Land Stewardship Committee

June 6, 2012 (221 GHR, Bonnie Broderick residence)


1. Meeting called to order at 7 pm. Present: Pat White, John Schimmelman, Bonnie Broderick, Hayden McCann (presiding), Marc Silberman (notetaker), Dylan Duhr (Prima Mgmt), proxy of Pat Gillette to Hayden

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of May 2 meeting approved as submitted.

4. LSC supports by consensus the proposal to the BoD from 309 GTC to remediate buckthorn.

5. Priority project #1 (Glen Hollow entrance remediation continuation): Hayden has requested bids from A&L and Pinnacle with a maximum of $700. To expedite the project, the LSC voted for Hayden to use her discretion in accepting the better of the two bids as soon as submitted.

6. LSC suggests that a stroll through the rain garden (301 GTC > 309 GTC) be planned(30-60 minutes) before the HWCA annual picnic gets started so that residents can see the progress of this major remediation project. Signs should be posted at entrance/exit and along the path so residents know where to go!

7. Hayden was nominated unanimously to continue in a second term as LSC chairperson; she accepted the role.

8. Hayden reviewed the assignments of “volunteers” to look after the GTC island (Suzy Buenger), the GTC cul-de-sac (Hayden McCann), the GTR and GHR entrances (Pat Gillette and Bonnie Broderick), rain garden (Cathy Kennedy and Pat White), area near 302 GTC/119 GTR (John Schimmelman).

9. Hayden reviewed the “volunteer” watering brigade, which is functioning well, except for problems with water pressure at 119 GTR (need to check with residents).

10. Several projects are underway or have been completed in 2012: Joyce Rose (319 GTC, additional plantings), Kristi (314 GTC, significant plantings + GTR curbside), Pat Gillette (206 GHR, buckthorn removal); Joan Phillips (see #4 above).

11. Volunteer workdays planned for Saturday, July 7 (9 am) and Saturday, August 4 (9 am), focus on GTR entrance near 101 GTR and along western edge of property near 102/104/106 GTR. There will be an additional fall volunteer workday in September (date to be determined).

12. Property manager Dylan Duhr:

- large broken tree branch at 302 GTC removed on Monday, June 4;

- bids for the OMR remediation/erosion project have been received from Ganshert, A&L, and Bruce Co.; a subcommittee consisting of John (steward), Bonnie, Joan Kinney, and Hayden will study the bids and report to the LSC at its next meeting, so that the LSC can make a recommendation to the BoD in their planning for the 2013 budget;

- Alpine has been instructed to pick up regularly garden debris/branches that residents place in the guest parking areas;

- Bruce Co. will remediate the damage caused by salting the roads;

- the request by the resident at 301 GTC for pruning/trimming common area bushes was referred to the BoD.

13. Dylan suggested that it would be helpful to have another pair of eyes occasionally when he tours the property. The LSC will seek a volunteer at each of its monthly meetings to accompany Dylan once a month. [ADD THIS to monthly agenda!] Pat White will join Dylan for a walk-through in early July.

14. The next LSC meeting is scheduled for Wedn., July 11, 7 pm, at Pat White’s residence (311 GTC).

15. New Business: Prima Management will contact A&L about charges for OMR bid.