A catalogue of the contents of LaCie drive
On 7 March 2013 the LaCie directory has been sorted by the Classification column, and then separated into a folder named LaCie_sorted with the sub-foldersBridges, Canals, Drainage, Harbours, Miscellaneous, Personal, Professional, Railways, Roads, and Waterworks.
Then another folder named LaCie_JGB, together withits sub-folders LaCie_software, Macneill_compilation, and Miscellaneous have been used to house Prof’s personal files.
The catalogue of these is as follows:
Folder Name / Classification / F/f / CommentGDDempsey / Bridges / 2/25 / Copies of accounts of bridge designs from Dempsey’s book on railways.
JBM04Humber / Bridges / 1/16 / Copies from a book by William Humber entitled A practical treatise on the design of cast and wrought iron bridges and girders …(London 1857).
MacneillBoyne / Bridges / 1/7 / Copies relating to the Boyne bridge, the first major iron lattice-girder design, by Macneill.
AdelaideGallery / Canals / 1/5 / Five jpgs of documents apparently relating to the Adelaide Gallery near Trafalgar Squarewhich was near Macneill’s office and is where he conducted canal boat experiments from which he wrote a paper published in the proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers.
Canal_journey / Canals / 1/6 / MS journal, probably by Macneill, of a journey from Port Dundas to Port Hopetoun on 7–8 July 1830.
CanalNavigation / Canals / 1/40 / Copies of a paper on canal navigation that Macneill published in the proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers.
CanalReports(Houston) / Canals / 11/83 / A formidable array of folders that may relate to another set of canal boat experiments that Macneill conducted inScotland.Houston was a wealthy Scot who promoted canals.
Forth&Clyde canal / Canals / 1/5 / Report dated 27 Jan. 1835 on ‘Experiments on canal navigation’.
Frostice / Canals / 1/4 / Report by Nimmo & Vignoles dated 29 May 1830 on a plan to prevent the blocking of the canals by frost and ice.
IrishBoats / Canals / 1/6 / Memo by Mr Grantham on iron boats used by the Irish Inland Co.
LowerBann / Canals / 1/18 / Report by Macneill dated 8 Oct. 1836 on the navigation and flood control of the Lower Bann.
MacneillLetters / Canals / 2/1 / A copy of a letter from Macneill to W. Houston about tests.
Paisley canal / Canals / 1/3 / Printed and MS documents relating to the Paisley canal.
PalmerCanals / Canals / 1/14 / MS titled ‘Experiments on the resistance of barges … by Henry Palmer …to Thomas Telford’.
PalmerWindowICE / Canals / 1/1 / Photo of a stained glass window commemorating Palmer, at the Institute for Civil Engineers.
PhilipstownLevel / Canals / 1/2 / Map dated 1808 of proposed modification to the Grand canal.
TelfordonCanalBoats / Canals / 1/1 / Article by Thomas Telford about the ‘velocity of light boats on a canal’.
ArunLevel_paper / Drainage / 1/59 / Copies of a paper Macneill published in the proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers on the drainage of the river Arun.
TheArunLevel_report / Drainage / 1/18 / Macneill’s 1837 report on the ‘Present state of the River Arun’.
Belfast / Harbours / 1/12 / Report by Walker & Burges on the improvement of Belfast harbour dated 10 July 1830.
CorkNimmo / Harbours / 1/22 / Report by Nimmo on improving the river and harbour of Cork dated 1830.
BPPIndex / Miscellaneous / 1/44 / Copies from British Parliementary Papers General Index to Bills 1801–1852.
Macneill_compilation / Miscellaneous / 2/21 / Prof. Byrne’s drafts for a Macneill biography.
MacneillDocs / Miscellaneous / 1/14 / Assorted documents, mostly Word, from c.2002.
JBM11MacneillPortraits / Personal / 2/12 / Robin Clutterbuck, a descendant of Macneill via his daughter, provided these copies of family portraits.
Macneill_family / Personal / 1/7 / Details of the Macneill family, and ‘Remarks on the proposed London to Birmingham railway’ evidently by Macneill.
Macneill_pictures / Personal / 1/17 / Copies of pictures of the Macneill family and their home.
MacneillDeeds / Personal / 1/30 / Copies of documents from the Registry of Deeds relating to legal actions arising from Macneill’s bankruptcy.
