

Phonetic Sounds

Words & Phrases



Dr. Elizabeth Herrling

Organized by Laura Wee Láy Láqfor

Stó:lō Nations, Stó:lōShxweli

This information may not be reproduced with out the permission of Stó:lō Nations, Stó:lō Shxweli

Letam 1 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘í’ Table 1
1.1 / í sound
1.2 / í:mex / walking
1.3 / La tsel í:mexyósem. / I am going for a walk.
1.4 / ítet / to sleep
1.5 / Tsel ítetem. / I am sleepy.
1.6 / pípe / paper
1.7 / El stl’í kw’e pipe. / I want a paper.
1.8 / líqwel / calm (of water)
1.9 / Líqwel te spehá:ls. / The wind is calm.
Letam 2 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘e’ Table 2
2.1 / e sound
2.2 / emét / to sit, sit up, sit down
2.3 / Emetlha / You sit down. (command form)
2.4 / spehá:ls / wind
2.5 / Xeytl’ te spehá:ls. / The wind is cold.
2.6 / íwest / to show (something) to someone
2.7 / Iwesttselcha. / I will teach him.
2.8 / swí:we / eulachon
2.9 / Ey s’elhtel te swí:we. / Eulachon are good to eat.
Letam 3 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘a’ Table 3
3.1 / a sound
3.2 / áxe / Canada Goose
3.3 / Qex te axe. / There are lots of Canada geese.
3.4 / p’áth’et / to sew it
3.5 / Tsel p’ath’et tel lexwtel. / I am sewing my blanket.
3.6 / sá:y / wool of any kind
3.7 / Ite sá:y kw’es hókwex. / Wool is good to work with.
3.8 / lam / to go
3.9 / Lamtsel kw’e tówel. / I am going to town.
Letam 4 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘u’ Table 4
4.1 / u sound
4.2 / tú:xwes / nine dollars
4.3 / Tsel lewlets te tú:xwes tale. / I paid nine dollars.
4.4 / pú:s / cat
4.5 / T’xem te pú:s il elh telestexw. / I feed six cats.
4.6 / qwáyúwél / dandelion
4.7 / Ewe tsel lipex te qwáyúwel. / I don’t eat dandelion.
4.8 / sú:met / lazy
4.9 / Etsele s’ú:met tútl’ò. / He is very lazy.
Letam 5 Halq’eméylemSqwéltel ‘o’ Table 5
5.1 / o sound
5.2 / ó:lh / to get into
5.3 / Ó:lh te slexwelh. / I am getting in the canoe.
5.4 / thóthel / mouth
5.5 / We lís iyólem kw’as shxwmá:qet te thóthel. / Would it be alright if you opened your mouth?
5.6 / xe’ó:thel / four
5.7 / We lís iyólem kw’as kw’xá:ls le kw’e xe’ó:thel? / Can you count to four?
5.8 / xwótkwem / flame
5.9 / Xwótkwem te héyeqw. / The fire is flaming.
Letam 6 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘ō’ Table 6
6.1 / ō sound
6.2 / stó:lō / river
6.3 / Latsel ímexósem lam kw’e stó:lō. / I am going for a walk up the crick.
6.4 / smōqw’e / great blue heron crane
6.5 / Ts’ets’el thi tha te smōqw’e. / The heron is very big.
6.6 / mōkw’ or mékw’ / all (of them)
6.7 / Mōkw’ ye mestiyexw. / There are lost of people.
6.8 / qwōqwá:l / small float for net (made of singed cedar)
6.9 / Qwōqwá:l te sweltel. / Net floats.
Letam 7 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘m’ Table 7
7.1 / m sound
7.2 / músmes / cow
7.3 / Qex te músmes. / There are lots of cows.
7.4 / T’óqw’tem / Saturday
7.5 / Leq te la alqá:ls te s’alhtel lí te T’óqw’tem. / I go out and buy food on Saturday.
7.6 / T’eméls / to adze, chop, chop with an adze
7.7 / Tsel t’emels te siyóth. / I am chopping wood. (using an adze)
7.8 / hásem / to sneeze
7.9 / Yolh kw’els hásem. / I am sneezing all the time.
