A Celebration of Partnership and Progress Resource Fair
On behalf of the Fund for the NJ Blind, Inc. (FNJB) it is my pleasure to invite you to participate in “A Celebration of Partnership and Progress, Resource Fair and Awards Luncheon”. This event is being presented by the FNJB to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the NJ Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CBVI) and will take place at the Woodbridge Hilton, 120 Wood Ave. South, Iselin, NJ, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., on Wednesday, October 27th, 2010.
The individuals attending this event will represent a diverse group of public officials, professionals in the field of vision loss, and people who are visually impaired as well as their families and friends. All are connected by their interest in life changing services and programs for people who are visually impaired.
As an exhibitor, you will be a partner in enhancing the experience of all attendees while joining us as we celebrate the history of CBVI and the achievements of the honorees.
This will be a great outreach opportunity. The entire morning will be a resource fair and the continental breakfast will be served in the exhibitors’ area which will result in a steady flow of visitors to your table.
We look forward to seeing your organization, business or group represented. There are a limited number of tables available, so I encourage you to reserve your place in this historical event early.
If you have any questions, please e-mail:
General Information for Exhibitors
Exhibitor Fee:
Government/Non – Profit/Consumer Group$75
Vendor/Business/Private Industry$150
Applicable payment must be received by September 10, 2010 and is non-refundable thereafter
Make checks payable to: Fund for the NJ Blind, Inc.
Registration includes: One 6 ft. Exhibitor Table (2 chairs / 1 armband)
Breakfast and lunch will be complimentary for one exhibitor representative. There is a cost of $25 for each additional representative to be on-site. Each respective exhibitor representative must collect his/her own armband and badge at check-in.
We encourage you to be prepared to offer your information in accessible formats.
Exhibitor Schedule
Deadline for registrationSeptember 10, 2010
Exhibitor confirmation received by October 1, 2010
Exhibitor set-up and check-inOctober 27, 2010 (7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.)
For your convenience, 3 – Ways to Register:(All exhibitors must complete an exhibitors application.)
- Register on-line at:
- Fax the attached application to: (973) 648-2043 / Attn: Pam Gaston
- Mail application with your payment to:
CBVI 100th Anniversary, P.O. Box 47017, Newark, NJ07101- 47017
(Your registration is not confirmed until payment is received)
Fund for the NJ Blind, Inc. is a registered 501c. (3) charitable organization. All payments are tax deductible.
A Celebration of Partnership and Progress
Resource Fair & Awards Luncheon
October 27th, 2010
Woodbridge Hilton, Iselin, NJ
Exhibitor Information
Organization/Company Name ______
Address ______
Email ______Web Site: ______
Representative / Title / E-mail ______
Representative / Title / E-mail ______
(Please add an additional $25)
Description of Services or Products: 40 WORDS MAXIMUM
Please indicate any additional needs you may have, including ADA accommodations for your representative
Note: Every effort will be made to accommodate electricity needs, but this service is NOT guaranteed. Please plan accordingly. (WI-FI is available)
Payment Information
_____ Government/Non – Profit/Consumer Group - (Fee: $75)
_____ Vendor/Business/Private Industry - (Fee: $150)
_____ We will purchase an advertisment in the souvenir journal.
(see separate enclosure for further information)
Make checks payable to: Fund for the NJ Blind, Inc.
Send form with payment to:CBVI 100th Anniversary, P.O. Box 47017, Newark, NJ07101-47017