Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)/Service Area Outcomes (SAOs)

Student Services Assessment Report 2010-2011

Department Name: LifeSkillsCenter

Department Head: Bonnie Burstein, PhDPhone: (310) 233-4586

Reviewed by: Lora Lane, SLO CoordinatorDate: March 2012

Institutional Learning Outcomes / Intended Outcomes / Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success / Summary of Data Collected / Use of Results
5 / 1. As a result of participating in the crisis intervention process, students will be able (1) to rate the severity of their concern and to (2) to identify personal goals for the resolution of their crisis; as well as (3) to assess the amount of crisis resolution they attained at the completion of the crisis intervention process; and (4)their satisfaction with their experiences. / Means:
Initial and subsequent weekly “Consumer Satisfaction Survey – Visit Report” asks students (1) to quantify on a scale of 1 -10 the intensity level of their crisis and (2) to assess on a monthly basis the resolution of their crisis.
(1) Success will be ascertained by at least a 30% reduction in the intensity of the student’s crisis/concern as assessed by the student and (2) on the Client Summary form at termination of services by the student’s counselor. / As a result of participating in the crisis intervention process, students rated their current emotional status and satisfaction with their experiences:
(1) “How are you feeling today?” on a scale of “1” to “10”, “10” being “Excellent” and “1’ being “Poor.” About 41% of students reported feeling “Good” or “Excellent,” about 14% reported feeling “Fair” or “Poor” and about 26% reported feeling “Average.”About 6% of the group, or 9 individuals, stated that they were “In Crisis.”
Close to 81% were continuing in ongoing therapy with a LSC counselor.
(2) “The person I met with listened to my concerns.”
Overall, 100% of the students seen for ongoing sessions or initial consultations who filled out the consumer satisfaction surveys “Strongly Agreed” or “Agreed” that “The person I met with listened to my concerns.”
(3) “The person I met with cared about me.”As well as 100% endorsed the item “Strongly Agreed” or “Agreed” that “The person I met with cared about me.”
(4) “I learned information that would help me handle a similar situation.” 100% endorsed the item “Strongly Agreed” or “Agreed” that “I learned information that would help me handle a similar situation.
Complete data to be reported in Spring 2012. / June 2012 – August 2012 data-driven reassessment of services on the basis of results of the student surveys will result in optimal crisis intervention services at the LSC, greater sensitivity to student reported crises, and improved counselor focus in response to student crises and ready for service delivery September 2012.
5 / 2. As a result of participating in the referral process, students for whom it is appropriate will be able to find and use available community resources to meet psychosocial needs not provided for at LAHC. / Means:
Initial and subsequent weekly “Consumer Satisfaction Survey – Visit Report” asks students to note (1) if they received a community referral and (2) to rate the utility/success of their experience with that referral.
Success will be ascertained by the utility/success rating given that referral by each student on a 10-point scale; 85% of students will report making progress toward their goal(s). / Data to be reported in Spring 2012. / June 2012 – August 2012data driven assessment of services based on the results of the surveys will determine the continued use of the referrals and referral process for the students. Adjustments to referral list and process will be made accordingly and ready for service delivery in September 2012.
5 / 3. As a result of participating in the brief treatment process, students will be able to define and cite at least one appropriate goal for their brief treatment and rate the level of achievement of that goal at brief treatment’s end. / Means:
The “Initial Consultation” form asks students to select at least one goal for their brief treatment at LSC.
The “Counseling Summary” form asks them to assess the progress they made toward their goal(s) and the relative achievement of their goal(s) during their brief treatment on a 10-point scale; 85% of students will report making progress toward their goal(s). / Data to be reported on in Spring 2012. / Data will be used to refine goal assessment articulation process and counselor attention to the goal attainment process. Refinements in this process will be available to enhance service delivery for September 2012.
5 / 4. As a result of participating in the psychoeducational group process, students will be able to define and cite at least one appropriate goal for their psychoeducational group experience and rate the level of achievement of that goal at the termination of the group. / Means:
The “Initial Consultation” form asks students to select at least one goal for their psychoeducational group experience at LSC.
The “Counseling Summary” form asks them to assess the progress they made toward their goal(s) and the relative achievement of their goal(s) during their psychoeducational group on a 10-point scale; 85% of students will report making progress toward their goal(s). / Data to be reported on in Spring 2012. / Data will be used to refine goal assessment articulation process and counselor attention to the goal attainment process. Refinements in this process will be available to enhance service delivery for September 2012.
5 / 5. As a result of participating in a workshop, students will be able to respond successfully to the SLO assessment for that workshop. / Means:
Each workshop will have its own pre/post test SLO’(s) for the workshop, e.g.: What are three (3) methods of reducing test anxiety?”
Students will perform at least 70% accuracy on each SLO for each workshop. / Data to be reported on in Spring 2012. / Data will be used to refine the teaching and SLO assessment process and for each workshop to make sure students are achieving the SLO’s for each workshop.