Letam 8 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘ch’ Table 8
8.1 / ch sound
8.2 / Cháléx / hand
8.3 / Yolh kw’es su xwokw’els tel chálex. / My hand always gets paralyzed
8.4 / chachi:lhtel / to hang lots of fish to dry
8.5 / Tsel chachi:lhtel te sthó:qw’i. / I am hanging lots of fish to dry.
8.6 / Chachu / beach
8.7 / Lamtsel kw’e chachu. / I am going down to the beach.
8.8 / Chxélcha / to catch it (fish or animal)
8.9 / Chel (tsel) chxélcha te ts’e th’qwà:y / I caught a trout.
Letam 9 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘ch’’ Table 9
9.1 / ch’ sound
9.2 / ch’áyxwt / to dry something
9.3 / Li a’stl’i te ch’áyxwt? / Do you want to dry something?
9.4 / ch’ít, or ts’ít / to greet someone, thank someone, praise someone”
9.5 / Tsel ch’ítthome or Ts’ithometsel. / I thank you.
9.6 / sch’ó:lha, / leaf -á:lews (leaf)
9.7 / Qex te sch’ó:lha. / There are a lot of leaves out.
Letam 10 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel‘p’ Table 10
10.1 / p sound
10.2 / ptá:kwem / bracken fern
10.3 / Ey te ptá:kw’em. / Ptá:kw’em fern is good.
10.4 / pipehò:m / frog
10.5 / Qexlets’lotstel líte pípehò:m te Sq’éwqel. / There are all kinds of different colored frogs at Seabird.
10.6 / plhá:t / thick
10.7 / Plhá:t te só:xwel. / The grass is thick.
10.8 / sq’xáp / stump
10.9 / Qex te sq’xàp li te Sq’éwqel. / There is a bunch of stumps at Seabird.
Letam 11 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘p’’ Table 11
11.1 / p’ sound
11.2 / sp’ó’qes / bald eagle
11.3 / Yoth qesu lets’e te sp’ó’qes líte Sq’éwqel. / There is always one bald eagle at Seabird.
11.4 / q’p’á:qetstel / cover
11.5 / Q’p’á:qetstel tel shxwlámá:lá. / The cover is on my bottle.
11.6 / hélp’ex / eating
11.7 / Eystexw tsel te chalis kw’els halp’ex. / I like eating cherries.
11.8 / sp’íp’elh / flat
11.9 / Sp’íp’elh te pipe. / The paper is flat.
Letam 12 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘’’ Table 12
12.1 / ‘ glottal stop sound
12.2 / s’ó:pels / ten o’clock
12.3 / Tset q’óq’ó te kopi la tes te s’ó:pels. / We drink coffee at ten o’clock.
12.4 / q’eq’yós / barrel
12.5 / Tsel hókwex te q’eq’yós kw’els tl’alhem te sth’óqwí. / I use barrels to salt fish.
12.6 / leq’ / flat or level
12.7 / Leq’ te temexw. / The earth is level.
12.8 / tl’ép / deep
12.9 / Xwtl’ep te qó: (shxwtl’ep~very, very deep water) / The water is very deep.
Letam 13 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘k’ Table 13
13.1 / k sound
13.2 / kópu / coat
13.3 / Eystexw tsel kw’els hókwex tel kópu. / I like to wear my coat.
13.4 / kyo: / car
13.5 / Yoth kw’els ó:lh li te kyo:. / I get on the car all the time.
13.6 / kíks / cakes
13.7 / Eystexw tsel kw’els tháyem te kíks. / I like to make cakes.
13.8 / kú:kw~kú:k / to cook
13.9 / Eystexw tsel kw’els kú:kw tel s’alhtel. / I like to cook my food.
Letam 14 Halq’eméylemSqwéltel‘k’’ Table 14
14.1 / k’ sound
14.2 / pesk’a / hummingbird
14.3 / Qex te pesk’a lí tel skwixste lálem. / I have got a bunch of hummingbirds at my house.
