Olin Fleischer Scholars Mentor Application

Olin Business School

Washington University in St. Louis

Employment Dates: July 21-31, 2017

Application deadline by 5pm on March 10, 2017

Be A Leader…………Influence the Future………Make A Difference

Overview:TheOlin Fleischer Scholars Programfor high school students is aFREEweek-long residential program geared toward underrepresented and first-generation college student populations. The program is designed to expose students to theimportance of a college education, leadership,and careers in business and entrepreneurship. The students will be exposed to the Olin Business School’s faculty, students, and alumni as well as leaders within the St. Louis community.

Olin Business School is seeking energetic mentors for the 2017 Olin Fleischer Scholars Program.

Position Description:Primaryresponsibilitiesandduties formentors include, but arenot limited to:

-Assistin organizing, implementing, and supervisingavarietyofrecreational and educationalactivitiesfor programparticipants

-Ensure safetyand apositive experiencefor allprogramparticipants

-Abideby anduphold all policiesandregulationsset forth bythe Olin Business School andWashington University in St. Louisin a professional manner

-Serveas amentor and support systemfor programparticipantsbyadvising andassistingwithpersonal problem solving

Program mentors will be required to stay on campus and participate in all trainings and program activities ranging from July 22nd –July 30th. Mentors will be housed on campus in a residential facilitywith all studentsfrom the program residingon the same floor.

Required Skills, KnowledgeAbilities:Candidates should possessabove-average oral and writtencommunication skills,and strongorganizational and interpersonal skills. The successfulcandidatewill havedemonstrated abilityanddesire to work with a diversestudent population as wellasallconstituents of theuniversity.Experienceworkingwith high school and/or college students is preferred, but is not arequirement.Successfulcandidates will demonstratecommitment,initiative,independence,anda sense of teamwork in adiverse workingenvironment.


  • $750 Stipend for the week’s program
  • Meal plan during the length of program
  • Free housing during the length of the program
  • Residence hall room including furniture and wireless internet connections during mentor trainingandduration of the OFSP program
  • Valuable leadership skills highly sought by future employers

Applications:Applicants should submita pdf application to . For questions, contact Christopher Presley, Coordinator of Fleischer Scholars Program at or 314-935-3329.


Please type or print legibly.

Applicationdeadline is5pm on Friday,March10,2017

All interviewswill be held by March 31, 2017

Please complete all sectionsbelow. No late or incomplete applications will be accepted for review.

A. Personal Data—Please Type

Name Year in School


Gender ______School E-mail Address ______

Home Address Date of Birth______

(City)(State)(Zip Code)

Race/Ethnic Group______StudentID # ______

Home Phone______Cell Number ______

Do you have a parent(s) who graduated from college? ______Yes ______No

My mother attended College? ____ Yes ___No My father attended College? ______Yes ______No

B. High School Information

Name of High School______

CityStateZip Code______

Have you ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation at any educational institution? Yes _____ No ______

C. Work History and Relevant Experiences

Please submit a resume’ that highlights your experiences and skills that are relevant to this position as a pdf attachment in the email with your application.

D. Major (s)(check all that apply)
AccountingMarketing______Operations Supply Chain Management
Economics Management______International Business
Finance______Business of Sports______Healthcare Management
______Entrepreneurship ______Other (Please list)
E. Technology and Other Skills
What are your current strengths in the following categories (None, Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced)? Please list below.
Microsoft Word______Microsoft PowerPoint______
Microsoft Excel______Microsoft Access______
Adobe Photoshop______Team Work______
Public Speaking ______Written Communications______
Other Skills (Please list them in the spaces provided below)
F. Summer Plans
In what capacity have you worked for WashU: ______
Areyouplanningtoattendsummerschool:Yes No______
Ifyes, what session: SummerSessionI Summer Session II______
SummerSession III______Summer Session IV______
How many hours are you planning to enroll in: ______
Please attach a copy of your summer class schedule
G. Essay
Ona separatesheet of paper, pleasetype your responseforthe following questions for a total of 500 words or less:
1.What experiences do you possess that would enable you to serve as a dynamic OFSP mentor to
high school students?
2.In addition, why is it important to create a diverse community of business professionals?
H. References
Pleaselist the two professional references who cantellusaboutyourqualities.
Relationship(professor,coach,employer,etc…,) ______
ReferenceNamePhoneEmail ______

Iherebycertifythatalltheinformation onthisapplication istruetothebestofmy knowledge and if anychanges occur Iwillnotifyyouimmediately. Byreturningthisapplication,Iacceptalltheresponsibilitiesthatmaycomehenceforth.

Signature ofApplicantDate