A Regular meeting of the Millen City Council was held on January 5, 2016, at 6:00 P.M in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Present were, Mayor King Rocker, Council members Darrell Clifton, Regina Coney, Ed Fuller, Robin Scottand Walter Thomas. Also, present were City Manager Michael Felts and City Attorney Hubert Reeves.
Call toOrder
Mayor Rocker called the meeting to order, at 6:00p.m.
City Councilman Walter Thomas gave theinvocation.
1.Swear in re-elected Mayor Rocker and Council members Darrel Clifton and Robin Scott -Judge Hubert Reeves.
Judge Hubert Reeves performed the ceremony of swearing in the Mayor, and Council Members Robin Scott, and DarrelClifton.
2.Approve the minutes of the December 1, 2015 RegularMeeting.
Councilman Clifton made a motion, seconded by Councilman Fuller, to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meetingheld on December 3, 2015. The motion carriedby unanimous vote.
3.Vote to appoint voting delegate for the special membership meeting held January 24, 2016 at GMA Conference in Atlanta.
CouncilmanCliftonmadeamotion,secondedbyCouncilmanThomas,toappointCouncilmanScottasavoting delegateandCouncilwomanConeyasanalternateforthespecialmembershipmeetingheldinAtlanta,Georgia. Themotioncarriedbyunanimousvote.
4.Vote to appoint Mayor Pro-Tem for2016.
CouncilwomanConeymadeamotion,secondedbyCouncilmanFullertoelectCouncilmanRobinScottasMayor-Pro-Temfor 2016. The motion carried by unanimousvote
5.Vote to appoint City Attorney for 2016. R. Hubert Reeves currentlyserving.
Councilman Clifton made a motion, seconded by Councilman Scott to appoint R. Hubert Reeves as City Attorney 2016. The motion carried by unanimousvote.
6.Vote to appoint City Auditor for 2016 Current auditors areReddick, Riggs, Hunter and Kennedy, P.C. of Statesboro.
Councilman Thomas made a motion, seconded by Councilman Scott to appoint Reddick, Riggs, Hunter and Kennedy, P.C of Statesboroas City Auditor for 2016. The motion carried by unanimousvote.
7.VotetoappointCityMunicipalCourtJudgefor2016.JudgeReneJosephMartin,IIIcurrentlyserving. Councilman Thomas made a motion, seconded by Councilman Fuller to appoint Judge Rene Joseph Martin, III as City Municipal Court Judge for 2016. The motion carried by unanimousvote.
8.VotetoappointMunicipalCourtPublicDefender.RecommendAttorneyLeslieCushnercurrentlyserving. Councilman Cifton made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Coney to appoint Attorney Leslie Cushner as Municipal Court PublicDefender. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
9.Vote to appoint Municipal Court Prosecutor. Recommend Attorney April Stafford currently serving.
Councilman Thomas made a motion, seconded by Councilman Fuller to appoint Attorney April Stafford as Municipal Court Prosecutor. The motion carried by unanimousvote.
10.Vote to appoint Council Member to Jenkins County Health Department. Currently serving Darrel Clifton.
Councilman Thomas made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Coney to appoint Councilman Clifton to serve onthe Jenkins County Health Department. The motion carried by unanimousvote
11.Vote to appoint Council Member to Jenkins County Enrichment Center. Currently serving Walter Thomas.
CouncilwomanConeymadeamotion,seconded by CouncilmanFullertoappointCouncilmanThomastoserveonthe Jenkins County Enrichment Center. The motion carried by unanimousvote.
12.Vote to re-appoint Bobbye Cobb to the Planning & ZoningBoard.
Councilman Thomas made a motion, seconded by Councilman Scott to re-appoint Bobbye Cobb to the Planning
& ZoningBoard.
13.Vote to approve the purchase of a truck for the Gas Department. See bids below:
•HinesvilleFord / $25,130.00•DanielsChevrolet / $28,600.00
•Daniels-BishopChevrolet / $31,783.60
•MizellFord / $34,478.00
Councilman Clifton made a motion, seconded by Councilman Scott to purchase a truck for the Gas Department with low bid from Hinesville Ford in the amount of $25,130.00 to be paid with SPLOST funds. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
14.Discuss and vote to approve Ordinance regulating shopping carts
Mr. Felts suggested to Council that they review the Ordinance regulating shopping carts, and tableituntil thenext Councilmeeting.
15.Vote to reappoint DDA BoardMembers.
CouncilmanCliftonmadeamotion,secondedbyCouncilmanScotttoappointTalmadgeFriesandLeeWilson to the DDA Board.
16.Vote to amend City Code regulating placement of utilities in theRights-of-way.
City Manager briefed Council on the importance of having a City Code regulating the Placement of Utilities intheRight-of-way. Councilman Fuller made a motion, seconded by Councilman Thomas to amend the City Code regulating placement ofUtilities in the Right-of-way. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
we are about 5% over on revenues ,and expenditures are about 7% over on budget amount because of our gas sales and the circumstances surrounding Carbo.
b.Update on the Hwy 67 wideningproject.
Mr. Felts briefed Council on the of Hwy 67 widening project. On the utility side the sewer is done, the water is a couple ofweeks from being done, and the gas is about another week before completion.
c.Upcoming Mayor's Day 2016, January 22-25,2016
Mr. Felts informed Council on the Upcoming Mayor's Day in Atlanta, Georgia, that registration had been closed and anyone desiring to attend now would have to register on site.
d.FY 2015 Anditupdate.
Mr. Felts briefed Council concerning the FY 2015 Audit. Mrs. Patricia is applying for an extensionwith the state, so by February she should have a date to finalize the results of the Audit.
e.Update on WWTP Project/ GEFA SolarPanels.
Mr. Felts briefed Council on the WWTP Project/GEFA Solar Panels. The trees have been cut. The clearing has not taken place yet, but the GEFA Grant Loan Board is supposed to meet this month. The representative said that our packet looks good and they did not see any reason why we would not be approved.
17.Executive Session - Landacquisition.
CouncilmanThomasmadeamotionsecondedbyCliftontocloseRegularsessionat6:35,to enterExecutivesession, with the right to return to Regular Session.
18. Adjournment at 6:47p.m.
There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the Meeting. Approved by MayorandCouncil_ Mayor'sSignature. _ ATTESTED: _