14.4 / sk’ek’iyap / coyote
also pronounced‘slek’iyap’
14.5 / Qex te sk’ek’iyap li te Sq’éwqel. / There are a lot of coyote’s in Seabird.
14.6 / sk’ameth’ / Camus plant
14.7 / Sásexem te sk’ameth’ / Camus is bitter.
14.8 / sk’ak’áxwe / dried Saskatoon berries
14.9 / Eystexw tsel te sch’á:yxw (be dried) te sk’ak’áxwe. / I like dried Saskatoon berries.
Letam 15 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘kw’ Table 15
15.1 / kw sound
15.2 / kwósel / star
15.3 / Qex te kwósel telo xwelalt. / There are a lot of stars out.
15.4 / skwix / name
15.5 / Eystexw tsel ta’skwíx. / I like your name.
15.6 / mékwmekw / bumble bee
15.7 / Qelstexw tsel te mékwmekw. / I don’t like bumble bees.
15.8 / hokwex / to use
15.9 / Tsel hokwex te
memels sweltel / I use a small net.
Letam 16 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘kw’’ Table 16
16.1 / kw’ sound
16.2 / kw’í:tsel / grizzly bear
16.3 / Qelstexw tsel te kw’ítsel. / I don’t like grizzly bears.
16.4 / sèkw’emí:ws / cedar bark skirt
16.5 / Eystexwtsel kw’els hokwex te sèkw’emí:ws
tl’ítl’eptel. / I like to wear a cedar bark skirt.
16.6 / tsxwíkw’ / grey
16.7 / Eystexw tsel te
tsxwíkw'. / I like gray.
16.8 / tsxwíxwekw'el / grayish~getting gray
16.9 / Tsel kwelam te tsxwíxwekw'elkópu. / I have a grayish coat.
Letam 17 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘y’ Table 17
17.1 / y sound
17.2 / yóyeqw’em / perspiring
17.3 / Yólh kw’els yóyeqw’em. / I am always perspiring.
17.4 / yalh yuxw kw’as hó:y / thank you
17.5 / Yalh yexw kw’ás hó:y. / Thank you.
17.6 / yíq / snow
17.7 / Qelstexw tsel te syíq. / I do not like the snow.
17.8 / yewal~yewa:l / first
17.9 / Eystexw tsel kw’els theq yewal kw’els la tes. / I like to be first to get there.
Letam 18 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘w’ Table 18
18.1 / w sound
18.2 / wíweqes / yawning
18.3 / Yólh kw’els wíweqes thíyel xlhlem / I yawn when I am tired.
18.4 / swete / sweater
18.5 / Eystexwtsel te hokwex te swete. / I like to wear a sweater.
18.6 / welék’ / tree frog
18.7 / Qex te welek’ líte Sqewqwel. / There are a lot of baby frogs over at Seabird.
18.8 / wiyóth / always
18.9 / Wíyoth kw’els helpex te sth’oqwí. / I always eat fish.
Letam 19 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘q’ Table 19
19.1 / q sound
19.2 / qá:lq / bright rose
19.3 / Eystexw tsel te qá:lq sp’á:q’em. / I like rose flowers.
19.4 / tqát / close it
19.5 / Chexw tqat te steqtá:l. / You close the door.
19.6 / chélhqel / roof of the mouth
19.7 / Tsel yeqwlexw tel chelhqel. / I burned the roof of my mouth.
19.8 / sqáqele / baby
19.9 / Eystexw kw’els xyolhmethet te sqáqele. / I like to look after babies.
Letam 20 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘q’’ Table 20
20.1 / q’ sound
20.2 / q’á:mi / young girl
qálemí-more than one girl
20.3 / Íyomex te q’á:mi. / The young girl is pretty or good looking.
20.4 / th’áq’ém / be dripping, water dropping
20.5 / Yolh qesu th’áq’ems te qo:. / The water is dripping all the time.
20.6 / sísq’ / kindling
20.7 / Sísq’ te heyeqw / The kindling is burning.
20.8 / p’éq’ / white
20.9 / Hókwexes thútl’ò te p’eq’sqwelhíxel. / She wore white shoes.
Letam 21 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘qw’ Table 21
21.1 / qw sound
21.2 / qwe’óp / apple
21.3 / Eystexw tsel kw’els helpex te qwe’óp. / I like eating apples.
21.4 / qwélh(l)í:xel / shoes
21.5 / Eystexw tsel kw’els hókwex te qwélhí:xel. / I like wearing shoes.
21.6 / sqwiqwemiy / puppy
21.7 / Eystexw tsel te
sqwíqwemíy. / I like the puppy.
21.8 / qwá:l / to speak/talk
21.9 / Lí a stl’í kw’as qwá:l. / Do you want to talk?
Letam 22 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘qw’’ Table 22
22.1 / qw’ sound
22.2 / qw’ō:l / ear
22.3 / Skw’á:y kw’es ts’lhá:ms tel qw’ō:l. / My ear can’t hear anymore.
22.4 / ts’qw’élá / earring
22.5 / Tsel hokwex te ts’qw’élá li tel qw’ō:l / I have an earring in my ear.
22.6 / qw’xwelxel / toenail
22.7 / Yolh qesu sayem te qw’xwélxel. / I have an in-grown toenail.
22.8 / lhoqw’ét / slap him or her
22.9 / Lhoqw’ét chexw tútl’ò. / You slap him.
Letam 23 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘t’ Table 23
23.1 / t sound
23.2 / téxwets / bow
2.3 / Eystexw tsel kw’els hókwex te téxwets. / I like to use a bow & arrow.
23.4 / tatí / racing canoe,(s)tá:y~canoe race
23.5 / Eystexw tsel kw’els qw’elhamet ye táti slexwelh. / I like watching race canoes.
23.6 / (s)kwótawi / eel, lamprey
23.7 / Li kwetslexw kw’e (s)kwótawi hithesthom kw’e qels sqwelqwel. / If you see an eel a bad story comes to you.
23.8 / pó:t / to blow (with the mouth)
23.9 / Pó:tchexw te s’elhtel welis (if it’s) kw’okw’es. / Blow on your food if it is hot.
Letam 24 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘t’’ Table 24
24.1 / t’sound
24.2 / t’í:lem / to sing
24.3 / Wa is íyolem kw’as t’ilem? / Can you sing?
24.4 / kw’át’el / mouse
24.5 / Lipexes te pús te kw’át’el. / The cat ate the mouse.
24.6 / st’át’el / shade
24.7 / Eystexw tsel te st’at’el. / I like the shade.
24.8 / síyt’t / to tickle someone
24.9 / Síyt’t chexw tútl’ò. / You tickle him.
Letam 25 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘ts’ Table 25
25.1 / ts sound
25.2 / tselqó:me / black cap
25.3 / Eystexw tsel te tselqó:me. / I like blackcaps.
25.4 / xó:tsa / lake
25.5 / Eystexw tsel kw’els i:xel li te xó:tsa. (xó:cha) / I like paddling around the lake.
25.6 / tskwí:m / red
25.7 / Tskwí:m te sthí:m. / The berries are red.
25.8 / só:tets / cold wind (north, east)
25.9 / Qelstexw tsel te xeytl’ só:tets. / I don’t like the cold wind.
Letam 26 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘ts’’ Table 26
26.1 / ts’ sound
26.2 / ts’átem / crawling
26.3 / Stl’ís kw’es ts’atems te sqáqele. / The baby wants to crawl.
26.4 / léts’e / one
26.5 / Léts’e the sqwíqwemá:ytset. / We have one little dog.
26.6 / ts’lhámet~ ts’lhà:met / to hear it
26.7 / Skwa:y kw’els ts’lhámet te kyó: tl’o qáys. / I can’t hear the train now.
26.8 / sxélts’ / feather
26.9 / Eystexwtsel te sxelts’slhawel. / I like a feather mattress.
Letam 27 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘th’ Table 27
27.1 / thsound
27.2 / thq’á:t~theqá:t / tree
27.3 / Qex te thí the thqá:t. / There are a lot of big trees.
