeological science for the classroom and a complete curriculum guide (Project Archaeology: Investigating Shelter). Participants will be trained to use the curriculum guide during the first two days of the workshop. On dayFour and Five (optional) we will conduct actual fieldwork at Missouri Town in Jackson County. Participants will get a “hands on” feel for archaeological investigation as wewill be surveying for new archaeological sites, doing test excavations, screeningdirt, and conducting laboratory work with artifacts including washing and labeling.
Application deadline is May 24.. Enrollment is limited to 25 people. Mail a completed application to the Truman Library (see below) and more information can be found at
Location:Truman Library
500 W US Hwy 24
Independence, MO 64050
Date:June17-19 (workshop), 20-21 (optional fieldwork), 2013
Times:8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Contact:Mark Adams: (816) 268-8236;
Cost:$50 includes curriculum, materials,breakfast and lunch
Make check payable to Truman Library Institute
Credit:Optional: up to 2 graduate credit hours can be taken from LindenwoodUniversity (Tuition is $60 per hour)
Instructors:Gail Lundeen, Missouri Project Archaeology Coordinator
John Peterson, Curator and Archaeologist, Fort Osage
Sally Bell, Missouri Project Archaeology Facilitator
Mark Adams, Truman Library Education Director
Mike Ryan, Truman National Historic Site, NPS
NAME: ______
ADDRESS:______PHONE: ______
CITY: ______STATE:______ZIP: ______EMAIL: ______
Project Archaeology Workshop Fee: $50.00 (includes Workbook)
Payment: Check or Credit Card (Visa, Master Card) #______Exp ______
Send Application to:Mark Adams
Truman Library
500 W US Hwy 24
Independence, MO 64050