MacneillGenealogy / Personal / 1/18 / Macneill genealogy from Clutterbuck, for whom see above.
People / Personal / 1/3 / Brief accounts by R. Cox of Joseph Bazalgette, Macneill’s family & Louth militia.
BritishLinenBank / Professional / 1/2 / A drawing of the British Linen Bank in Ingram street, Glasgow where Macneill had an office and a partner, James Thomson, who was an MRIA.
Brunel / Professional / 4/75 / The folders are: IRC-Brunel, IrishRailwayCommission, Letter to N.Wood and LetterBook.
The only association between Brunel and Macneill appears in a letter in BristolUniversitylibrary.
DictionaryLandSurveyors / Professional / 1/4 / Copies of accounts of Macneill and other surveyors.
Engineers_biographies / Professional / 1/22 / Scans of the biographies of numerous engineers.
ICE_papers / Professional / 2/6 / Copy of a neat handwritten list of 35 articles by 19th century engineers, including Macneill. This was a 19th century ICE listing.
JamesThomson / Professional / 1/1 / A copy of the proposal of Thomson for MRIA
JamesThomsonBiog / Professional / 1/1 / Copy of a printed biography of Thomson
JBM01MacneillBiog / Professional / 1/8 / Word files and pdfs referring to Macneill, lattice bridges, Saxton (Adelaide Gallery) – JBM=John Benjamin Macneill.
CHECK / Professional / 38/245 / A formidable collection of newspaper cuttings relating to Macneill’s work on railways.
JBM09MacneillPPT / Professional / 1/8 / In c.1998 Prof. Byrne gave a talk in London to ICE on Macneill, and this contains his Powerpoint files.
Letters / Professional / 1/4 / Letters, presumably by Macneill on mechanical technicalities.
LondonLocations / Professional / 1/9 / Copies of prints of London views.
LoughSwilly / Professional / 1/33 / Copies of MS documents relating to instruments and legal issues on the Lough Swilly project.
MacneillLetterCanice / Professional / 1/5 / Letter from Canice O’Mahony dated 24/5/90 relating to a legal action taken by Macneill and four pages of a letter, probably by Macneill.
MacneillLettersIEI / Professional / 2/127 / Copies and transcripts of some of Macneill’s letters. The IEI originally held the Macneill letters which are now in the Irish Architectural Archive covering 1826–42.
MacneillSrihari / Professional / 1/8 / Srihari in the US worked on handwriting OCR and tried it on Macneill’s letters, without much success. These are evidently some resulting Word documents.
Minutes / Professional / 20/58 / Twenty folders predominantly containing copies of MS ICE minutes involving Macneill from c.1828–30.
MitchellLibraryGlasgow / Professional / 1/80 / Macneill did a lot of work in Scotland – these appear to be copies of some of his papers.
NRAKew2006 / Professional / 1/195 / Copies of documents commencing ‘List of Tracings Frede Brodie … 1845’, except one colour photo, presumably Kew NRA. Brodie worked for Macneill in Dublin.
PatrickKnight / Professional / 1/17 / ‘An account of engineering in the province of Connaught by Patrick Knight’ dated 14 April 1833.
RoyalSocietyMacneill / Professional / 1/4 / Macneill’s nomination to the Royal Society 22 Feb. 1838, and a letter by him dated 28 Dec. 1868.
SteamEngines / Professional / 2/5 / Report on a steam engine boiler by Nimmo and Vignoles dated 29 May 1830.
StMartinsPlace / Professional / 1/4 / Four photos of presumably St Martin’s Place in London.
TelfordBiog / Professional / 1/70 / Extracts relating to Macneill from Telford’s biography.
BrAss1840VignolesMacneill / Railways / 1/5 / Extracts from British Association report of 1840 on the economics of railways – Vignoles and Macneill contributed to an Irish railways commission, the former on southern and the latter on northern railways.
Brodie / Railways / 1/3 / Obit for Frederick Brodie (1823–96), civil engineer & astronomer, cf. NRAKew2006 above.
CarlowHeuston / Railways / 1/21 / Evidently photos of Carlow railway station with a plaque dedicated to William Dargan, and photos of the restorations at Heuston, cf. HestonRenrewal.
Carriages / Railways / 1/1 / Webster dictionary definition of ‘carriage’.