27.4 / ló:thel / plate, tray (basket or wood)
27.5 / Lhaqet chexw te q’eq’et’em seplil lí te ló:thel. / Put the sweet cookies on the plate
27.6 / í:meth / grandchild
27.7 / Qex tel em í:meth. / I have got lots of grandchildren.
27.8 / sqíqewàth / small rabbit or hare
27.9 / Tsel kwetslexw te í axwil te sqíqewàth. / I see a small rabbit.
Letam 28 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘th’’ Table 28
28.1 / th’ sound
28.2 / th’á:le / heart
28.3 / Etsele olu híkw te th’á:le.
Tsel th’eth’at tel s’alhtel. / You have a big heart.
I am chewing my food.
28.4 / p’e th’tel / needle
28.5 / (S)kw’á:y kw’els q’alxwí:lem lite p’eth’tel tlóqá:ys.
q'algo around an obstacle / I can’t thread a needle now.
28.6 / th’éxth’ex / stinging nettle
28.7 / Eystexw kw’els hélpex te th’exth’ex. / I like eating stinging nettles.
28.8 / sp’á:th’ / red flowering current
28.9 / Ey te sp’á:th’kw’es thayem te stelmexw. / It is good to pick flowering Red current for medicine.
Letam 29 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘tl’’ Table 29
29.1 / tl’ sound
29.2 / tl’ítl’alqtéle / fawn
29.3 / Eystexw tsel kw’els kw’okw’etset te tl’ítl’aqtele. / I like to look at the little deer (fawn).
29.4 / sétl’àtel / older sibling
29.5 / Ewete la el setl’atel qesu sqelá:q tlóqá:ys. / I have no younger brothers or sisters now.
29.6 / tl’áqt / long, tall
29.7 / Lí tí tl’áqt híkw th’qá:t? / Where is the big tall tree?
29.8 / tl’ekw’el / to go out (as in fire)
29.9 / La tl’ekw’el te héyeqw. / The fire has gone out.
Letam 30 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘l’ Table 30
30.1 / l sound
30.2 / lálém / house
30.3 / Axwíl te lálem. / I have a small house.
30.4 / xwókw'elxwel / ‘foot is asleep’ in this sentence it is indicating ‘hand is asleep’
30.5 / Yoth kw’e suxwókw'elxwels tel chalex. / My hand always falls asleep.
30.6 / elíle / salmon berry
30.7 / Íyolem kw’as hokwex te scholhas te elíle kw’e thayem tí. / You can use salmonberry leaves for tea.
30.8 / kwól / corn
30.9 / Eystexw tsel kw’els helpex te kwó:l. / I like to eating corn.
Letam 31 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘h’ Table 31
31.1 / h sound
31.2 / héyeqw / fire
31.3 / Ewe el stl’is te síyólh heyeqw stú:p. / I don’t want my wood fire stove.
31.4 / hemó: / pigeon
31.5 / Ewe tsel kw’etslexw te hemó: tloqays. / I never see pigeons anymore.
31.6 / slehà:l / slahal game, the “bone game
31.7 / Eystexw tsel kw’els xixlhamet te slehà:ls ewō:lem / I like to watch the slehá:l game.
31.8 / hakweles / to remember
31.9 / Yolh kw’els hákweles tsetelh stáxwelh. / I always think about when we were young kids.
Letam 32 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘lh’ Table 32
32.1 / lh sound
32.2 / lhí:m / picking berries
32.3 / Eystexw tsel kw’els lhí:m te sthí:m. / I like to pick berries.
32.4 / slhóp’ / soup
32.5 / Eystexw tsel te slhóp. / I like soup.
32.6 / slhalhli / lady bug
32.7 / Eystexw tsel te slhalhlí. / I like ladybugs.
32.8 / sch’ólha / leaf
32.9 / Eystexw tsel kw’els xixlhamet te sch’ólha lhi su la iyoqthet. / I like to watch maple leafs when they turn color.
Letam 33 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘s’ Table 33
33.1 / s sound
33.2 / sqelá:w / beaver
33.3 / Eystexwtsel kw’els xixlhamet te sqelá:w tl’í yoyes qetes te thqá:t. / I like to watch the beavers when they fall a tree.
33.4 / sqwéth’elh / squirrel
33.5 / Eystexwtsel kw’els xixlhamet te sqwéth’elh. / I like to watch the squirrel.
33.6 / qw’sí:tsel / swallow (bird)
33.7 / Eystexwtsel kw’els xixlhamet kw’e qw’sí:tsel. / I like to watch the swallow.
33.8 / mélés / raccoon
33.9 / Eystexwtsel kw’els xixlhamet te méles. / I like to watch raccoons.
Letam 34 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘sh’ Table 34
34.1 / sh sound
34.2 / kweshú / pig
34.3 / Wachexw kw’etslexw kwéshu? / Do you ever see a pig?
34.4 / shúkwe / sugar
34.5 / Ewe tsel hókwex te shúkwe. / I don’t use sugar.
34.6 / shxweli’us te shúkwe / container for sugar~sugar bowl
34.7 / Lets’ét chexw te shxweli’us te shukwe.
(lets’ét-fill it up, shxwelwels-container ) / Fill the sugar bowl up.
34.8 / shúkwet / sugar it
34.9 / Shúkwetchexw. / You sugar it.
Letam 35 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘shxw’ Table 35
35.1 / shxw sound
35.2 / shxwimála / store
35.3 / Eystexwtsel kw’els xixlhamette shxwímala. / I like to see a store.
35.4 / shxwmómel / begging or wishing for
35.5 / Yoth kw’as su shxwmómels. / You are always wishing for it.
35.6 / shxwtl’ép / deep (water)
35.7 / (Sh)xwtl’ep te qó:. / The water is deep.
35.8 / shxwexwí / awake
35.9 / Yoth kw’as su la te kw’els shxwexwí. / I wake up early every morning.
Letam 36 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘x’ Table 36
36.1 / x sound
36.2 / xá:ysem / ant
36.3 / Qelstexwtsel te xá:ysem. / I don’t like ants.
36.4 / xaweq / carrot
36.5 / (S)kw’á:y kw’els lipex te xáweq. / I can’t eat carrots (yarrow).
36.6 / skw’exó:s / moon
36.7 / P'álq'em te skw’exó:s tl’ó xwélalt. / The moon is shining (glittering) tonight.
36.8 / tl’exxel / spring salmon
36.9 / Eystexw tsel te tl’elxxel. / I like spring salmon.
Letam 37 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘x’ Table 37
37.1 / x sound
37.2 / xá:m / to cry
37.3 / Qelstexwtsel kw’els xá:m. / I don’t like to cry.
37.4 / sxoytl’thet / mean or cranky
37.5 / Sxyoytl’thet tha mestiyexw. / That person is a cranky person.
37.6 / sq’xáp / stump
37.7 / Ewe tsel kwetslexw sq’xáp tloqá:ys. / I never see stumps anymore.
37.8 / ts’ákwxels / frying
37.9 / Eystexwtsel kw’els te ts’akwxels te seplíl. / I like frying bread.
Letam 38 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘xw’ Table 38
38.1 / xw sound
38.2 / xwélmexw / First Nation Person
38.3 / Qex ye xwelmexw sq’eq’íp. / There are a lot of people gathered.
38.4 / xwétes / heavy
38.5 / Xwétes te smált. / The rock is heavy.
38.6 / xwemxalem / to run
38.7 / Lheq e’ tsel eystexw kw’els xwomxalem. / I use to like to run.
38.8 / kw’ó:lexw / dog salmon
38.9 / Le cha me tu iyothet te (s)kw’ó:lexw. / The dog salmon are going to be here soon.
Letam 39 Halq’eméylem Sqwéltel ‘xw’ Table 39
39.1 / xw sound
39.2 / xwexwáye / fly
39.3 / Qelstexwtsel te xwixwiyáye. / I don’t like flies.
39.4 / sxwosem / soapberry
39.5 / Eystexw tsel te sxwōsem(s)sth’í:m. / I like soapberries.
39.6 / xwoxwelalhp / small willow
39.7 / Eystsel te tuxwetselhp. / I like the yew tree.
39.8 / yoxw / to melt
399 / La yoxwte máqa. / The snow has melted.