NAFSA: Association of International Educators

Trainer Corps Position Description

Position:E-Learning Dean

Last Updated:February2011


The e-learning dean is responsible for ensuring that their assignede-learning coursecontentis accurate and up-to-date.

Functions and Responsibilities:

  • Review and analyze the participante-learning evaluation reports in order to determine necessary curriculum updates.
  • Provide updatesto e-learningmaterialsto NAFSA staff on a quarterly basisto include:
  • Online modules
  • Online resources
  • Participant companion workbook
  • Complete projects in a timely fashion.
  • Solicit or encourage other Trainer Corps members to assist with revising curriculum as necessary and appropriate.
  • Collaborate with NAFSA staff to ensure recommended updates are accurate.
  • Participate in webinars, conference calls, and annual conference meetings, as needed.

Time commitment:

E-learning dean isrequired to review online course materials and make appropriate updates to curriculum on a quarterly basis based on participant evaluation. Activity will vary according to when a course goes up online during a given year with an average of 5-10 hours each time.

Participation in an orientation phone callis required. Additional meetings of e-learning deans by conference call or at the annual conference may be called by the Training Coordination Subcommittee (TCS).

Terms of Service:

E-learning dean will serve a term of two years, extendable for a maximum of one additional year by invitation of TCS. Terms will begin December 1st and will end November 30th of the 2nd or 3rd year.


  • Developyour skills in distance educationcurriculum design and writing.
  • Share your content expertise with online participants.
  • Contribute to the field of international education by ensuringe-learning materials are up-to-date and of high quality.
  • Learn about distance educationtechnology to deliver content.


NAFSA Training Services staff, the Trainer Corps Chair, and the corresponding Training Coordination Subcommittee (TCS) member will support the e-learning dean through orientation , feedback from e-learning training corps members,and other ongoing communication. NAFSA staff will make edits to the e-learning materialsbased on the e-learning dean’s updates and approved changes.


  • Current Trainer Corps member.
  • Knowledge expert in the subject of assigned e-learning course topic.
  • Previous Trainer Corps lead trainer or trainer preferred.
  • Previous curriculum design and writing experience with a NAFSA training course.
  • Familiarity with distance education and virtual delivery preferred.

Selection Process:

The Knowledge Community (KC) representative on the Training Coordination Subcommittee appoints the e-learning dean. Prospective candidatewill be requested to submit an application, resume, and letter of support from a supervisor.

K:\Training Services\Shared Department Workspace\Volunteer Position Descriptions\E-Learning\ E-Learning Dean 12.2010.docx