STMAYHA October Board Meeting
October 10, 2005- 7:03pm Paul Berning called meeting to order
Secretary Report:
Lori Waterman made motion to accept board minutes. Tracey Morris second. All in favor. Motion carried.
Open Forum:
Schwans came in and presented the fundraising opportunity to association. They made a change – now their route drivers will deliver the orders. They can be delivered anywhere in the US. They have fundraiser flyers that they will be providing us nice four color flyers to support the fundraising opportunities.
Paul asked that all concerns about skaters or policies be addressed in person or on the phone. Email complaints will not be responded to moving forward.
Treasurer Report:
Steve Hinkemeyer made motion to sell back goalie equipment back to Shane Jacques for $200. Vince Slagle second. All in favor. Motion carried.
Lori Waterman presented the budget and balance sheet. Candy bar fundraiser was successful.
Steve made motion to approve treasurer report. John Moe second. All in favor. Motion carried.
Equipment Coordinator- if you would like goalie equipment custom fitted- talk to Craig Furstenberg.
Shamba Mueller made motion to accept the logo that was provided by Michelle Mix. Jane Helgestad second. All in favor. Motion carried.
Hockey Development
Buzz clinic- we had a great turn out with 220 skaters. Looking to doing something in winter or spring.
Breakfast club- lots of kids have showed up. Girls equivalent are able to attend.
Acceleration MN is another opportunity that Paul is looking into for this season.
Hockey Tryout- Tryouts went really smooth this year. If anyone has questions about the tryouts contact Paul Berning and he will be happy to talk to you about your skater and how he/she ranked. However, he will only discuss your skater with you. No conversations about other skaters will be tolerated.
We have 22 kids at the PeeWee B. Paul has already approached MN Hockey and USA Hockey about how to handle this issue. They have recommended that we roster all 22 and play what we need. The 5 or 6 extra kids will be development year. There is a parents meeting tomorrow night at the arena after the PeeWee B practice.
Vince Slagle made motion to accept the following coaches-
10U A Todd Achterkirch
10U B Jeff Voight
PeeWee A Steve Fricke
PeeWee B Tom Shuterich
Bantam B Grant Boisner
Squirt C Pete Poss
John Moe second. All in favor. Motion carried. Bill Neygard has already been voted on and approved for Bantam A.
Girls- Steve Hinkemeyer- All girls are in D10. They need to get their waivers for the levels filled out and signed. Also need to get official rosters done ASAP for tournament in Oct.
Squirts- Still need Squirt B coaches.
PeeWees- parents meeting tomorrow. Vince has most of the tournaments set.
Bantams- tryouts complete. All tournaments set.
Initiation- have some new mites and mini mites. They are having great success at open hockey. They had 45 kids show up at the last one.
Registration- Still have a few stragglers coming in. Jane needs your rosters ASAP.
D5- Girls are all in D10 this year. Next year St. Cloud is coming into D5 next year.
Tournaments- Most of the tournaments are filled or they are filling.
Web Site- Diane needs names of team reps so they can give passwords of the web site so they can update their level web site. We are a investigating Max Scheduler to integrate with our web site.
SKATE program- has talked with My Dinner Party and Mix it Up Meals. Anyone from our association going there will gain us a 5% discount for all meals purchased there. Should be getting all the SKATE materials from the state this week.
Sponsorship Coordinator- Now have sponsors for 10U A, 10U B, and more. We currently have about $5,000 in sponsorship money. Still looking for more sponsors.
Fundraisers- only have 24 boxes of candy bar left. If you are interested contact Jeff Postuma. We have to decide to use either Schwans or Randys for fundraiser. Jeff Postuma made motion use Schwans as food fundraiser. Shamba Mueller second. All in favor.
Volunteer Coordinator- Tracey is getting the sheets and is currently updating all hour totals.
Old Business- School Referendum- ideas about how to promote it…make a banner to post in the arena and make an email that we can have our members send out to everyone they know.
Photography company- Shamba Mueller made motion to accept Quality Photo as photography company. Lori Waterman second. All in favor. Motion carried.
New Business
HEP- new rules include
*Penalty Classifications
-Check from Behind: 2 and 10 (total 12 minutes)
-Mouth Guard: 2 minutes
*Forfeiting team loses Fair Play point
*Invitational Tournament Play (Voluntary)
Paul looking to create a Developmental committee to help create a development plan for the future. If anyone is interested, contact Paul Berning.
If you are interested in running for a board position, please start attending some meetings in order to understand what is being worked on so that it is a smooth transition to the next year.
Steve Gapinki made motion to adjourn. Vince Slagle second. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm