Excel 2002:BasicFAQ & Instructor Notes
Excel 2002:
Frequently Asked Questions and Instructor Notes
Topic A0:Classroom setup
All our courses assume that each student has a personal computer to use during the class. Our hands-on approach to learning requires they do. This topic gives information on how to set up the classroom to teach this course. It includes minimum requirements for the students’ personal computers, setup information for the first time you teach the class, and setup information for each time you teach after the first time you set up the classroom.
Student computer requirements
Each student’s personal computer should have:
A keyboard and a mouse
A PC with a Pentium 200 MHz processor or higher
128 MB RAM
175 MB of available hard-disk space
CD-ROM drive
A 3 ½-inch floppy disk drive if you want to load the data files from a floppy disk
SVGA monitor (800 x 600 minimum resolution support)
Install a printer driver. A printer is not required for the entire course, but students will not be able to complete all the activities in Unit 6 without a printer driver installed. In addition, different printer drivers produce different options in the Printer dialog boxes.
Network connection not required
Internet access is required if you want to download the data files from the Web site and for activating the Excel 2002 software.
First-time setup instructions
The first time you teach this course, you will need to perform the following steps to set up each student computer.
1Install Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional on all machines on a NTFS partition according to the software manufacturer’s instructions.
2If necessary, deactivate the Internet Connection Wizard. To do so, right-click the Internet Explorer icon and choose Properties. Activate the Connections tab and click Setup to launch the Internet Connection Wizard, the click Cancel. In the dialog box that appears, check Do not show the Internet Connection Wizard in the future and click Yes.
3Install Microsoft Excel 2002 using the custom install option, which will require you to uncheck all Office XP applications except Excel 2002. Continue to follow the installation prompts, making sure that the “Install applications with typical options” is selected.
4Set the home page for Internet Explorer to about:blank. To do so, right-click the Internet Explorer icon and choose Properties. On the General tab, enter “about:blank” as the home page address.
5Start Microsoft Excel. Move the Formatting toolbar to below the Standard toolbar. Close Microsoft Excel.
6If students’ computers will be connected to a printer for class, install the appropriate drivers. If students’ computers will not be connected to a printer, a printer drive will still be needed in order to perform the printing activities. Install the printer driver of your choice.
7Download the Student Data examples for the course. You can download the student data directly to student machines, to a central location on your own network, or to a disk.
aConnect to
bClick the link for Microsoft Excel 2002 to display a page of course listings, and then click the link for Excel 2002:Basic.
cClick the link for downloading the data disk files, and follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
Setup instructions for every class
Every time you teach this course, you will need to perform the following steps to set up each student computer.
1If necessary, reset any defaults that have been changed in previous classes.
aStart Excel, drag the Formatting toolbar below the Standard toolbar.
bIf necessary, reset any defaults that have been changed in previous classes. There are no defaults that should have been changed by students during class, but if you know of any, you should reset them.
2Delete the contents of the Student Data folder, if necessary. (If this is the first time you are teaching the course, create a folder called Student Data at the root of the hard drive.)
3Copy the data files for the course to the Student Data folder (see the instructions in the preceding section about how to download the data files).
Topic B:Frequently Asked Questions
1Does this course map to Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) requirements?
Yes, all the MOUS Core exam objectives are covered within this and the Intermediate-level courses of the Excel 2002 curriculum. Appendix B of this course shows where the objectives are covered within the curriculum.
Topic C:Course Notes
This course has been updated from its original version to contain addition content to cover MOUS exam objectives, as well as the MOUS exam objectives map appendix.
Topic D:Additional Information
There is no additional information for this course at this time
©2001 Course TechnologyPage 1 of 3August 23, 2001