Cork_railway_viaduct / Railways / 1/4 / Four colour photos of an iron lattice viaduct with four piers at Douglas near Cork.
CopacRecords / Railways / 1/1 / Copac records relating to Macneill and railways.
Cork_and_Cove / Railways / 1/6 / Maps of the Cork & Cove railway.
DDR / Railways / 1/6 / MS account by Maj. Gen. Pasley, the inspector of railways, of the Dublin to Drogheda railway in 1844.
DDR_D_Sorenson / Railways / 1/70 / Piecemeal scans of ‘The establishment of the Dublin to Drogheda railway’ by David Sorenson.
DroghedaAug2008 / Railways / 1/31 / Evidently further photos from Drogheda. An exhibition was held in MillmountMuseum, Drogheda, to mark the 150th anniversary of the Boyne viaduct.
DublinKingstownRailway / Railways / 1/58 / Copies from the Transaction of the ICE Ireland, vol. 18 (1888) of an article by Thomas Grierson entitled ‘The Dublin and Kingstown Railway’.
Euphrates / Railways / 1/3 / Three copies of Macneill’s map of the Euphretes valley railway.
Gradients / Railways / 1/2 / Two photos of a 19th century table entitled ‘Gradients or Inclinations of the Railway’.
GreatLeinster&Munster / Railways / 1/8 / Copies of the prospectus for this proposed railway, never built, for which Macneill was the engineer.
GreatLeinsterandMunster / Railways / 1/8 / Prospectus of 1835 of GL&M railway.
SouthWesternJunction / Railways / 1/8 / Copies of a plan by Macneill for a ‘Grand Junction, Great Western and South-Western Railway Junction’, south of London.
GSWR / Railways / 2/27 / Separate copies of MS correspondence c.1842 and 1848 relating to the GSWR.
GSWR-Tipperary / Railways / 1/7 / Map by Macneill, dated 1845, showing proposed extension through Tipperary of the GSWR=Great South-Western Railway.
HenryFairbairnSuez / Railways / 1/6 / Copies of an article by Fairbairn entitled ‘A treatise on the political economy of railroads’ (London 1836).
Heuston_station_photos / Railways / 1/19 / Photos of Heuston station, including an unknown man in an office.
HeustonRenewal / Railways / 1/17 / Photos dated 23 July 2005 of the renewed railway sheds at Heuston designed by Macneill.c. 1845. An exhibition was held there to celebrate their 150th anniversary.
IrishRailwayCommission / Railways / 1/123 / Copy of a hand-written, bound report – Burgoygne set up this commission which engaged Macneill for northern and Vignoles for southern railways.
IrishRailwayGazette / Railways / 1/3 / Copies of obits for Peter Purcell, chairman GSR, from the Gazette.
JamesThomson / Railways / 1/6 / Copies of a print of the ‘Viaduct over the Orwell at Bury on the Liverpool and Bury Railway’ – Thomson was the engineer
JBM05CorkBlackrockPassage / Railways / 1/20 / Photos of this railway done by Macneill.
JBM06Monklands Online / Railways / 1/10 / Images of a cycle/walking trail through Monklands.
JBM07monkland_files / Railways / 1/28 / Images of old and new railway stock about Monklands in Scotland.
JBM08Coatbridge_1files / Railways / 1/21 / Images of railway stock and maps – Coatbridge is near Monklands.
L&ER / Railways / 1/18 / MS report on the Londonderry & Eniskillen railway dated 11 Mar. 1847.
LondonBirmingham / Railways / 1/4 / Letter to proprietors regarding proposed London Birmingham railway.
Macneill_McArdle_2 / Railways / 1/51 / Maps from Faughart House, principally of railways.
MacneillCuttings / Railways / 2/1 / A screen-shot of Irish newspaper excerpts.
MacneillICE_files / Railways / 3/24 / ‘newsletter_phew_sep0_data’ contains eleven modern photos of plaques to Macneill and civil works. The other two folders contain minor graphic objects.
MacneillMaps / Railways / 1/24 / ‘Plan and section of a certain extension to the DublinKingstown railway’, and fragmentary OS maps of Cork.
MacneillMaps1 / Railways / 1/17 / Map copies, the large scale ones showing railways in southern and northern Ireland, others showing details.
MacneillMaps2 / Railways / 1/35 / Map copies, some dated by Macneill to 1836, apparently showing details of the Dublin to Drogheda railway.
MacneillMaps3 / Railways / 1/63 / Map copies showing details of railway alignments in Ireland.
MacneillMcArdle1 / Railways / 1/6 / Maps from Faughart House of Kingstown, Dundalk, Holyhead, Ireland & a schedule.
MacneillReportNo.2 / Railways / 1/26 / A copy of Macneill’s report in 1837 for the Irish Railway Commission.
MGWREvidence / Railways / 1/7 / Printed evidence in relation to the Dublin to Galway railway.
Monaghan-IHIA / Railways / 1/66 / IHIA=Irish Heritage and Industrial Association in which Ron Cox was an officer. They visited Monaghan station designed by Macneill and other sites and these colour photos document the visit.
Monklandrailway_files / Railways / 1/8 / Contains only minor graphic objects.
MonklandsEvidence / Railways / 1/19 / Report relating to the Monklands and Kirkentellach railway proposal in which Macneill was involved.
MonsterContractor / Railways / 2/42 / The subfolder entitled JohnBowe has copies of a report by John Bower dated 1857 on ‘The Monster Contract: its influence on the cost of works …’
PeterGaletoIRC / Railways / 1/18 / A published letter from Peter Gale to the IRC = Irish Railways Commission dated 1837.
Purcell / Railways / 1/46 / Peter Purcell was chairman of the GSR and these appear to be newspaper references to him spanning c.1836 to his death in 1846.
Railway_plans / Railways / 1/7 / Railway plans from Cork, Drogheda, Coventry and Holyhead, and three colour photos of railway scenes.
RailwayGazetteHPcopies / Railways / 1/12 / Copies of Gazette references to Irish railways.
Scottish Society of Arts / Railways / 1/18 / An account from the Transactions of this Society for 1844 of ‘Mr Thomson’s Tilting Apparatus for Railway Wagons’.
SlamannanGirders / Railways / 1/3 / Drawing of a girder detail – Slamannan in Scotland where Macneill worked on a railway.
WishawandColtnessViaductTests / Railways / 1/8 / Macneill’s plans of the viaduct for the Wishaw & Coltness railway
BirminghamBromsgroveRoad / Roads / 1/52 / Copies of ‘Birminghamto Bromsgrove – specification of the work’ by Macneill who worked for Telford on it.
Daventry / Roads / 1/2 / Two copies of a map showing the Holyhead road passing through Daventry, on the London-Shrewsbury part of the Holyhead road. Dated October 1827.
Dundalk_Newry / Roads / 1/7 / Mainly maps of the mail-coach road.
Gradients / Roads / 1/2 / Tables by Charles Vignoles April 1830.
GravelConcrete / Roads / 1/6 / Six photos of a handwritten article by Charles Atherton entitled ‘On the formation of Gravel Concrete’ presented to ICE London.
HarperHolyheadR0oad / Roads / 1/74 / Copies from Harper’s book on the Holyhead road.
Holyhead_Roads / Roads / 3/54 / Folders: 1. Atherton (Investigation in road efficiency by Chas Atherton), cf. /GravelConcrete above, but not the same;
2. OnTurnpikeRoads (Macneill MS on improving them);
3. Stowe (Holyhead road).
Holyhead_StoweValley / Roads / 1/20 / Copies of a MS report titled ‘Holyhead Road – Stowe valley improvements’.
HolyheadRoad / Roads / 1/26 / Copies of maps, some of the Holyhead road, but at least one from Dublin.
HolyheadRoad_Report_&_Minutes / Roads / 2/24 / 1. Appears to be Macneill’s report on the Birmingham road.
2. MS minutes of a meeting on 19 Nov. 1835
HolyheadRoadReport / Roads / 10/174 / Copies of various sections and issues of the Holyhead road report first issued on 13 May 1824.
HouseOfCommonsPapers / Roads / 1/4 / Pdfs of documents from 1815, 1816, 1835 & 1857.
ICE / Roads / 1/99 / A copy of a ‘Report of a select committee on the Holyhead and Liverpool roads’. ICE=Institute of Civil Engineers in London.
LawRoads / Roads / 1/18 / Copies from a book by Henry Law on roads.
NorthamptonRecordOffice / Roads / 1/65 / They appear to be copies of road plans and sections from England.
NRAKew / Roads / 1/10 / NRA=National Register of Archives – copies of a map of the Holyhead road on Anglesea annotated by William Dargan.
Pirameter_1 / Roads / 1/8 / MS account by Macneill of a ‘means of ascertaining the comparative merit of Roads’.
Pirameter_2 / Roads / 1/24 / Copies from a book in EPB which has ‘A Description of Mr Macneill’s New Instrument’.
Pirameter_3 / Roads / 1/17 / Copies of drawings of Macneill’s dynamometer.
Pirameter_Edgeworth / Roads / 1/33 / Edgeworth, father of Maria, a member of the Lunar society in Bermingham, wrote a book about roads which included on a machine to test road surfaces which idea Macneill may have used. Folder contains copies from that book.
SunkIsland / Roads / 1/9 / Macneill’s plan of roads on Sunk island on the Humber river dated 22 Apr. 1841.
TurnpikeRoads / Roads / 1/20 / Macneill’s account of ‘methods of improving Turnpike Roads’, cf. folder Roads/OnTurnpikeRoads above, but not the same copies.
Westminster / Roads / 2/36 / Copies of ‘Cross sections of the carriage way in Regents and Hyde Park’ by Macneill, dated Aug. 1834.
BelfastWaterworks / Waterworks / 1/55 / Photos taken on a visit to the Solitude reservoir.
TelfordMacneill / Waterworks / 1/4 / Plan by Telford Macneill of London water supply dated 1866, and a letter to him from R. Rawlinson on 13 Mar. 1869.
Vartry / Waterworks / 1/6 / Pdfs of documents from 1860 – Macneill worked on the Varty, but did not design it.
Vartry_J_Grey / Waterworks / 1/9 / Four photos of a statue of Sir John Grey and five excerpts from Kenney’s Sources on Waterworks. John Grey was the very efficient chairman of the Vartry works.
Finally, the following catalogues files considered either personal to Prof, or to files related to the management of LaCie or the HP scanner:
.VolumeIcon.icns / LaCie_software / 13:33 / –CAPShare / LaCie_software / 12:37 / A manual for the Hewlett-Packard scanner.
CaptureWiz / LaCie_software / 12:46 / Probably images relating to preceding.
MANUALS / LaCie_software / 16:26 / Manuals relating to LaCie disk drive.
O0o_1.13_Win32Intel_install / LaCie_software / 1/503 / Evidently OS software.
README FIRST / LaCie_software / 16:26 / Relates to the LaCie drive.
SOFTWARE / LaCie_software / 16:26 / Relates to the LaCie drive.
Byrne_memorabilia / Miscellaneous / 1/15 / Colour photos of radio equipment, and recent photos of Prof’s home.
College / Miscellaneous / 1/1 / Departmental document
Drogheda / Miscellaneous / 1/112 / Photographs relating to the Scott family.
Edenderry / Miscellaneous / 1/45 / Forty-five colour photos of a church in Edenderry commenced in 1913 – by the Scotts?
Fountains / Miscellaneous / 1/5 / Five coloured photos of fountains.
GovanChairMan / Miscellaneous / 1/13 / Colour photos from a chair museum.
KelvinCambridge / Miscellaneous / 1/40 / Photos of a slide-rule, a statue of Johannes Wordsworth, and transcripts of letters c.1841 from James Thomson to his brother William. Macneill knew Lord Kelvin (William Thomson) .
KensingtonGardens / Miscellaneous / 1/5 / Photos of fountains.
Latin / Miscellaneous / 1/1 / Title page of a book in Latin on arithmetic (London 1631).
Morehampton_terrace / Miscellaneous / 1/11 / Eleven photos of Morehampton terrace done by Anthony Scott t in c.1897.
O_Neill_dog_painting / Miscellaneous / 1/6 / Photos of a dog painted by JGB’s aunt O’Neill
PaisleyAbbey / Miscellaneous / 1/17 / Photos of Paisley Abbey.
PaisleyObsedrvatoryetc / Miscellaneous / 1/16 / Photos from Paisley observatory.
Tables_MS_and_printed / Miscellaneous / 1/38 / MS tables in Latin ‘De partibus decimalibus’, and printed tables ‘Canones INVVM tangentium …’
THGoingNotes / Miscellaneous / 1/66 / Going was a TCD engineer who worked in India and this appears to be a handwritten report by him on railway matters.
Dan Mc Carthy7:29 AM23-Oct-18